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The Hitler File : A Novel of Fact

By: Sam Vaknin

...“I don’t understand” – I said and his head jerked up, his face a hostile mask. I forced myself to proceed: “Yesterday you told me that Russia w... ...Precisely!” – he bellowed triumphantly – “The Jews betrayed their own! This is what forced us to adopt desperate measures in the East! The Jews them... ...gave him the documents.” “That’s better” – sighs Himmler – “I hate it when people force us to behave in manifestly un-Germanic and uncivilized way... ... “Can I ask you some questions and can you try to answer them in a way that won’t force me to ask them all over again?” She giggled girlishly: ... Chamber of Commerce and saying that Jews were safe in Germany. Even Goering was forced to apologize to German Jewish organizations for the truly... ...ver heard my name uttered so many times in one day and in so many different ways. I lifted my eyes and met a pair of insectoid sunglasses, perched u... ...d. “I answered that already!” – I protested feebly and waited for the red fog to lift. “Are you Israel Sarid Roth?” “I am.” – I confirmed fo... ... a looker?” “I may be in love with her” – I responded tentatively. Dan didn’t lift a brow. “I guessed as much.” – he said – “When you told h... ...Put this over your eyes.” A blindfold. I hear shuffling feet and two sturdy hands lift me from the bunk by my armpits and drag me a along an uneve...

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Laws of Destiny Never Disappear : Culture of Thailand in the Postlocal World

By: Matti Sarmela

...nvironment 94 * Phii and souls of the kinship group 96 * Supernatural forces in nature 98 Between two worlds 99 Village sorcerers 99 * Mediu... ...and in international competition, national economies have been continually forced to grow and centralize; the basic technological and cultural model o... ..., have witnessed the greatest structural change of mankind. They have been forced to destroy the culture in which they grew up. The people of this boo... ... there is no free pastureland. Everywhere is under some crop and so one is forced to search for and cut grass for the buffalo. Finally, you tire of it... modern development is necessary, as only technological development will lift villages from poverty and backwardness.Agricultural modernization has ... ... robes or towels, for all monks that are present. After that the coffin is lifted on the pyre and the relatives walk around the coffin three times. I ... ...fron robe. Then the body is taken to the cremation place and the coffin is lifted on top of the wood and kindling. The timber is sprinkled with some k... ...the day of the cremation, on arrival at the cremation place, the coffin is lifted into the chapel there and a revered man of the family places the rob... ...ers in Pali. Someone reads an obituary of the deceased. Then the coffin is lifted onto the pyre and after the cremation the funeral is over. It's inte...

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Yellow on the Outside, Shame on the inside : Asian Culture Revealed

By: Chi, Anson

...pleasure of staring at her in class. And it's also a good thing that she was forced with the proverbial two options of doctor or lawyer just like me ... ... This posit a word in which no normal person would know unless they've been forced to — suffer countless hours of after-school SAT classes is the fi... ...ids have spent countless hours at the piano, like Jordan and me. My parents forced me to play the piano since I was in elementary school, telling me ... ...looks good on the resume, for a good-paying job. It's sad that Asian parents force ” their kids to play the piano or any instrument for that matter n... ... closer. “ ” I think it's time for me to shut up now. Seizing the moment, I lift my right hand to her face, running my index finger across her left ... ... the embrace, nothing able to sever our unity. I ease myself on top of her, lifting my right leg as I move sideways and accidentally kicking the box... ...ght would end with “ you in lingerie. I run my fingers through her hair and lift my other hand to show her the pack ” of condoms. You're wrong, Emil... ...iel “ ” reasons, trying to make me feel better, even though he's failing. I lift my head with a stern look in my eyes, as I point to Gabriel with my ... ...cause if it is, then I better get “ some at the end of the night, I ” joke, lifting up my own spirits. Sure, you'll get some. Some of your left hand...

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