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...icial appearance of a particular combination of these forces. They know which elements need mending to yield a clearer, brighter, and sharper pictur... ...ords, all the plants of a certain kind operate in the same way, and specific elements in the species do not have singularity of their own. The grea... ... individualization, conflict, and competition. At the end of these stages the elements unite into a single, harmonious system. She used as an exampl... ...has a personal, egoistic inter- est. However, the essence of evolution is that elements with personal interest unite into a single body and work for... ...e function as healthy parts within it. Thus, if we thoroughly examine Nature’s elements, we will see that altruism is the basis for life. Every livin... ...rchers assume that there is a reward for altruistic behavior in the form of a chemical called “dopamine,” released in the benefactor’s brain and pro...
... O F K A B B A L A H Q: I read that Kabbalah develops the ability to sense the elements of reality and the spiritual worlds. But I also understand th... ...c can be Kabbalistic, it is only a byproduct, just as there are byproducts to chemical processes such as a rise in tempera- ture, decrease in pressur... music, in writing, by creat- ing new teaching methods, or by presenting new elements into the pro- cess of study. However, music and songs are only... ...tor: benevolence. All other laws express physical, spiri- tual, biological and chemical aspirations that accompany the substance and the desire that ... ...d significantly shortens the whole process. It is much like what happens in a chemical reaction. It is pos- sible to contract the process by a millio...
...sure and the Giv- er of the pleasure. In reality, all that exists is these two elements. PA RT I : K A B B A L A H M E E T S Q UA N T U M P H Y S I C... ... T H E G I V I N G F O RC E A N D T H E R E C E I V I N G F O RC E 55 higher elements, in the sense that they precede all religions and belief syst... ... matter. Instead, it postu- lated that matter is operated by cause and effect. Chemical reac- tions do not happen according to the phantoms of alchemy... ...ot happen according to the phantoms of alchemy, but according to quantifiable chemical reactions that can be mechani- cally controlled by mathematics... ...l other sciences. It was believed that although a living organism was made of chemicals, it was nonetheless oper- ated by a living entity that was no... ...ding ours, stand one below the other. Hence, all the worlds comprise the same elements. The Light emerges from the Creator and traverses all the wor... the worlds above this world, too. There is only one difference between the elements of this world and the elements of the Upper World: in the Upp... ...ped. When I was a child, we would take pictures on a film and dip the film in chemicals to de- velop the pictures. When the film was immersed in the ... chilled, the cold can be heated; the solid can be turned to liquid through chemical operations, and the liquid made into air, meaning only gas, w...
...n to our world, where they split into various phenomena we call physical, chemical, biological and mental phenomena. There is, in fact, only one incl... ... the phenomena of our world, the spiritual and physical, to four distinct elements, that affect our development. The first element – the “bed” – is ... ...ent determine the final outcome, provided it is affected only by internal elements. However, Baal HaSulam maintains, that there are also two external... ...lements. However, Baal HaSulam maintains, that there are also two external elements of evolution. There are external conditions that affect me, deter... ... the universe. All these rules affect me as well, meaning there are inner elements that do not change, that are predefined, and then there is a thir... affects me as well. I cannot change my predefined internal and external elements. I am also incapable of changing external conditions that change ...
...hoice 1. The Freedom to Choose 2. Controlling My Own Destiny 3. The Four Elements that Comprise Us 4. The Right Environment 5. The Law of Equivale... ...of 263 Interview With The Future Gravity Reality consists of two elements: Creator and creature. We feel this in our senses in various ways... ...r the best, and then we can avoid being controlled by nature. The Four Elements that Comprise Us Question: What exactly does the upper force leav... In order to answer that question, we must first examine our “I,” what elements man is made of. Man is made of four elements. The first element i... ...n. This is the second element, and we cannot influence it. The other two elements, the third and the fourth, relate to our development, but they ar... ... speak of the powers of nature, such as gravity, the electric force, or a chemical force, in the end, they are all but two: the pulling force, whic...