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Jude Law (X) Literature (X) Penn State University's Electronic Classics (X)

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The Pioneers Or, The Sources of the Susquehanna a Descriptive Tale

By: James Fenimore Cooper

...paid mission- ary; the half-educated, litigious, envious, and disreputable law- yer, with his counterpoise, a brother of the profession, of bet- ter o... ...e than Marmaduke Temple’s right to forbid him,” he said. “But if there’s a law about it at all, though who ever heard of a law that a man shouldn’t ki... ...f a law that a man shouldn’t kill deer where he pleased!—but if there is a law at all, it should be to keep people from the use of smooth-bores. A bod... ...its king. They were the dwellings of two young men who were cunning in the law; an equal number of that class who chaffered to the wants of the commun... ...ars, with a condition to liberate him at the end of the pe- riod. Then the law provided that all born after a certain day should be free, the males at... ...ll be fixing the room tidy; and put both flip irons in the coals; and tell Jude, the lazy black baste, that if she’s no be cleaning up the kitchen I’l...

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Marmion a Tale of Flodden Field

By: Sir Walter Scott

...ophet’s rod; In Sinai’s wilderness he saw The Mount where Israel heard the law, Mid thunder-dint and flashing levin, And shadows, mists, and darkness,... ... amethyst. Yonder the shores of Fife you saw; Here Preston Bay and Berwick Law: And, broad between them rolled, The gallant Frith the eye might not... ...ail? XXII. ‘His squire, who now De Wilton saw As recreant doomed to suffer law, Repentant, owned in vain, That while he had the scrolls in care, A ... razed that monument Whence royal edict rang, And voice of Scotland’s law was sent In glorious trumpet-clang. Oh! be his tomb as lead to lead ... ...ison is said). Then on its battlements they saw A vision, passing Nature’s law, Strange, wild, and dimly seen – Figures that seemed to rise and die... ...ssenger he came, Though most unworthy of the name. A letter forged! Saint Jude to speed! Did ever knight so foul a deed! At first in heart it liked m...

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Sartor Resartus: The Life and Opinions of Herr Teufelsdrockh

By: Thomas Carlyle

...eye- witness of distant transactions and scenes, they called him the Ewige Jude, Everlasting, or as we say, Wandering Jew. To the most, indeed, he had... ...pher explain, not why I wear such and such a Garment, obey such and such a Law; but even why I am here, to wear and obey anything!— Much, therefore, i... ..., has become obsolete, and were now a foreigner to his Europe. Thus is the Law of Progress secured; and in Clothes, as in all other external things wh... ... too a Defender of Property, and Sover- eign armed with the terrors of the Law?), to a certain royal Immunity and Inviolability; which, however, miser... ...agen could be other than some terrestrial Moon, rising and setting by mere Law of Nature, like the heavenly one; that it came on made highways, from f... ...ough in dreary enough humor, to be addressing himself to the Profession of Law;— whereof, indeed, the world has since seen him a public graduate. But ... ...usic of Wisdom, succeeded in civilizing Man? Our highest Orpheus walked in Judea, eighteen hundred years ago: his sphere-melody, flowing in wild nativ...

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Life of John Coleridge Patteson : Missionary Bishop of the Melanesian Islands

By: Charlotte Mary Yonge

...n up since the words ‘Mr. Justice Patteson’ were of frequent occurrence in law reports. John Patteson, father of the subject of the present memoir, wa... ... to King’s College, Cambridge, whence, in 1813, he came to London to study law. In 1816 he opened his chambers as a special pleader, and on February 2... married;’ and again, when relating some joke with his cousins about the law-papers, of the Squire of Feniton, he adds: ‘But the Squire of Feniton w... ...edge of history, and a thorough acquaintance with Greek and Roman customs, law courts and expressions, and Greek and Roman writers. I do not find myse... ...nd at other times when witnesses were examined, but that your knowledge of law was so invaluable that it was difficult to see how this latter advantag... ... Collects as we call them, St. Michael’s, All Saints’, Saint Simon and St. Jude’s calmed me, and my Sunday prayer, (that beautiful prayer in the Ordin...

