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The Religious Dimension

By: Donald Broadribb

...gram Mellel, with an Apple iMac. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors are grateful for permission to use material from the following: Joseph Epes Brown (ed.)... ...ious questioning has occupied the minds and hearts of a large share of the population. Religious questioning is now a concern of the entire world, Wes... ...ontinue to list themselves on the census forms as Christian or Jewish, but for many people these terms have come to lose nearly all meaning except to ... ...iew. In order to help you understand my religious biases and to compensate for them in your own mind as you read this book, I wish to set before you a... ...idays and the use of head coverings in church. When it comes to indigenous populations, it becomes virtually or totally impossible to distinguish betw... ...first look briefly at these Hindu beliefs. HINDU BELIEFS Hinduism is a God-centered religion, in which communion with God is all-important. According ... ...h comes after a discussion of the attributes of God, emphasizes the Divine Center in every being. Many Westerners are under the impression that Hindus... ...o them, as well as the conduct of prayers, rituals and festivals, form the center of religious faith. THE ESTABLISHMENT OF BUDDHISM Gautama initiated ... ... ways and teachings of the Buddha, their number is but a tiny spark in the population explosion, as is the number of Christian 64. The Republic, 564b-...

...l structure. It has been only in the past two or three centuries that religious questioning has occupied the minds and hearts of a large share of the population. Religious questioningis now a concern of the entire world, West and East alike. One sign of this is the extraordinary proliferation of new religiouscreeds and organizations. It sometimes feels as if there are as m...

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The Future of the Internet : And How to Stop It

By: Jonathan Zittrain

... Jonathan Zittrain Yale University Press New Haven & London A Caravan book. For more information, visit The cover was designed ... ...ed by Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law and except by reviewers for the public press), without written permission from the publishers. Th... ...tle. TK5105.875.I57Z53 2008 004.67 80112—dc22 2007050361 A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. The paper in this bo... ...duced the iPhone to an eager au- dience crammed into San Francisco’s Moscone Center. 1 A beautiful and brilliantly engineered device, the iPhone blend... to write software that can run on it. Bill Gates sees the Xbox as at the center of the future digital ecosystem, rather than at its periph- ery: “... ...y unchanged. 12 Innovation within services like CompuServe took place at the center of the network rather than at its fringes. PCs were to be only the... ...ark against oppressive governments who wish to monitor their Internet-surfing populations. As many scholars have explored, whether one is for or agains... ...of the telecommunications services giants— to a combination of widely diffuse populations around the globe, and the market ac- tors that will build the... ... the globe, and the market ac- tors that will build the tools that make this population better able to produce its own information environment rather ...

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The Williams Record

By: Student Media

...looked. One of the best a))prociatnd was " Hail to North Ad ! " No wonder, for oven the Hoosao Valley had to run an ex- tra car. Mud and Glory When th... ...ushed together, and stayed to- gether with the time honored March 17th mud for two minutes. At the end of the time 'limit the combatants managed to go... ... in time to close it. It is strange that the sophs did not find the canes, for Bob Noble had the password. But Bite was sitting on the box which he th... ...t investigation shows that in New York city, for example, out of the total population, but inO parents need such aid. Legislation introduced by Sena- ... ... to 307-3, the old reliable Cleaning and Dyeing establishment R. GREEN, 25 Center St. f#' i WILLIAMS KEOORD Kniokorhookor Trust Com 66 Broadway,M St,... ...llows: In the basketball game of March 8, Waters and Lnng the Dnrt- inonth center, had been fouling each other from the start. Sud- denly, without any... ...e small entl of a to 7 score after Allen throw a sensatimial goal from the center of tho lloor in tho second minute of an overtime jieriod. Colgate lo... ...e has been occoinplished. In India, for example, only six jier cent of the population can read. There has not been much accoin- plished with regard to... ...shed with regard to the condi- tions of polygamy and child mar- riage. The population of India today is composed largely of the children of children. ...

...the college or from the student government and relies on revenue generated by local and national ad sales, subscriptions, and voluntary contributions for use of its website. Both Sawyer Library and the College Archives maintain more than a century's worth of publicly accessible, bound volumes of the Record. The newspaper provides access free of charge to a searchable datab...

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Facts and Fictions in the Securities Industry

By: Sam Vaknin

...ka Lidija Rangelovska A Narcissus Publications Imprint, Skopje 2009 Not for Sale! Non-commercial edition. © 2002, ... ...crifice the firm's interests and, therefore, its value in the medium to long- term (for instance, by doling out bonuses even as the firm is dying; b... ...nal, in all the countries where it operates), on the projected supply of and demand for its shares and on the aforementioned risk of non-payment. In... ...e the "price", or the "value" of one's savings account. More than one fifth of the population of 1983 Israel were involved in a banking scandal of ... ...als took place in Russia and Bulgaria in the 1990's. One third of the impoverished population of Albania was cast into destitution by the collapse ... of the stock exchange as decoupled from the real economy. Only one tenth of the population was invested - compared to 40 percent today. "The Wor... ...porate malfeasance in the USA. David C. Jones is a part-time research fellow at the Center for Urban Development Studies of the Graduate School of ... ...ed layer of municipal bureaucracy superfluous or even counterproductive? Can't the center - at least in smallish countries - administer things at l... ... abused these safety nets are - as Stephane Pallage and Christian Zimmerman of the Center for Research on Economic Fluctuations and Employment in t...

