Thom Glyder is the Chief Executive Editor of PositiveSolutions.TV [an interactive multimedia show] and owner of GLDR eNDEAVORS, based in Santa Barbara, CA.
General Information:
Thom Glyder presents the concept of Edutainment, a modern blend of information touching subjects such as art, science, technology, health and spirituality and evolving around the concept of sustainability and functional design.
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PositiveSolutions.TV - communication for improvement

By: by Thom Glyder

PositiveSolutions.TV ist ein persoenlicher und authentischer Bericht der auf einer wahren Begenheit basiert und ein Portrait einer Kultur die als die New Age Renaissance bezeichnet werden kann. Die Geschichte wird von Thom Glyder erzaehlt, welcher ein semi-fiktioneller Charakter ist, der durch die Symbiose und die gemeinsame Arbeit des Kuenstlers tms mit Lynnette und Gary Gley, den Produzenten der TV Show POSITIVE ALTERNATIVES, zur Existenz kam. Im Zuge der Begebe...

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PositiveSolutions.TV - communication for improvement

By: by Thom Glyder

PositiveSolutions.TV is a personal and authentic report based on a true story and a portrait of a culture that could be described a New Age Renaissance. The story is being narrated by Thom Glyder who is a semi-fictional character that came to existence through symbiosis and the mutual work of the artist tms with Lynnette and Gary Gley, the creators of the TV Show POSITIVE ALTERNATIVES. As the events unfold we are being taken into the bohemian world of living in the...

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