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...can mention something from my own experiences. I started by schooling in a Cambridge-University certification school (I think), wherein initially the teachers and priests were more or less Anglo-Indians of the English variety. (There is the Indian...
Quotes from Mein Kampf and annotations on them.
...A QUOTE from the book about what would happen to the US, when feudal language speakers swarm into this once good quality English nation. This was written around 1990: ...a stage may come, at least, in certain areas, where the inna...
...aucratic culture Hierarchy inside the bureaucracy The avoidable disasters An earthquake The guilds The common courtesies in English A quotation from History Effect of abstinence Political control on Bureaucracy Hierarchy from the other end The report dt. dec 26 2003. Making of laws and rules Megalomania Schizophrenia The international dealings Chapter 10 ...
Excerpt from MARCH of the evil empires: English versus the feudal languages
...a native-English speaker to grasp. Most native-feudal language speakers who are currently enjoying the quaint splendour of England would shy away from admitting the correctness in my writings. For, if they do admit that there is a very powerful content in this, all their outraged contentions on English racism would evaporate into thin air. This writing is part of my ...
...f the other language is a feudal-language. For, feudal languages do have carnivorous codes. Inside feudal-language nations, people do keep a distance from lower-positioned persons and groups of persons, who can, if they want, bite them verbally, without the use of any abusive word, profanity or expletive. Simply change the indicant-word level of certain key words. The ter...
...s that allows a person to live with a level of dignity, self-confidence, basic human rights such as: Right to the security of a family life secure from intrusive words of outsiders Right to the security of a family life secure from pejorative indicant words of outsiders Right to dignified behaviour/s from others Right to ease of posture and pose which others ha...
...onial British faced 07. The third quandary 08. A personal briefing 09. Fifth issue 10. The sixth issue 11. Conceptualising looting 12. Insights from my own training programme 13. A colonial British quandary 14. Entering the world of animals 15. Travails of training 16. Notes on education, bureaucracy etc. in India 17. On to Christian religion 18. The master cla...
...A QUOTE from this book about what is in the offing for the USA as feudal languages enter inside the social system: QUOTE: Yet the continuous and incessant bombardment of alien cultural ideology embedded in feudal languages, could...
...ality’ has opened up for exploring. This is the world of Software. Even though no one seems to mention this exactly, the truth is that it is a domain from where physical sciences can be seen as bare elementary knowledge. Scope of language research I am going to list out the various kinds of research fields possible for those who are connected to language studies. The l...
...This is the foreword written by VED from VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS to the digital version of NATIVE LIFE IN TRAVANCORE by The REV. SAMUEL MATEER, F.L.S published by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS in 2014...
... a language in the Malabar coast, that is, in the northern parts of current day Kerala. This language was also known as Malayalam but quite different from the modern official version Malayalam. This language has more or less vanished in the last 30 years or so, succumbing to the onslaught of the official version, South Kerala Malayalam which came with statutory support. Th...
...Now we move on to discuss the various facets of the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act. As mentioned earlier, this discussion cannot follow the tracks of wordings of the Act, which at best is only a display of empty pedantry. Before entering into the exact premises of the discussio...
...guys who run Wikipedia has written very prominently that Homeopathy is quackery. However, there are persons who do get huge amounts of health benefit from such ‘quackery’. Even now it would be quite wise, and a deed of great responsibility to try out Homeopathy based preventive medicines. In fact, the expense of distributing this might not be expensive at all. Only thick-h...
...ny years ago in one of the blogs I used to write on. Currently this text has been included in one of the digital book version of my writings, titled: VED’s Online Writings Part 2: Effect of England. Currently I do not know what the huge text matter that I have written is. It seems to suggest a different way to look at International Relationship. For a long time, I did ...
...അല്ല പഠിക്കേണ്ടത്. മറിച്ച്, സമൂഹത്തെ ഉന്നതനിലവാരത്തിലേക്ക് നയിക്കുന്ന കലർപ്പില്ലാത്ത ഇങ്ഗ്ളിഷാണ് പഠിക്കേണ്ടത്. ഈ ഇങ്ഗ്ളിഷ്പഠനം ഒരുക്കിയിട്ടുള്ളത് VED from VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS എന്ന തൂലികാനാമം പേറുന്ന എഴുത്തുകാരനാണ്. ഇദ്ദേഹം, ഭാഷകളെപ്പറ്റിയും, ഭാഷാകോഡുകളെപ്പറ്റിയും, യാഥാർത്ഥ്യത്തിന്റെ കോഡുകളെപ്പറ്റിയും മറ്റും നീരീക്ഷണ പരീക്ഷണങ്ങൾ നടത്തിയിട്ടുള്ള വ്യക്തിയും, അവയുമായി ബന...
...d region, currently called Malappuram district, the southern Thiyyas converted to Muslims, and created a version Mappillas, with possible differences from the Mappillas of north Malabar (Arab blood mix). None of them carry lower caste identification, either anthropologically or by demeanour, other than what the feudal local vernacular enforces. ...
...Books by VED from VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS This file contains the sample pages of some of my books. It may be noted that all these books are available for free reading on However, readers who are interested ...
...programme with Malayalam & English audio. Another thing is a free Homeopathy teaching programme in Malayalam. The contents do have focus on English, Victorian-age England and English classics, both literary as well as movie/TV. You need to have Adobe Reader X or XI in your computer to open the file. For audio/video features to work, Adobe Flash Player needs to be insta...
...ntioned or unmentioned), words and attributes can go down. However, there is this issue. The same word can have severely differing meanings when seen from English and from Indian peninsular vernaculars perspectives. In English the sense of ‘an honourable man’ is that of a person who is honest, has rectitude, wouldn’t cheat, would keep his words, would be fair in dealings e...