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The Marketing of Ideas and Social Issues

By: Seymour Fine

...S IN SOCIAL MARKETING 46 PRODUCT MANAGEMENT 46 What is a Product? 46 Other Names for Products. 46 MARKET SEGMENTATION 47 How Many Segments? 47 C... ...oncept Of A Product Mix: New Product Development 56 PROBLEMS IN STRATEGIC PLANNING FOR SOCIAL PRODUCTS 58 SUMMARY 58 5 BEYOND MONEY: THE CONCEPT O... ... ECONOMIC PERSPECTIVES 63 IMPORTANCE OF SOCIAL PRICE IN MARKETING 65 Implications For Further Investigation 65 SUMMARY 65 6 THE COMMUNICATION OF ... ...ill endanger the human race. Diffusion. Dispersion or spread of knowledge across a population. Gossip. Small talk with or without a known basis in ... ... 12 1 THE NATURE OF IDEAS AND SOCIAL ISSUES Man is not a circle with a single center; He is an ellipse with two foci. Facts are one, ideas are ... ...ibility Physical fitness Poetry Police, support of Politics Pollution control Population control Prayers in schools Prison reform Product saf... ... need identified by the marketer (usually through marketing research upon a target population). A major difference between the economist's approach... ...ems from cell (2) that bear the intent of profit: private nursing homes, day-care centers and so forth. The service of providing space for which re... ...keting connotation. Besides, demand is too great to justify marketing (a national center for the prevention of child abuse). We are a weekly newspa...

...An idea is taken for granted in the scheme of things. Someone exclaims, "I've got an idea!" What is it that he has? From where did he get it? How was it transmitted? How might it spread to others? What will be the effect of the acceptance of ...

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Honolulu Star Advertiser : Special Sunday Tabloid

By: Honolulu Star Advertiser

...ds Region work together to provide the best science, service and stewardship for the beneft of the people in our region. Our products and services con... ...osystems, affords economic opportunities, and enhances the quality of life for the American public. SCIENCE... at NOAA Fisheries science is at the ... ...are committed to strengthening our relationships in the Asia-Pacific region for the betterment of everyone. I just returned from a visit to Toky... ...he United States and Vietnam. That’s approximately 40 percent of the world’s population, 54 percent of the world’s gross domestic product and 44 perce... ...A senior vice president; Dr. Charles E. Morrison, president of the East-West Center; and Mike McCartney, president of the Hawai‘i Tourism Authority, a... ...//MALAYSIA//MEXICO//NEW ZEALAND 09 Nov. 7-10: ABAC IV, Hawai‘i Convention Center The annual meeting of the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC). C... ...y, JPMorgan Chase & Co. Nov. 8-9: Concluding SOM (CSOM), Hawai‘i Convention Center The final of a series of Senior Officials’ Meetings (SOM) held in ... ...s; • Dr. Catherine Woteki, Under Secretary for Research, Education and Economics, U.S. Department of Agriculture H awai‘i’s community leaders fr... way.” Our community needs to begin to think more in terms of business and economics. see pg 15. Peter Ho, chairman, president and CEO of Bank of Ha...

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From Chaos to Harmony

By: Rav Michael Laitman

.............................................. 31 Evolution of the Human Desire for Pleasure ..................................39 CHAPTER 2: THE BOUNDA... ............................................. 110 CHAPTER 8: EVERYTHING IS READY (FOR LIFE’S PURPOSE) ..... 115 EVOLUTION OF THE GENERATIONS .............. ...entist and a researcher, Rav Laitman has been studying and teaching Kabbalah for the past thirty years. As a Kabbalist, he has published more than ... ...t plague us. Moreover, the natural, egoistic human predilec- tion to seek self-centered pleasures at the expense of others has intensified over time.... drugs at least once during their lives is approximately 42% of the overall population. 4 In Europe, consumption of cocaine has reached an unsett... nuclear wars that would result in the obliteration of most of the world’s population. Albert Einstein expressed a similar fear in a 24 May, 1946... ...strates that belief is Spaceship Earth, an attraction at Disney World’s Epcot Center in Orlando, built in the be- ginning of the 1980s. Here, visitor... ...treating wolves as ruthless and dangerous ani- mals. However, when the wolves’ population diminished, their contribution to balancing the deer, wild ... ...n this manner, we can make the desire to acquire the quality of altruism the center of our desires. This brings up the question: “How can we increas...

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Abuse, Trauma, And Torture, And Their Consequences and Effects

By: Sam Vaknin

... Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR) [2000] where it provides the diagnostic criteria for the Narcissistic Personality Disorder (301.81, p. 717). The DSM-IV-T... "an all-pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behaviour), need for admiration or adulation and lack of empathy, usually beginning by e... ...fies nine diagnostic criteria. Five (or more) of these criteria must be met for a diagnosis of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) to be rendere... ...e and Gender Features According to the DSM-IV-TR, between 2% and 16% of the population in clinical settings (between 0.5-1% of the general populatio... ... psychological abnormalities, which already exist in some percentage of the population, seem to be at least superficially appropriate." In their boo... ...rish universe of the torture cell. The abuser becomes the black hole at the center of the victim's surrealistic galaxy, sucking in the sufferer's u... (reject and despise authority), fiercely independent, controlling, self-centered, and aggressive. They fear intimacy and are locked into cycles ... ... Directory Cool Site for 8 years. – Philosophy ("Philosophical Musings"), – Economics and Geopolitics ("World in Conflict and Transition"). Owner of... ...rael (1978). Hundreds of professional articles in all fields of finance and economics, and numerous articles dealing with geopolitical and political...

