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Bud Grant (X) Science (X)

Records: 1 - 3 of 3 - Pages: 
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And Gulliver Returns Book IV : A Look at Our Human Values

By: Lemuel Gulliver XVI

...enter the twilight of my life, I intend to use the remaining time that God grants me to make amends.‘ ―Look at devout Muslims defying the Kora... ...lege major I should study? ―It amazes me even more that people are granted extra respect because they believe in something that can‘t be prov... human rights, they mean nothing if the government of a country doesn‘t grant them—or if the Earth can‘t provide for them, like when a ‗right‘ sta... ...n seek asylum from another country, there is no guarantee that it will be granted. ―Then it goes on to call for the right to work, a free c... ...e corresponding duties, do we require that the duties be performed before granting the rights?‖ —―Interesting observations. Well, let‘s look at our...

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The Path of Splitness

By: Indrek Pringi

...plies to Space and Time as well. It is a Law that is so simple, so taken for granted: that nobody ever has thought to state it formally as a Univers... ...ium of Air as they travel? No. They take the Medium they travel through for granted; they don’t think about it… just like Science has taken the Me... ...hey don’t think about it… just like Science has taken the Medium of Space for granted once it found that there was something beyond the air called S... ...travels through. Just as we ignore the air we live in as something taken for granted which we travel through. Water, Air, and Space; are all just ... ...g the organizing social networks of the lower classes and nipping them in the bud before they could grow, so a tiny clique of filthy rich European b... ...ization has become regressively worse and more corrupt: love is nipped in the bud before it can grow: just like all the zillions of blades of grass ... ...speak about what is painful to you. But this entire process is nipped in the bud and aborted by the public censure of all emotionality. Anything t... ... of any loss of control. That is why they nip every sign of discontent in the bud, and crush it as savagely as possible. It is a question of balanc... ...onsibility. They must first learn how to crush every attempt for power in the bud. They must learn first how to be more ruthless than the power mon...

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And Gulliver Returns Book VI : Our Psychological Motivations

By: Lemuel Gulliver XVI

...nce from their physical and social environments; they rely on their own development and their continued growth. They do not take blessings for grante... ... ―When looking at sex and power we have two powerful, probably innate, drives. Women, traditionally through their beauty, get power over men. Granti... ...‖ 59 —―Let‘s not forget the individual using his wiles to get God to grant ... ...ult humans, was offered by Dr. Harry Overstreet. He stated that, ‗The love of a person does not imply the possession of that person. It means granti... ... their lives and having good relationships as being spiritual qualities. It made for good press coverage, and maybe opened the doors for more grant ...

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Records: 1 - 3 of 3 - Pages: 

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