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Chemical Elements (X) English (X) History (X) Education (X)

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Links and Factoids

By: Sam Vaknin

...ty of Agricultural Sciences and Italy's University of Cagliari discovered that the chemicals emitted by the flower - three types of oligosulphides ... ...ifically. Latent prints lifted off crime scenes with the application of special chemicals or ultraviolet light are often incomplete or indistinc... ...the first known case, in 1941, a Norwegian woman spoke in a German accent. All the elements of pronunciation shift - pacing, rhythm, intonation, an... ... Technology published study according to which 1.6 kilograms of fuel, 72 grams of chemicals and 32 kilograms of water are consumed in the manufact... ...utilizes 160 times the amount of energy needed to make mere silicon. Thousands of chemicals are used in the process, some of them highly toxic. ... Miss America Mary Katherine Campbell, the o... ... When the food is high energy, we taste it as sweet. When the food contains certain chemicals it tastes salty. Heated food releases more molecule...

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Terrorists and Freedom Fighters

By: Sam Vaknin

...e result of the realpolitik of terrorism is the collaboration with the less savoury elements of society. Relegated to the fringes by the inexorable... ...tamboliyski tried to appease Yugoslavia and, in the process, sacrifice inconvenient elements, such as the IMRO, as expediently as he could. He made ... ...e that at least several hundred thousand people have been killed. The irresponsible elements have committed such atrocities that could be expected o... ... dubious sources). The situation was further compounded by the invasion of criminal elements from Albania proper. The Kosovar crime clans were effec... ...he psychological makeup of the nation (especially the more rightwing and religious elements) because it constitutes "Narcissistic Supply". Bin Lad... ...e of all branches of human knowledge. No one has ever seen a quark, or untangled a chemical bond, or surfed an electromagnetic wave, or visited th...

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Fuzzy Cognitive Maps and Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps

By: W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy and Florentin Smarandache

...s the level of service and the convenience factors. We have the following elements, Frequency of the service, in-vehicle travel time, the travel far... ...behaviour of a model are determined by activating the individual involved elements. This is achieved by ‘Clamping’ concepts of interest and includin... ...done by fixing the corresponding element in the input and the rest of the elements are given a value zero. Thus we have the input vector as a 1 × n ... ... effective strategic planning support with object- oriented expert systems elements and a hyperknowledge user interface. In this paper Carlsson and F... ...onversion link (black arrow, shown as a dotted line), a node (typically a chemical(s)) is converted into another node, and used up in the process. In... ... (blue arrows, shown as a thick line) represents an enzyme that enables a chemical conversion and does not get used up in the process. For figures pl... ...ustrial sectors. As an example a particular model may be suitable for the chemical industry but appropriate to service industry. 4. Models as desc... ...due to industries and in particular the problems faced by workers of some chemical industries and so on. Now we proceed on to define the notion of... ...lved in the inter-relations of concepts. 22. Can NRM be used to model a chemical plant? Justify your claim. 23. When the data is unsupervised wh...

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A History of U. S. Communications Security (Volumes I and Ii);1973

By: David G. Boak

...e traditional defini­ tion of them is: Code: "A substitution cryptosystem in which the plaintext elements are primarily words, phrases, or sentences, ... ...locic clouary baa defiDed a code in terms of the meaning-or meaningfulneu-oftheUDderl~ingteztual elements. I wouldn't push the diatinction too far-it ... ...n old-fashioned mimlg device is a bank of magnet-actuated relays that open and close to form the elements of teletypewriter characters being processed... ...• • • • • • '. • • • • • • • • • CONFIBBNTIAt. te) 8PSEC is slowly beiDa iDstitutiooaUzed. OPSEC elements llJC establisMd in the JCS and at most Unifi... ...inefrective. Notbins brouBht tbis home more persuasively tban the Vietnam experience. MonitoriDl elements of all four Services demonstrated the vulner... The trouble was tbat there was no other Government Apncypre~ to accept such a role. The Army Chemical Corps bad provided the orilinal pyrotcebDic ... ... on. One such CIIe iD'OMd In OpeJ8tional T.S. key lilt beJna examined for latent prints in In S2 chemical lab. When the cloculDCllt W8I placed on a be...

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