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...xI inDwnu hY.............. 32 kWieAw swDY aurD qpu krY ...... 33 ikrpw kry guru pweIAY ........... 33 Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ ... ...qyrY BrosY ipAwry ...................51 sMq jnw imil BweIAw.............52 guru prmysuru pUjIAY................52 sMq jnhu suix BweIho................ ...33 mhlw 5 idn rYix idn rYix syvI siqguru...........136 vwr mwJ kI mhlw 1 guru dwqw guru ihvY Gru ..........137 rwg gauVI mhlw 1 Bau mucu Bwrw v...
...The Guru Granth Sahib, or Adi Granth, is the religious text of Sikhism. It is a voluminous text of 1430 angs, compiled and composed during the period of Sikh gurus, from 1469 to 1708. It is a collection of hymns (shabda) or baani...
...nDwnu hY ............. 32 kWieAw swDY aurD qpu krY ........ 33 ikrpw kry guru pweIAY ............ 33 ijnI purKI sqguru n syivE ...... 34 iksu hau ... ...rY BrosY ipAwry ................. 51 sMq jnw imil BweIAw ............ 52 guru prmysuru pUjIAY .............. 52 sMq jnhu suix BweIho ............. ... ... mhlw 5 idn rYix idn rYix syvI siqguru .......... 136 vwr mwJ kI mhlw 1 guru dwqw guru ihvY Gru .......... 137 rwg gauVI mhlw 1 Bau mucu Bwrw vf...
... 1 > < siqgur pRswid ] > GURU GRANTH SAHIB [SACRED SCRIPTURE OF THE SIKHS] (QUADRICENTENNIAL:... ...istribution by: SIKH KHALSA MISSION INC. AUSTRALIA 2 GURU GRANTH SAHIB – (Sacred Scripture of the Sikhs): Quadricentennial, 16... ... Contents Page 1. Guru Sahibaan 4 2. S...