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The Fundamental Assumptions Underlying the Modern Study of Psychopathology Examined.

By: Sam Vaknin

...ka Lidija Rangelovska A Narcissus Publications Imprint, Skopje 2006 Not for Sale! Non-commercial edition. © 2002-6... ... times pertinaciously obstinate yet capricious and vacillating, devising many plans for future operation which are no sooner arranged than they are ... ... for future operation which are no sooner arranged than they are abandoned in turn for others appearing more feasible ... His mind was radically ch... ...formation of personality and described five psychosexual stages, four of which are centered around various erogenous zones in the body. The purs... ...iagnostic criteria are ambiguous or even considered "normal" by the majority of the population. Histrionics "consistently use physical appearance to... ...ted out - women drivers tend to make more short journeys around towns and shopping centers and these involve frequent parking. Hence their ubiquity... ...e, pleasure-seeking sex may be key evolutionary mechanisms and integral drivers of population dynamics. Reproduction is but one goal among many, eq... ...s: 1. "The Lot Scenario" A plague or some other natural disaster decimate the population of planet Earth. People remain alive only in isolated... ...sessed of an urge to seek ill-treatment and pain. The pedophile is the guru at the center of a cult. Like other gurus, he demands complete obedienc...

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Links and Factoids

By: Sam Vaknin

...ka Lidija Rangelovska A Narcissus Publications Imprint, Skopje 2005 Not for Sale! Non-commercial edition. © 2002, 2005... ...10, 1931 but was not impressed. Even in the months after May 1934, when he met her for the second time, dined with her and her husband in their Lon... ...merican liaison. He contemplated marrying one, Thelma Furness, but then dumped her for Simpson. The British media - though perfectly aware of all t... ...menian community was arrested and executed. Between May and June 1915 the Armenian population was deported to Mesopotamia. The deportation followed... ...well as setbacks in the war - prevented the Turks for deporting the urban Armenian population in the Ottoman Empire's major cities. Today there are... ...t the University of Illinois, noticed in the early 1960s that though the bacterial population doubles every 20 minutes - the quantity of luciferase... ...of particles to escape while the other is hurled towards the singularity (i.e., the center of the black hole). The escaping particle draws energy fr... ...hind. Quotes from the official Web pages of some of these databases: National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime (NCAVC) Its mission ... ...ral Analysis Unit (BAU), Child Abduction and Serial Murder Investigative Resources Center (CASMIRC), and Violent Criminal Apprehension Program (VIC...

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The Silver Lining: Moral Deliberations in Modern Cinema

By: Sam Vaknin, Ph. D.

...ka Lidija Rangelovska A Narcissus Publications Imprint, Skopje 2010 Not for Sale! Non-commercial edition. © 2002-1... ...rum the rudiments of a conscience are visible. He evidently feels guilty. At least for a while. Greenleaf Jr. falls in and out of love and friends... ...y admits, are to fake both personalities and papers. He is a predator and he hunts for congruence, cohesion and meaning. He is in constant search o... ...gone this far, it is easy to imagine a device that would stimulate the right brain centers to produce these reactions. Once the experiences of havi... ... Redundancy (unutilized over capacity capable to taking over functions from damaged centers); 3. Holography and Fractalness (replication of same m... has ever done. Still, the "Law of the Minimum" - that there is a limit to human population growth and that this barrier is related to the biotic... ...o escaping the fact that the main drivers of global warming and climate change are population growth and the emergence of an energy- guzzling middle... ...ther studied in conjunction with global dimming and ozone depletion); measures for population control and family planning enhanced; alternative and... ...n Open Directory Cool Site for 8 years. – Philosophy ("Philosophical Musings"), – Economics and Geopolitics ("World in Conflict and Transition"). ...

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The Labor Divide

By: Sam Vaknin

... Skopje 2003-7 First published by United Press International – UPI Not for Sale! Non-commercial edition. © 2002-7 Copyright... ...ank Mr. Rafael Di Tella from Harvard University (Harvard Business School) for his assistance in sharing with the author the article he has co-author... ...h of Bonn University. The author wishes to thank Ms. Lidija Rangelovska for sharing her Country Assessment Survey results for Macedonia with the a... ...d decrease gradually and should be withheld from certain segments of the population, such as school dropouts, those who never held a job, (in some ... ... and re-qualification programs according to the educational levels of the populations of the trainees and to the aims of the programs. Thus, vocatio... ...s benefits. Even the Dutch model is not a success. More than 13% of the population is receiving disability benefits. Only 62% of the economically ... ...yment-enhancement programs, and to establish job training and child care centers. Workers made redundant can choose to either receive a lump sum or... ...m aimed at developing 100 selected universities into world-class research centers. Another way to ensure return ... could be to encourage students t... ...1997-9 by Babson College, the London School of Business, and the Kauffman Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership found gaping disparities between cou...