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Memoirs of Louis XIV and His Court and of the Regency

By: The Duke of Saint Simon

...mission for me into the Musketeers. It was on the day of St. Simon and St. Jude, at half-past twelve, and just as his Majesty came out of the council.... .... This trial will show him stripped of all disguise. He was learned in the law; in letters he was second to no one; he was well acquainted with histor... ...; in one word, a perfect hypocrite; without faith, 42 Saint-Simon without law, without a God, and without a soul; a cruel hus- band, a barbarous fath... ...bourg was in no way entitled to the precedence he claimed, and we had both law and justice on our side. T o give instructions to our coun- sel, and to... ...r to judge the case at all. According to the received maxim, whoever is at law with the son cannot be judged by the father. Harlay had a son who was A... ... 1695, negotiations for peace were set on foot by the King. Harlay, son-in-law of our enemy, was sent to Maestricht to sound the Dutch. But in proport...

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Autobiographic Sketches Selections, Grave and Gay

By: Thomas de Quincey

...ent of any power to make such a transfer that I may be found to possess by law or custom in America. I wish this transfer were likely to be of more va... ...I did not. The obstacle in fact had been in part the shifting state of the law which regulated literary property, and especially the property in perio... ... me a sharer in the profits of the publication, called upon to do so by no law whatever, and assuredly by no expectation of that sort upon my part. T ... requiem that belonged to its departure. 9 “Everlasting Jew.”—Der ewige Jude—which is the common German expression for “The Wandering Jew,” and sub... my commander-in-chief, whenever we “took the field;” sec- ondly, by the law of nations, I, being a cadet of my house, owed suit and service to him ... ...aking, to make me lie down, and to set his foot upon my neck; lastly, by a law not so rigorous, but valid amongst gentlemen,—viz., “by the comity of n...

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The Talisman

By: Sir Walter Scott

..., as they esteem 30 The Talisman themselves, under the bondage of the old law of Moses. We, Saracen, be it known to thee, have a better warrant for w... ...t which is dearest to man’s happiness and to his house- hold; and that thy law, if thou dost practise it, binds thee in marriage to one single mate, b... ...ones gives point to our spears and edge to our swords; their words are our law; and as soon will a lamp shed lustre when unkindled, as a knight distin... ...self to wound the honour of a knight as poor as I am, he could not, by the law of chivalry, deny him the combat.” “Methinks I should like to look upon... sternly, “blinded as thou art, and plunged amidst the errors of a false law, thou shouldst yet comprehend that there are some places more holy than... ...yet who can report nothing. Whereas in our camp, as the Prel- ate of Saint Jude’s is wont to say, a bird of the air will carry the matter.” “Because,”...

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Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians

By: Dr. Martin Luther

...he resurrection of Christ. By His resurrection Christ won the victory over law , sin, flesh, world, devil, death, hell, and every evil. And this His v... ...ches, inasmuch as the Galatians had for- saken the grace of Christ for the law of Moses. The proper answer is: Although the Galatians had fallen away ... ...y lawful living, for no person 11 Martin Luther is able to live up to the Law. The Law reveals guilt, fills the conscience with terror, and drives me... ... But when you deal with conscience and with righteousness over against the law, sin, death, and the devil, you must close your mind to all inquiries i... ...f to be robbed of this lovely conception of Christ. Christ is no Moses, no law-giver, no tyrant, but the Mediator for sins, the Giver of grace and lif... ...n me. In Syria and Cilicia Paul won the indorsement of all the churches of Judea, by his preaching. All the churches every- where, even those of Judea... ...ty which Christ has gotten for us into licentiousness. Already the Apostle Jude complained in his day: “There are certain men crept in unawares…turnin... ... men crept in unawares…turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness.” (Jude 4.) The flesh reasons: “If we are without the law, we may as well indu...

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Maggie: A Girl of the Streets

By: Stephen Crane

...lothed power; one whose knuckles could defiantly ring against the granite of law. He was a knight. The two men went from under the glimmering street ... ...race teh yer people, damn yeh. An’ now, git out an’ go ahn wid dat doe faced jude of yours. Go teh hell wid him, damn yeh, an’ a good riddance. Go teh... ...rness to tell her tale. “I was by me door las’ night when yer sister and her jude feller came in late, oh, very late. An’ she, the dear, she was a cry... ...lood, escaped up a side street, pursued a short distance by some of the more law loving, or excited individuals of the crowd. Later, from a corner saf...

