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Records: 1 - 20 of 47 - Pages: 
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Fuzzy and Neutrosophic Analysis of Women with Hiv/Aids

By: W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy and Florentin Smarandache

... of Kutralam, a tourist spot where a lot of CSWs are affordable on platforms, bus- stands etc. He spent Rs.100/-. After this he had scabies and boil... ...DS. She says she first took treatment form doctor Shah Jahan in the Chitoor bus stand. She says only she had asked the doctor to perform HIV/AIDS ... ...ficult to be diagnosed so she referred her to the CRC hospital in the Tiruchi Bus stand. There an American doctor checked her and he said she should... ...d is a drunkard. Once before in a quarrel the conductor pushed him out of the bus. He was very much injured. They kept him in the Ooty hospital fo...

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Data Recovery E-Book

By: EaseUS for more information) Serial ATA, also known as SATA or S-ATA, is a bus used to communicate between the CPU and internal storage devices such ... ... drives. It is designed to eventually replace the ATA (also known as IDE) bus. Traditional ATA is beginning to be referred to as Parrellel ATA, P-AT... ...o 300 MB/s, with 600 MB/s being released sometime around 2007. The faster bus isn't expected to affect performance in the short term, since hard dri... ...eing used. DMA DMA (Direct Memory Access) is a function of the memory bus in the computer that lets connected devices like hard disks transfer d... ...O works. There are two distinct types of direct memory access, DMA and bus mastering DMA. The plain DMA relies on the DMA controller on the mothe... DMA relies on the DMA controller on the motherboard to grab the system bus and transfer the data. In bus mastering DMA all this is done by the lo... ... mastering DMA all this is done by the logic on the interface card itself. Bus mastering allows the hard disk and memory to work without relying on t... ...ystem, or needing any support from the CPU. USB USB (Universal Serial Bus) is a hardware bus using a serial protocol used by many different hard... ..., Intel, NEC and Microsoft. It allows many devices to be connected to the bus at the same time, the theoretical maxmium is 127 devices. The maximum ...

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Kabbalah for Beginners

By: Rav Michael Laitman

...or Kli) not only detect the outer reality, they create it! Thus, Colum- - bus’ armada existed only in the minds, the inner Kelim of the Indians who ...

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Kabbalah Revealed

By: Rav Michael Laitman

...ural for Kli) not only detect the outer reality, they create it! Thus, Colum- bus’ armada existed only in the minds, the inner Kelim of the Indians ...

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The Future of the Internet : And How to Stop It

By: Jonathan Zittrain

...e, Nov. 10, 2006), 7_ gFJJXL v28. 56. Video: Bus Uncle (posted by beautyjeojihyun on Y ouT ube, May 11, 2006), http://... ...06), http:// www RSHziqJWYcM. 57. Id. 58. Hong Kong’s “Bus Uncle” Beaten Up by Three Men, C NA, June 8, 2006, http:/... ..., development of, 29 Burning Man festival, 34 business, “long tail” of, 214 “Bus Uncle” of Hong Kong, 211 cable television, 181–82, 183 Camp, Jean, 16...

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The Williams Record

By: Student Media

...a com- mercial chemist. Blagbrough will teach. Boice will enter the lumber bus- iness. Bradley is undecided. Brookway will study surgery at Johns Hopk... ...nstantly inter- rupted by persons who mistake him for 900 other ''Muellers bus Berlin." Reid '08 was excellent as Muel- ler, although his delivery .wa... ...marauding members of the sopho- more class, the other side of the Greylock bus has been painted, and Azh's window vies with the Co-op in a deafening d... co-opera- tive stores wliieh are now ten years old ; and in addition he bus improved the mail service and put a check on the inroads of the cheatin... ...s studying at the Col- umiiia medical school. Palmer is in the real estate bus- iness with his father in Albany, N. Y. ^ Peveiir is with the firm of M... ...rof. Morton). (). Peter Abelard (Prof Good- rich). 7. The Ethics of Modern Bus- iness. 8. The Legend of the Grnil (Prof. Wahl). 9. Lincoln and the Rad...

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Modelling of Rationality...and Beyond the Physics

By: Gh. C. Dinulescu

... terrifying accident produced as a result of the collision of the school bus with the train. Subsequently, some persons signaled the paradox that e...

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You're Either a Dreamer or a Millionaire

By: Jake Findi

...sent situation. If you borrow it from someone it is for a purpose. Money is important whether you agree or not. If you doubt what I say try to ride a bus for free. Whatever your attitude may be towards money, you are right. If you don’t revere it, you will not get it. We often hear people say opportunity knocks but once. I want to run counter to that saying “What is oppor...

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Family and More : Enemies or Friends?

By: Helena Harper
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The Marketing of Ideas and Social Issues

By: Seymour Fine

...irectly or as a "pass-along" audience. "Out-of-home" media such as billboards and bus cards, should be considered. Some movie theatres show spot a...

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Words to Wright By

By: Robin Bayne

... Recently a friend discovered one of my articles in a magazine he found at a bus stop in Southern California. That article had been published in anoth...