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Laws of Destiny Never Disappear : Culture of Thailand in the Postlocal World

By: Matti Sarmela

...anals * Should we have more development Villages and houses Place for a human community 51 Culture of the river valleys 51 * Lampang Provi... ...ILLAGE RELIGION Faith around me (interviews) 5 We used to have words for everything * Supernatural guardian of our family * I don't believe ... ...ics, Finland is near the top, currently the leading country in competition for state-of-the-art technology. In international rankings, Finland is the ... ...n many changes in my lifetime. Electricity came about three years ago. The population today is about 200 families. About ten cars, two or three police... ...diArabia. I don't know how many. Nine. Wait, I'll get the extract from the population register for the house. From my first marriage I have six childr... ... total area of 12,500 square kilometres, less than 15% is arable land. The population is in excess of 800,000, of whom about 250,000 live within the p... ... 2. Disintegration of kinship. The imperialism of mass culture 1. The center of environment. 2. The mass media. 3. Mass entertainment. 4. Town... ... of the entire community, the adaptation to an economic and social system centering round the metropolis and controlled from outside. It is impossibl... ... - market economy input-output thinking - family/community-centered enterprise - egocentric enterprise - comp...

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Contributing to Efforts for Greater Financial Markets Stability in Apec Economies

By: Apec Finance Minister Process

... Final Report Contributing to Efforts for Greater Financial Markets Stability in APEC Economies ... ... APEC Finance Minister Process August 2011 Contributing to Efforts for Greater Financial Markets Stability in APEC Economies ii ... ...i Adiningsih Muyanja Ssenyonga A. Ika Rahutami Laksmi Yustika Devi Rosa Kristiadi Center for Asia Pacific Studies Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyak... ...ngsih Muyanja Ssenyonga A. Ika Rahutami Laksmi Yustika Devi Rosa Kristiadi Center for Asia Pacific Studies Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta, I... ...hority (APRA), Australian Financial Markets Association (AFMA), Asia and Africa Study Center Colegio de Mexico, Gerencia de Estabilidad Financiera B... ...reater Financial Markets Stability in APEC Economies viii List of Tables 2.1 Total Population, GDP, and GDP per Capita of APEC Members in 2010…...... ...n the form of hard publication as well as soft publication in CDs and file posting in Center for Asia Pacific Studies (CAPS) website and also file p... ...and the lack of alternatives to yen-denominated assets, were expected to erode as the population ages and the workforce declines. - Emerging market ... ...ber economies are very diverse with respect to among other factors, the size of their population, GDPs, and levels of economic development. With 2.73...

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Bail Yourself Out

By: Rav Michael Laitman

... this mistrust is a result of a 2. natural process that has been evolving for millennia and is culminating today. t o resolve the crisis, we must frs... ..., and we were confident that by late afternoon we would be boiling water for supper at the camp. 10 B ail Yourself o ut Since we planned on being b... navigation skills. Reluctantly, we turned to our map and compass for guidance (back then, a gPS was still a top- secret military device). w ... ...ed “Babel.” The city was bustling with life and action. It was the trade center of what we now call, “the cradle of civilization.” Befitting a civi... ...become stronger than the desire to give; it had become a desire for self-centered satisfaction, or egotism. Abraham understood that the only way to ... ...preads, otters are no longer there to eat sea urchins, so the sea urchin population has exploded. But sea urchins live off seafloor kelp forests, s... ...rring that were food for the seals and sea lions. with the decline in the population of sea lions and seals, the orcas must turn to otters.” 34 B a... ...e giving force into our lives, it will shift the public’s focus from self-centeredness to camarade- rie. Today, the most popular viewpoint should be,... at great speed across languages, ideologies, frontiers and races. The economics of this musi- cal Esperanto is staggering. …Popular music has br...

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Surviving the Economic Crisis : Current and Future Trends

By: Mark W. Medley

...m effects of the “Green Economy” 55 4. Is Bartering a Way Out For Cash Strapped Communities? 57 5. Saving Homeown... ...ese use two brush strokes to write the word 'crisis'. One brush stroke stands for danger; the other for opportunity. In a crisis, be aware of the da... ... the luxuries exported to the 'rich' West. The New Deal in 1929, created jobs for people who lived and worked in Industry, not Banking, Brokering, I... ...ool of empty properties, in Towns and villages that lost over 20-50% of their population. Property values plummeted and never recovered, leading ... ...d Central Germany today, you see "rust belts", emptying Villages, states were populations have decreased by over 30%, and real long term unemploymen... ...ent levels of over 8 million. 4 By 2030, experts believe the population of Germany could decrease by 20 million, as Germans have lo... ...middle class Germans were embarrassed lining up at Soup Kitchens in Financial Centers like Frankfurt and Munich. Well dressed, somber and hungry, a ... ... The economies of China, India and the Philippines were expanding outsourcing centers, before the October 2008 Crash. And many of the Companies that ... ...ting huge increases in business, since 2008. 53 9. Training Centers and Courses Whether it is online or offline a new generation...