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The Greshams of Greshamsbury

By: Anthony Trollope

... need not now describe it more closely. It is not a bad thing to be son-in-law to a potent earl, member of Parliament for a county, and a possessor of... ...bella chose to live as she had been accustomed to do, and as her sister-in-law the countess lived; now Lord de Courcy had much more than fourteen thou... him dearly; and, therefore, when he came of age she got her sister-in-law and all the Ladies Amelia, Rosina etc. to come to Greshamsbury; and she... become a married man, and might not disgrace the respectable brother-in-law he was about to have given him such was his condition when he first hea... ...a few confidential minutes before dinner, Lady de Courcy and her sister-in-law sate together in the latter’s dressing-room, discussing the unreasonabl... ...o his cousin George, as he took his seat on the drag. ‘The juke was jeuced jude wine—lem me tell you that, old fella,’ hiccupped out the Honourable Ge...

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Winesbur Inesbur, Ohio

By: Sherwood Anderson

...ok seemed to offer so powerful a revela- tion, and that was Thomas Hardy’s Jude the Ob- scure. Several years later, as I was about to go over- seas as... the land. More than once he went into Winesburg to talk with his son-in-law John Hardy about it. “You are a banker and you will have chances I neve... ...young man stumbled along the board sidewalk saying more words. “There is a law for armies and for men too,” he muttered, lost in reflection. “The law ... clothes, in their thoughts. I myself must be orderly. I must learn that law. I must get myself into touch with something orderly and big that swing... ...t begin to learn something, to give and swing and work with life, with the law.” George Willard stopped by a picket fence near a street lamp and his b... .... Then began the hard years for Tom Foster’s grandmother. First her son-in-law was killed by a 180 Sherwood Anderson policeman during a strike and th...

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Love's Labours Lost

By: William Shakespeare

...NGAVILLE: To fright them hence with that dread penalty. BIRON: A dangerous law against gentility! [Reads.] ‘Item, If any man be seen to talk with a ... ...which I apprehended with the aforesaid swain,—I keep her as a vessel of the law’s fury; and shall, at the least of thy sweet notice, bring her to tri... ...r oaths. It is religion to be thus forsworn, For charity itself fulfills the law, And who can sever love from charity? FERDINAND: Saint Cupid, then! ... ...d do so. BOYET: Therefore, as he is an ass, let him go. And so adieu, sweet Jude! nay, why dost thou stay? DUMAIN: For the latter end of his name. B... ...ou stay? DUMAIN: For the latter end of his name. BIRON: For the ass to the Jude; give it him:—Jud as, away! HOLOFERNES: This is not generous, not g...

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The Divine Comedy of Dante

By: Alighieri, Dante, 1265-1321

...t beyond the’ accursed stream she dwells, She may no longer move me, by that law, Which was ordain’d me, when I issued thence. Not so, if Dame from he... hand a couch, with frequent sighs. They are the father and the father in law Of Gallia’s bane: his vicious life they know And foul; thence comes t... ... no guide Recall, no rein direct her wand’ring course. Hence it behov’d, the law should be a curb; A sovereign hence behov’d, whose piercing view Migh... ...e burning by their shame. Our sinning was Hermaphrodite: but we, Because the law of human kind we broke, Following like beasts our vile concupiscence,... ...with the spiritual power in his person, to an unclean beast in the levitical law. “The camel, because he cheweth the cud, but divideth not the hoof, ... ...llo expressly call them the authors of the epistles, James, Peter, John and Jude. The Divine Comedy of Dante Purgatory 119 v. 140. One single ol...

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The Divine Comedy of Dante

By: H. F. Cary

...Thou shalt be left: for that Almighty King, Who reigns above, a rebel to his law, Adjudges me, and therefore hath decreed, That to his city none throu... ...the heart Denying and blaspheming his high power, And nature with her kindly law contemning. And thence the inmost round marks with its seal Sodom and... ...e Divine Comedy of Dante Hell 54 From forth the west, a shepherd without law, Fated to cover both his form and mine. He a new Jason shall be call’... ...Parted, alas! I carry from its source, That in this trunk inhabits. Thus the law Of retribution fiercely works in me.” CANTO XXIX So were mine eyes in... liv’d. Thy feet are planted on the smallest sphere, Whose other aspect is Judecca. Morn Here rises, when there evening sets: and he, Whose shaggy ... ... she bear.” He died in 1281. v. 86. From forth the west, a shepherd without law.] Bertrand de Got Archbishop of Bordeaux, who succeeded to the pontif... ...llo expressly call them the authors of the epistles, James, Peter, John and Jude. v. 140. One single old man.] As some say, St. John, under his ch...

