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... - J.Cross/Stone 2 THE MYSTERY OF JAMIESON STONE A Novel by Jonathan Cross - J.Cro... ....Cross/Stone 2 THE MYSTERY OF JAMIESON STONE A Novel by Jonathan Cross - J.Cross/Stone ... ...e damn teleprompter?” “Almost ready,” he said, not wanting to garner her wrath. - J.Cross/Stone 4 “Let’s get with it, boy,” she thundered, an... ... “Anything else, Boss?” “No, honest I’m fine,” Stone said sipping on the water. - J.Cross/Stone 5 Simmons moved the glass out of camera range... ...the start of every show. The studio went silent and then to black, except for the - J.Cross/Stone 6 spotlights that lit Jamieson Stone. His face... ... revolver, put it next to his temple and pulled the trigger. - J.Cross/Stone 7 CHAPTER 2 Pandemonium erupt...
... THE VATICAN CONSPIRACY by Jonathan Cross 2 J.Cross/Artemis ... ... THE VATICAN CONSPIRACY by Jonathan Cross 2 J.Cross/Artemis ... ... THE VATICAN CONSPIRACY A Novel by Jonathan Cross 3 J.Cross/Artemis ... ... THE VATICAN CONSPIRACY A Novel by Jonathan Cross 3 J.Cross/Artemis CHAPTER... ...soft cushion. He gently entwined the ebony rosary beads between his fingers, crossed himself in the supplicant tradition, and kissed the crucifix a... ...e with form and face. An indescribable harmonic rhythm pulsated from an 4 J.Cross/Artemis iridescent, glowing white and purple translucent form,... fine, Alfredo.” The Pope paused and looked out the window, which was 5 J.Cross/Artemis slightly ajar, at two white doves sitting on the ledge... ...y the military. I'll be back with more reports as they are confirmed. This is Jonathan Albee reporting live from Hong Kong." "It's begun," Brand s...
...hin, angular body before it; his white cassock cascaded across the red, soft cushion. He gently entwined the ebony rosary beads between his fingers, crossed himself in the supplicant tradition, and kissed the crucifix as he closed his eyes and began to recite out-loud the Five Holy Mysteries of the Rosary. His nightly reverie, before bed, calmed him and connected his ...