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Cyclopedia of Economics

By: Sam Vaknin

...ka Lidija Rangelovska A Narcissus Publications Imprint, Skopje 2007 Not for Sale! Non-commercial edition. © 2004-7 Cop... ...y and intentional fertilization. If a woman knowingly engages in sexual intercourse for the explicit and express purpose of having a child - then th... the right not to be killed unjustly. What constitutes "just killing" is a matter for an ethical calculus in the framework of a social contract. ... ...s delicate and self-correcting balance between the needs and pressures of competing populations is manifest even in the single organism or species. ... ... Moreover, evolution favors organisms whose rate of reproduction is such that their populations expand to no more than the number of individuals tha... ...tworthy and treacherous. Hence the Jewish propensity to infiltrate decision-making centers, such as politics and the media. Their aim is to minimiz... ...sented or not- existent in virtually all professions due to their demography (aging population, low birth-rates, unnatural deaths in wars and slaugh... ...ects and dimensions of the brain and its activities. Redundant hardware -different centers to perform similar tasks. Redundant communications chann... ...lutionary, the fresh – to the old, the habitual, the predictable. They are be risk- centered and risk-assuming cultures. Static versus Dynamic (Emer...

Cyclopedia of issues in economics analyzed through the prism of the economies of countries in transition, emerging markets, and developing countries.

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Fuzzy Relational Maps and Neutrosophic Relational Maps

By: W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy and Florentin Smarandache This book has been peer reviewed and recommended for publication by: Dr. Sukanto Bhattacharya, School of Informatio... ... fuzzy relational equations 70 1.12 FRE with defuzzification algorithm for the largest solution 75 1.13 Solvability and Unique solvability... ...ity and Unique solvability of max-min fuzzy equations 81 1.14 New algorithms for solving fuzzy relation equations 85 1.15 Novel neural algorith... ... of the structure of the solution set of FREs. The individuals from the initial population are chosen from the feasible solution set. The genetic op... ...rch inside of the feasible solution set. The well-maintained feasibility of the population makes the search more efficient. Genetic algorithms (GAs... ... optimization problems. In general, 50 GAs start with a randomly generated population and progress to improve solutions by using genetic operat... ...of solution p. 62 The location of a cluster is represented by its cluster center ( ) q c q c c R ∈ υ υ = υ , ... , 1 , c = 1, …, C around whic... To determine the fuzzy c-partition matrix, U, we need to find the centers of clusters which can be obtained by using different methods... ...riterion measures the dissimilarity between points in a cluster and its cluster center by the Euclidean distance. This distance, d cp is calculated... of this book is two fold. At the outset the book gives most of the available literature about Fuzzy Relational Equations (FREs) and its properties for there is no book that solely caters to FREs and its applications. Though we have a comprehensive bibliography, we do not promise to give all the possible available literature about FRE and its applications. We have given ...

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The Conundrums of Psychology

By: Sam Vaknin

...ka Lidija Rangelovska A Narcissus Publications Imprint, Skopje 2006 Not for Sale! Non-commercial edition. © 2002-6... must exist SUBJECTIVELY. The person must FEEL bad, must experience discomfiture for his condition to qualify as a disease. To this extent, we ar... ...fest and others are latent or immanent. Genetic diseases can exist - unmanifested - for generations. This raises the philosophical problem or wheth... ... to carcinogens. Aging and death are definitely the best possible response to over-population. Perhaps the point of view of the single patient is i... ...ects and dimensions of the brain and its activities. Redundant hardware -different centers to perform similar tasks. Redundant communications chann... ... to carcinogens. Aging and death are definitely the best possible response to over-population. Perhaps the point of view of the single patient is i... ...lf Love") – An Open Directory Cool Site, – Philosophy ("Philosophical Musings"), – Economics and Geopolitics ("World in Conflict and Transition"). ...

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Fuzzy and Neutrosophic Analysis of Periyar's Views on Untouchability

By: W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy and Florentin Smarandache

...are being treated by the people who wield power and authority speaks volumes for the degradations of our moral structure and civilized standards.” ... ... of laws that safeguard Dalit rights. The Dalits were considered untouchable for thousands of years by the Hindu society until the Constitution of ... ...ndu religious text which decreed that Sudras and Dalits were to be distressed for subsistence. Max Weber, perhaps the most outstanding comparative ... ...umbers, a consensus emerges as the sample opinion approximates the underlying population opinion. This problem will be easily overcome if the FCM en... ...le FCM of a Socio-economic model. A Socio-economic model is constructed with Population, Crime, Economic condition, Poverty and Unemployment as nod... ...ion. -1 +1 -1 -1 +1 -1 +1 -1 FIGURE: 1.2.1 POPULATION C 1 CRIME C 2 POVERTY C 4 ECONOMIC CONDITION C 3 ... ...ners? The work we do is not for our benefit. It is not for our selfish, self-centered profit or comfort. To wipe out this degraded state of all Dra... ...n They said that after Swaraj comes, they would make the Paraiyan sit in the center of the house and would make him eat in the common dining. What ... ...– Universal Declaration of Human Rights. ICESCR – International Convention on Economics Socio Cultural Right. 337 After 52 years of independenc...

...sive laws that aim to curb fundamental rights, and the non-implementation of laws that safeguard Dalit rights. The Dalits were considered untouchable for thousands of years by the Hindu society until the Constitution of India officially abolished the practice of untouchability in 1950....