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City of Dreams- an Extraordinary Journey, Inside the Heart of Indonesia's Capital- Jakarta

By: Mark W. Medley
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Data Recovery E-Book

By: EaseUS for more information) Serial ATA, also known as SATA or S-ATA, is a bus used to communicate between the CPU and internal storage devices such ... ... drives. It is designed to eventually replace the ATA (also known as IDE) bus. Traditional ATA is beginning to be referred to as Parrellel ATA, P-AT... ...o 300 MB/s, with 600 MB/s being released sometime around 2007. The faster bus isn't expected to affect performance in the short term, since hard dri... ...eing used. DMA DMA (Direct Memory Access) is a function of the memory bus in the computer that lets connected devices like hard disks transfer d... ...O works. There are two distinct types of direct memory access, DMA and bus mastering DMA. The plain DMA relies on the DMA controller on the mothe... DMA relies on the DMA controller on the motherboard to grab the system bus and transfer the data. In bus mastering DMA all this is done by the lo... ... mastering DMA all this is done by the logic on the interface card itself. Bus mastering allows the hard disk and memory to work without relying on t... ...ystem, or needing any support from the CPU. USB USB (Universal Serial Bus) is a hardware bus using a serial protocol used by many different hard... ..., Intel, NEC and Microsoft. It allows many devices to be connected to the bus at the same time, the theoretical maxmium is 127 devices. The maximum ...

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Links and Factoids

By: Sam Vaknin

...rk in the Pentagon. It contains a heliport, huge restaurant and shopping mall, and bus and taxi terminals. The Pentagon has its own metro (subway) ...

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Tony on the Moon's Short Story's - The Fireman's Reserve Football Team : A series of short story's for teenagers and adults, Level 5, Book 4

By: Tony James Moon
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Tokyo to Tijuana: Gabriele Departing America

By: Steven David Justin Sills

.... It was definitely something that was not wanted. It stayed with him on the bus. On a ride from the Nambu Bus Terminal to Chongju, Sang Huin's sleep ... ... roads that appeared near Umsong to be rid of scenery so bland. Although the bus traveled down the highway as a solid, jitterless mass, he jittered in... and it had all gone awry. Sang Huin sighed. He took off his shoes in the bus. He stroked his feet, in short white sports socks, across the vinyl o... ...ough his billfold for a calling card. He went to the front of this high-tech bus and made a call. "Yoboseyo." "Yoboseyo. Yang Lin bakwa chuseyo." Sile... that area he sometimes got up around 4 a.m nonetheless; took an hour long bus ride to that small town he had once lived in; walked near bowing rice... ...e of his nationality. Now it was Kim Yang Kwam he kept thinking about in the bus. Sang Huin was labeled as dirty a few nights ago: the way he walked o... ...sical dilettante. He looked out of the window and smoothed out his hair. The bus was becoming full now. Still, no one was standing. Maybe, he thought,... ...tinct was to follow his former friend to the ends of the earth on the public bus system and to harass him in the bus by making him feel miserable for ... ...ome passively. On what seemed like an eternal trip, cramped on a seat in the bus, disconnection was making his mind jittery, soft, and rolling like a ...

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My Dear Sister-in-law

By: Manohar Asija

...was just in the vicinity of two years, when her parents died in the accident that resulted in the death of 32 persons, travelling in the over-crowded bus, carrying some teachers and their families, mostly residents of Nimri Colony in North Delhi. This group of 46 persons was on an All-India tour, organized by someone amongst themselves, to avail the benefit from their depa...

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A Match of My Choice

By: Manohar Asija's visiting-card from her wallet; and began to read its contents which provided the address of his office: Upstairs, Restaurant `Nashta-Pani`, Near Bus Terminus. She decided not to show this card to Mahajan at least for the present. The very next morning, she went to Chauhan's office, where she was received by his assistant, who welcomed her with a courteous smile. …...

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Laws of Destiny Never Disappear : Culture of Thailand in the Postlocal World

By: Matti Sarmela

...wasn't surfaced yet. If you went to do your errands, you had to wait for a bus for a long time at the roadside, same when you wanted to come back. The... go to the city several times. We had to walk to the highway and get the bus there. We had movies here only occasionally. Usually, if we went to tow... ...ave taken two or three days and then back with a new load. Thankfully, the bus fare was cheap. When the crop was sold, we used to buy salt and dried f...

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Man with No Name

By: Wally Amos

...ool, so we all walked. On bad-weather days I was allowed to ride the city bus. But, even with these inconveniences, kids went to school every day, a... ... law of the land at the time was that black people sat in the back of the bus, while white people sat in the front. This particu­ lar day Ruby decide... ...n the front. This particu­ lar day Ruby decided to sit in the front of the bus, since it was empty except for a young white woman who was the bus dri... ... and her feet were hurting. The white woman immediately complained to the bus driver, who turned to Ruby and told her to move to the rear of the bus... ... Come From, You're Always Going Somewhere· 27 sure enough, as soon as the bus reached the next depot on its route, the driver went inside to get hel... ...nd an ally. So the driver told Ruby once again to move to the rear of the bus. Once again Ruby stoutly refused. There was a standoff. The driver ha... ...uby to where he demanded she go, or go about his busi­ ness of driving the bus. The driver noticed that several other pas­ sengers had boarded. They w... ...her seat to a white passenger in Montgomery, Alabama, triggering a famous bus boycott led by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Some of the parents at Rub...

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Records: 1 - 20 of 47 - Pages: 

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