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...+sup(F) [ 3 + American Research Press Rehoboth 2002 2 GH. C. DINULESCU–CÂMPINA MODELLING OF RATIONALITY … … … … AND BEYON... ... author welcomes any comments sent by the readers, to the address: Prof. Gh. C. Dinulescu–Câmpina, St. Bucea, Nr.4, Bl. 38, Ap.31, CAMPINA, Jud. PR... ...he space−time. 4.The fundamental law governing spatio-temporality and its elements is the permanent and stochastic motion. 5.The stochastic* (Brown... ...he brlliant anticipations of Martin Heidegger, religion has more and more elements characteristic of a scientific discipline; the real problem that ... ...eality, being able to communicate with ″living″ (materially split-in-two) elements, to the extent of their being affectively apt to this process. In ... ... although its material component already undergoes the natural process of chemical decomposition. The ghosts′ stay for a longer while within the mat... ...ainment, upon the natural conclusion of the material life, the body being chemically decomposed and the soul being dissociated into the constituent ... ...ined by the appearance and disappearance of sensations. Genetic birth and chemical decomposition of the body are elements defining very clearly the ... ...matics-Mechanics Faculty of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, the anthropophilosopher Gh. C. Dinulescu - Campina worked most of his life as a Mathematics profes...