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The Public Domain : Enclosing the Commons of the Mind

By: James Boyle

...___-1 ___0 ___ 1 37278_u00.qxd 8/28/08 11:04 AM Page iii A Caravan book. For more information, visit Copyright © 2008 by Jam... ...00-13740-8 Library of Congress Control Number: 2008932282 A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. This paper meets the... ... A Creative Commons, 179 9 An Evidence-Free Zone, 205 10 An Environmentalism for Information, 230 Notes and Further Readings, 249 Index, 297 v 37278_u... of the main influences on my work. I am lucky enough to work in the only “Center for the Study of the Public Domain” in the academic world. I owe t... ...iggest debt of grat- itude to my colleague Jennifer Jenkins, who directs the Center and who has influenced every chapter in this book. David Lange brou... ...le, Paulina Orchard, and Emily Sauter. Balfour Smith, the coordinator of our Center, shepherded the manu- script through its many drafts with skill an... ...fferent kinds of disease. In a common source epidemic, as where members of a population contract a non-contagious disease from a poisoned well, the di... ... it that is still commercially available—they are spread out over the entire population, while the benefits accrue to a small group of commercial entit... ...rnational trade agreements so as to make available a life-saving drug to its population through a process of compulsory licensing and com- pensation, ...

... have smothered the World Wide Web at its inception. Appropriately given its theme, the book will be sold commercially but also made available online for free under a Creative Commons license.(1.6MB PDF File) ...

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Capitalistic Musings

By: Sam Vaknin

...ons Imprint, Skopje 2003 First published by United Press International – UPI Not for Sale! Non-commercial edition. © 2002, ... ...o reward forthcoming collaborators and punish free-riders. It even fails to account for simpler forms of apparent selflessness, such as reciprocal a... ... the standard theory of utility and the theory of general equilibrium. Irritatingly for economists, people change their preferences mysteriously and... ...lion to develop and get approved, according to Joseph DiMasi of Tufts University's Center for the Study of Drug Development, quoted in The wall Str... ...f entrepreneurship superimposed on ever- shifting product groups and profit and loss centers. Competition used to be extraneous to the firm - now i... ... abused these safety nets are - as Stephane Pallage and Christian Zimmerman of the Center for Research on Economic Fluctuations and Employment in t... ...or profits. Both rely on the "law of large numbers" - that in a sufficiently large population, every event has a finite and knowable probability. N... ...finite and knowable probability. None of them can or will insure tiny, exceptional populations against unquantifiable risks. It is this market fail... ...rce this cooperation. This is often called a Hobbesian dilemma. It arises even in a population made up entirely of altruists. Different utility func...

Critical analysis of the foundations and tenets of capitalism and of the dismal science - economics.

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Hawaii Business Magazine-Special Apec Edition

By: Apec Hawaii Host Committee

...UACULTURE UNIQUE CROPS 2 APEC 2011 · HAWAII BUSINESS HAWAI‘I: A PARADISE FOR INNOVATION BEST PLACE TO STUDY THE UNIVERSE ALGAE FOR FUEL WIND ENERGY ... ...11 · HAWAII BUSINESS 2 APEC 2011 · HAWAII BUSINESS HAWAI‘I: A PARADISE FOR INNOVATION BEST PLACE FOR ASTRONOMY ALGAE FOR FUEL UNDERWATER EXPLORATI... ...s amidst 290 STORES AND RESTAURANTS. Walking distance from the Convention Center or take the Pink Line Shopping Trolley which runs daily from Waiki... ...the Pink Line Shopping Trolley which runs daily from Waikiki to Ala Moana Center every 10 -12 minutes ~ 808.955.9517 Owned and m... ... time is now . ” – ANCIENT CHINESE PROVERB For more information call (877) 707- TREE or email info@HawaiianLegacyHardw... ...novative and emergent industries Venues throughout Honolulu: ALA MOANA CENTER November 1-15 Open to the public HAWAI‘I CONVENTION CENTER, HALL ... ...l beauty. The scenic splendor, the cultural diversity of our cosmopolitan population, the exciting array of entertainment and shopping, and access f...’s most active volcanoes: Mauna Loa and Kīlauea) NI`IHAU KAUA`I O`AHU Population: 953,207 10 11 2 1 9 14 13 12 8 6 5 3 4 7 Hawai‘i’s Eight Main ... ... in the Gallup- Healthways Well-Being Index, 2010 and 2011. Kaua‘i County Population: 67,091 PHOTO: GOOGLE MAPS 37 APEC 2011 · HAWAII BUSINESS MOL...

...overnor Neil Abercrombie -- 15 Mayor Peter Carlisle -- 16 U.S. Senator Daniel K. Inouye -- 17 Host Committee Chairman Peter Ho -- 20 Ideal Laboratory for Clean Power -- 24 Electric Vehicles -- 28 Firm But Renewable Energy -- 30 Building the Smart Grid -- 32 Air Conditioning from Seawater -- 36 America’s Most Diverse State -- 38 Local Economy -- 40 Hawai‘i’s Ties to the APE...

