Search Results (2 titles)

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Companies Listed on the London Stock Exchange (X) Law (X) Penn State University's Electronic Classics (X) Literature and history (X)

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Travels in England during the Reign of Queen Elizabeth

By: Paul Hentzner

...Travels in England During the Reign of Queen Elizabeth by Paul Hentzner and Fragmenta Regalia by Sir ... ... S TAT E ELECTRONIC CLASSICS SERIES PUBLICATION Travels in England During the Reign of Queen Elizabeth by Paul Hentzner, and Fragmenta Rega- lia by S... ...IN ENGLAND AND FRAGMENTA REGALIA INTRODUCTION QUEEN ELIZABETH HERSELF, and London as it was in her time, with sketches of Elizabethan England, and of ... ...unton. Paul Hentzner was a German lawyer, born at Crossen, in Brandenburg, on the 29th of January, 1558. He died on the 1st January, 1623. In 1596, wh... ...he became tutor to a young Silesian nobleman, with whom he set out in 1597 on a three years’ tour through Switzerland, France, England, and Italy. Aft... ...entertained; as one generally is in this country. W e took post-horses for London: it is surprising how swiftly they run; their bridles are very light... ...r by grant of choosing annu- ally a mayor from any of the twelve principal companies, and to name two sheriffs, one of whom to be called the king’s, t... he rested not there, but long enjoyed her favour, and therewith what he listed, till time and emulation, the companions of greatness, resolved of h... ...- ditions of all the designs, and to permit him to go where and whither he listed, and only under the secrecy of a dark sentinel set over him, was a p...

...Introduction: Queen Elizabeth herself, and London as it was in her time, with sketches of Elizabethan England, and of its great men in the way of social dignity, are here brought home to us by Paul Hentzner and Sir Robert Naunton....

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Master Francis Rabelais Five Books of the Lives, Heroic Deeds and Sayings of Gargantua and His Son Pantagruel

By: Thomas Urquhart

...MASTER FRANCIS RABELAIS FIVE BOOKS OF THE LIVES, HEROIC DEEDS AND SAYINGS OF GARGANTUA AND HIS SON PANTAGRUEL T r... ...Motteux A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication Five Books of the Lives, Heroic Deeds and Sayings of Gargantua and His Son Pantagruel by ... ...e of all the efforts, often successful, that have been made to throw light on it, to bring forward a fresh document, or some ob- scure mention in a fo... ...he presbytery was close to the chateau. From that time legend has fastened on Rabelais, has completely travestied him, till, bit by bit, it has made o... of Worcester in 1651, stripped of all his belongings, he was brought to London, but was released on parole at Cromwell’s recommendation. After rece... ...ter and a Robin Goodfellow; for under this name am I welcome in all choice companies of Pantagruelists. It was upbraided to Demosthenes by an envious ... ...arched forward towards a pass or ford called the Gue de Vede, except seven companies of foot and two hundred lancers, who, staying there, broke down t... ... of stairs between two doors, jumbled, one after another, as often as they listed, his wife, who is passable fair, and a pretty snug hussy. Thus he wh... ...and counterfeit f. Babble f. Pleasant f. Down-right f. Privileged f. Broad-listed f. Rustical f. Duncical-bearing f. Proper and peculiar f. Stale and ...

...Excerpt: Five Books of the Lives, Heroic Deeds and Sayings of Gargantua and His Son Pantagruel by Master Francis Rabelais, translated by Sir Thomas Urquhart and Peter Antony Motteux....

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