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Earth Observation Satellites (X) Geometry (X)

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Today's Take on Einstein's Relativity

By: Homer B. Titon and Florentin Smarandache

... 18 The equation of motion of a rocket accelerating at a constant one Earth gravity in the x direction in the fixed frame, the unaccelerated f... ...locity because neither knows which is moving and which is at rest from any observation they can make without references other than the observers th... ...ication of the principles of relativity that Lorentz transformations relate observations between observers in inertial frames, that observations by ... in gravitational lensing. Mu mesons’ “clocks” seem to slow down in the Earth’s gravitational field as they are detected at sea level when they ... ...del of a living system which accounts for how quickly life formed after the earth cooled, i.e. within 150 million years. This new theory also gives ... ...digm, then I am sure it could also still be stated, that there have been no observations which have yet contradicted it. Micro-systems need a descri... ...i - you may say they will not. I say that the spacebuoys will actually be satellites of Alpha Centauri G4 - you may say they will not. I say the...

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Letters on England

By: Voltaire, 1694-1778 of the brethren.’ Thanks to the Almighty, we are the only people upon earth that have no priests. Wouldst thou deprive us of so happy a distincti... ...luntary motions. Consequently he who created thy body gives motion to this earthly tabernacle. And are the several ideas of which thy soul receives th... against the other. William Penn might glory in having brought down upon earth the so much boasted golden age, which in all probabil- ity never exis... ...k through, they never leave the least scar in the face. From these natural observations they concluded, that in case an infant of six months or a year... ... the moon; and that the sun gravitates towards both. That every one of the satellites of Saturn gravitates towards the other four, and the other four ... be. He grounds his opinion on the ordinary course of Nature, and on the observations which astronomers have made. By the course of Nature we here u... ...ently some years must be sub- tracted from their computation. Astronomical observations seem to have lent a still greater assistance to our philosophe...

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