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Fixing Global Finance

By: Kavaljit Singh Stichting Onderzoek Multinationale Ondernemingen Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations Sarphatistraat 30 1018 GL Amster... Copyright © Kavaljit Singh 2010. Since this publication is meant for non-profit, research and educational purposes, you are welcome to repro... ...n of Risk 55 6. Global Financial Crisis and India 59 7. Guiding Principles for Building a Stable Global Financial System 75 8. Global Financial Reform... ...on-Performing Loan OBE Off-Balance Sheet Exposures OFCs Offshore Financial Centers OTC Over The Counter PE Private Equity RBI Reserve Bank of India Ro... ...Some key factors include expansionary monetary policies in major financial centers; developments in the sub-prime mortgage markets of US; extensive us... ...ion of the last decade. In particular, the poor and vulnerable sections of population in these countries have been worst hit. It has been estimated th... ...olicies and the World Recession: A Look at Forty-One Borrowing Countries,” Center for Economic and Policy Research Briefing Paper, October 2009 (http:... ...ternational Finance, No. 207, International Finance Section, Department of Economics, Princeton University, May 1998, pp. 2-3. 3. IMF, Global Financia... ...on is imperative for inclusive economic growth. There are vast sections of population without access to banking and other financial services. These co...

... Players 5. Financial Derivatives and the Globalization of Risk 6. Global Financial Crisis and India 7. Guiding Principles for Building a Stable Global Financial System 8. Global Financial Reforms and Developing Countries 9. Global Financial Reforms and Civil Society: A Bottom up Approach...

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Trendsiters Digital Content and Web Technologies

By: Sam Vaknin

...Lidija Rangelovska A Narcissus Publications Imprint, Skopje 2002-7 Not for Sale! Non-commercial edition. © 2002, 2005 Copyr... ... and After the Rain - How the West Lost the East. He served as a columnist for Central Europe Review, PopMatters, Bellaonline, and eBookWeb, a United... ...expropriated by publishing and media behemoths. It is treated as a medium for cross promotion, supply chain management, and customer relations manag... ...resonance" - which causes behaviour patterns to suddenly emerged in whole populations. Physicists talked about sudden "phase transitions", the emerge... ...Vaknin "In this digital age, the custodians of published works are at the center of a global copyright controversy that casts them as villains simpl... guaranteed. Moreover, piracy thrives in very poor markets in which the population would anyhow not have paid the legal price. The illegal product ... ...d not be allowed to write laws that create windfall profits for 1% of the population and take away a million books from all the rest. Q. What does P... ...aging editor of eBookNet) and I founded the Electronic Publishing Resource Center (EPRC), an industry-sponsored, non-profit organization, and launche... ...rely right. Perhaps the most refreshing change is the Britannica's Update Center. Dozens of monthly updates and new, timely articles are made availa...

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Proceedings of the First International Conference on Neutrosophy, Neutrosophic Logic, Neutrosophic Set, Neutrosophic Probability and Statistics

By: Florentin Smarandache

...E-mail: We thank the following peer reviewers for their comments and recommendations on these papers: I. Balacenoi... ...d Speakers: J. Dezert (France), Charles Le (US), I. Stojmenovic (Canada). For more information on neutrosophics see the below links: • 0. Intro... ...finitely small number. Formally, x is said to be infinitesimal if and only if for all positive integers n one has xxx < 1/n. Let &>0 be a such inf... ...sets - a new type of data for knowledge representation, Preprint 232, Computer Center of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, 1980 (in Russian... ...ox We assume that the three diseases are equally likely to occur in the patient population but there is some evidence that phlegaria and pinpox are th... ...tation for Multisensor Integration”, technical Note 307, Artificial Intelligence Center, Computer Science and Technology Division, SRI International, M... ...ed on DFS one can perform an extraordinary fuzzy inferencing as battle between populations of copies of contradictory statements. It has been observ... ...ccounting and Finance, Griffith University (Gold Coast) PMB 50 Gold Coast Mail Center, Queensland 9726, Australia Dr. Sarjinder Singh Department of... ...or reproduction and all ignored in the one-dimensional biological practice of 'population genetics'. These form a complex of what I shall call ‘prim...

...observation) from the external world. Imperfection leads to a doubt about the value of a variable, a decision to be taken or a conclusion to be drawn for the actual system. The sources of uncertainty can be stochasticity (the case of intrinsic imperfection where a typical and single value does not exist), incomplete knowledge (ignorance of the totality, limited view on a s...

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Narcissistic and Psychopathic Leaders

By: Sam Vaknin

...tional Narcissism Narcissists and God – The Religious Narcissist For the Love of God The Narcissist and Social Institutions Guide... ... Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR) [2000] where it provides the diagnostic criteria for the Narcissistic Personality Disorder (301.81, p. 717). The DSM-IV-T... "an all-pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behaviour), need for admiration or adulation and lack of empathy, usually beginning by e... ...e and Gender Features According to the DSM-IV-TR, between 2% and 16% of the population in clinical settings (between 0.5-1% of the general populatio... ... psychological abnormalities, which already exist in some percentage of the population, seem to be at least superficially appropriate." In their boo... ... 3rd person singular or uses the regal "we" and craves to be the exclusive center of attention, even adulation Have a messianic-cosmic vision of h... ...ther's business?" ("My Father" being God - SV). (Luke 2:48-49) Gurus at the center of emergent cults are inevitably narcissistic, if not outright na... ... Directory Cool Site for 8 years. – Philosophy ("Philosophical Musings"), – Economics and Geopolitics ("World in Conflict and Transition"). Owner of... ...rael (1978). Hundreds of professional articles in all fields of finance and economics, and numerous articles dealing with geopolitical and political...

