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...tensor feld, we obtain the d’Alembert equations of the feld. The non- zero elements are the d’Alembert equations containing the feld-inducing sources.... the d’Alembert equations containing the feld-inducing sources. The zero elements are the equations without the sources. If there are no sources the...” comes from [ME<OE, akin to Gr. an-, a-, Latin in-, and to the negative elements in no, not, nor] and [ME mati` ere< OFr< Latin material] matter (s... ...ntiproton (we can call it un-deuterium of type 2). Or maybe choose another chemical element for which any of the previous conversions/transformations ... ...uation is like the “light cone” equation c 2 dτ 2 −dσ 2 =0 (dσ =0, dτ =0), elements of which are world-trajectories of light-like particles. But, in c... ...vable quantities. So teleporting photons move along trajectories which are elements of the world-cone (like the light cone) in that space-time area wh...