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Wilhelm Tell

By: Johann Christoph Friedrich Von Schiller

...laced in a military academy established by the Duke. He tried the study of law and then of medicine, but his tastes were literary; and, while holding ... ...ugh ‘twere my brother, or my darling child, I would not go. ’Tis Simon and Jude’s day, The lake is up, and calling for its victim. TELL. Nought’s to b... ...most worthy man. Has he escaped, and is he safely hid? STAUFF. Your son-in-law conveyed him o’er the lake, And he lies hidden in my house at Steinen. ... ...and. FURST. Were there an umpire ‘twixt ourselves and Austria, Justice and law might then decide our quarrel. But out oppressor is our Emperor too, An... is Herr Reding, sir, our old Landamman. MEYER. I know him well. I am at law with him About a piece of ancient heritage. Herr Reding, we are enemies... him at his hearth! ALL (raising their right hands). Agreed! Be this the law! 56 Wilhelm T ell REDING. (After a pause). The law it is. ROSSEL. Now ...

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Bride of Lammermoor

By: Sir Walter Scott

...ies. But as he finds an account of the circumstances given in the Notes to Law’s Memorials, by his ingenious friend, Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe, Esq.,... ...pertinacity equal to his own. She particu- larly insisted on the Levitical law, which declares that a woman shall be free of a vow which her parents d... ...r rank; and strange things sometimes took place there, into which even the law did not scrupulously inquire. The credulous Mr. Law says, generally, th... His hypothesis is inconsistent with the account given in the note upon Law’s Memorials, but easily reconcil- able to the family tradition. In all ... ...onest in commerce, Just in his dealings, being much adverse From quirks of law, still ready to refer His cause t’ an honest country arbiter. He was ac... ...ter Scott Stay, let me see my calendar: the twentieth day from this is St. Jude’s, and the day before I must be at Caverton Edge, to see the match bet... ...nce,” as she said, with a keen glance reverting towards Lucy, “against St. Jude’s day, we must all be ready to sign and seal.” “T o sign and seal!” ec... soon to be engulfed. Week crept away after week, and day after day. St. Jude’s day arrived, the last and protracted term to which Lucy had limited ... ...’s appear below, As light and slender as her jessamines grow. —Crabbe. ST. JUDE’S DAY came, the term assigned by Lucy herself as the furthest date of ...

...might possibly be unpleasing to the feelings of the descendants of the parties. But as he finds an account of the circumstances given in the Notes to Law?s Memorials, by his ingenious friend, Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe, Esq., and also indicated in his reprint of the Rev. Mr. Symson?s poems appended to the Large Description of Galloway, as the original of the Bride of Lamme...

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A Theologico-Political Treatise Part 1 Chapters I to V Baruch Spinoza a Theologico-Political Treatise Part 1 Chapters I to V

By: R. H. M. Elwes

...estimony from the Old Testament itself to the share of the Gentiles in the law and favour of God. Explanation of apparent discrepancy of the Epistle t... ...arguments for the eternal election of the Jews. CHAPTER IV – Of the Divine Law. Laws either depend on natural necessity or on human decree. The existe... ...tence of the latter not inconsistent with the former class of laws. Divine law a kind of law founded on human decree: called Divine from its object. D... ...kind of law founded on human decree: called Divine from its object. Divine law: (1) universal; (2) independent of the truth of any historical narrativ... ...rites and ceremonies; (4) its own reward. Reason does not present God as a law-giver for men. Such a conception a proof of ignorance – in Adam – in th... ...good and sinneth not,” Eccles. vii:20. (Vide 2 Epist. Peter ii:15, 16, and Jude 5:11.) (70) His speeches must certainly have had much weight with God,...

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