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Fuzzy Cognitive Maps and Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps

By: W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy and Florentin Smarandache

...versity, Australia; Dr. Jean Dezert, ONERA (French National Establishment for Aerospace Research), BP 72 F-92322 Chatillon Cedex – France; Dr. M. ... ... various attempts to reorient logic, there has remained an essential need for an alternative system that could infuse into itself a representation o... ...etermine the percentages of truth and of falsity but to approximate them: for example a proposition is between 30-40% true. The subsets are not nece..., a consensus emerges as the sample opinion approximates the underlying population opinion. This problem will be easily overcome if the FCM entrie... ...FCM of a Socio-economic model. A Socio-economic model is constructed with Population, Crime, Economic condition, Poverty and Unemployment as nodes o... ...      − − − − − 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 POPULATION C 1 POVERTY C 4 ECONOMIC CONDITION C 3 UNEMPLOYMENT C 5 ... .... In a similar manner, weights can be assigned to the edges affecting the center nodes. Thus, one can investigate the degree to which insiders are w... ...ted by a planar map. His view point led the psychologists at the Research center for Group Dynamics to another psychological interpretation of a grap... ...cted Essays on Decision Science (Dept. of Decision Science and Managerial Economics), The Chinese University of Hong Kong, (1993), 129-142. 65. L...

...has not imbued itself with the capability of reflecting the reality. Despite various attempts to reorient logic, there has remained an essential need for an alternative system that could infuse into itself a representation of the real world. Out of this need arose the system of Neutrosophy, and its connected logic, Neutrosophic Logic. Neutrosophy is a new branch of philoso...

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To Build a Fire : And Other Stories

By: Jack London

... the squaw?” asked Louis Savoy, the tall French Canadian, becoming interested; for he had heard of this wild deed, when at Forty Mile the preceding wi... ...f the North felt his heartstrings draw closer, and experienced vague yearnings for the sunnier pastures of the Southland, where life promised somethin... ...concluded, “and the tribe only a quarter of an hour behind. But that saved us; for the second run broke the jam above and shut them out. When they fina... ... was divided midway by the Slot. The Slot was an iron crack that ran along the center of Market street, and from the Slot arose the burr of the ceasel... ...reamed and clung to him, but this — this was magnificent. She sat in that storm center as calmly as if it had been no more than a block of carriages at... ... one side the line of wagons, and was advancing, each segregated policeman the center of a fighting group. The scabs were torn from their seats, the tr... ...s about the only evidence the seafaring white men have of the teeming interior population. For the whites do not penetrate Malaita. They tried it once... ... black recruits. In addition to this, there was always the danger of the shore population, the sudden attack and the cutting off of the schooner and a... ...fear from the good natured, even sweet faced, Malaita boy than from the entire population of Lord Howe; and it gave added zest to the programme of tor...

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Democracy and Education

By: John Dewey

...e and without any charge of any kind. Any person using this document file, for any purpose, and in any way does so at his or her own risk. Nei- ther t... ...sociated with the Pennsylvania State University assumes any responsibility for the material contained within the document or for the file as an electr... ...ds in thus turn- ing the environment to account is more than compen- sated for by the return it gets: it grows. Understanding the word “control” in th... partially called out, those be selected 30 Democracy & Education which center energy upon the point of need. Successively, it requires that each a... ...e them in practice as we have distinguished them in idea. Activity must be centered at a given time in such a way as to prepare for what comes next. T... ... This control is not the same thing as physical compulsion; it consists in centering the impulses acting at any one time upon some specific end and in... ...ty. In many modern states and in some ancient, there is great diversity of populations, of varying languages, religions, moral codes, and traditions. ... ...n its future. The most direct road for elementary students into civics and economics is found in consideration of the place and office of industrial o... Every step forward in the social sciences—the studies termed history, economics, poli- tics, sociology—shows that social questions are capable of...

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Smallholder Dairying in the Tropics

By: Lindsay Falvey & Charan Chantalakhana

...ric tons by the year 2020 – a 138 percent increase! The expected increase in per capita consumption is from 38 to 62 kg/person. The triple effects of population increase, income growth and urbanisation will fuel this tremendous growth in demand. Milk provides quality protein and essential micronutrients needed for nutrient balance in marginal diets based on staple grain...

... Boer Introduction Smallholder dairy farming systems Types of systems Post-milking considerations Technological change and technology transfer for smallholder dairying Background Methods On-farm trials Change, dynamics and opportunities Impact of economic liberalisation Need for development of capital markets Stresses and opportunities Policy and project iss...

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Multispace & Multistructure Neutrosophic Transdisciplinary : 100 Collected Papers of Sciences : Volume 4

By: Florentin Smarandache

... & Mircea Eugen....................................58 CHEMISTRY...................................68 7. Potential Use of Lime as Nitric Acid Source for Alternative Electrolyte Fuel-Cell Method, by V. Christianto, F. Smarandache.......................69 8. Observation of Anomalous Potential Electric Energy in Distilled Water under Solar Heating, by F. Smarandache & V. Ch...

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Multispace & Multistructure Neutrosophic Transdisciplinary : 100 Collected Papers of Sciences : Volume 4

By: Florentin Smarandache

... & Mircea Eugen....................................58 CHEMISTRY...................................68 7. Potential Use of Lime as Nitric Acid Source for Alternative Electrolyte Fuel-Cell Method, by V. Christianto, F. Smarandache.......................69 8. Observation of Anomalous Potential Electric Energy in Distilled Water under Solar Heating, by F. Smarandache & V. Ch...

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