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Machine (X) Science (X)

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The Renaissance of Science: The Story of the Atom, Mathematics, Astronomy and Physics

By: Dr. Albert Martini


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Ego Machine, The

By: Henry Kuttner

... plot has changed to include a robot from the future Nicholas looses all hope, but this robot may be just what he needs to win his freedom. – The Ego Machine was first published in the May, 1952 issue of Space Science Fiction magazine. (Summary by Gregg Margarite)...

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Reality Redux : Unlocking Homo Communicans: unlocking Homo communicans

By: Dr. Henk L.C. Meuzelaar
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The realities of reality : Part II, Making Sense of Why Modern Science Advances (Volume 1)

By: Fritz Dufour, MBA, DESS

.....180 C. Data Transmission…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….182 D. Data Manipulation…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….185 2. Machine Learning……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………187 3. Nanotechnology………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………194 CHAPTER XI: The Molecular Biology Revolution…………………………………………………………………………………………………...

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When the Sleeper Wakes

By: H. G. Wells “We have very little time,” he said. “T rust me,” said the tailor. “My machine follows. What do you think of this?” “What is that?” asked the man ... ...ype, clad in coarse pale blue canvas, appeared together with a complicated machine, which he pushed noiselessly on little castors into the room. Incon... ...tle kinetoscope was dropped, Graham was in- vited to stand in front of the machine and the tailor mut- tered some instructions to the crop-haired lad,... ...hanism that initiated a faint-sounding rhyth- mic movement of parts in the machine, and in another mo- ment he was knocking up the levers and Graham w... ...n a manner reminiscent of a roll of paper in a nineteenth century printing machine. Then they ran the entire thing on its easy, noiseless bearings acr... ...looped rather grace- fully from the wall. They made some connexion and the machine became energetic and swift. “What is that doing?” asked Graham, poi... ...The crop-headed boy, by means of one finger, was impelling the complicated machine towards the lift by which he had arrived. Graham stared at the comp... ...d a pair of shoes. Suddenly a loud voice shouted—it seemed from a piece of machinery in the corner—“At once—at once. The people know all over the city... ...the revolving fan. As the fan swept round, a dim turmoil like the noise of machinery came in rhythmic eddies. All else was silence. Though the perpetu...

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Waverley or Tis Sixty Years Since

By: Sir Walter Scott

..., with all their proper- ties of black cowls, caverns, daggers, electrical machines, trap- doors, and dark-lanterns? Or if I had rather chosen to call... animal) died the very night Vich Ian Vohr gave her to Murdock;’ the machine having, in fact, stopped for want of winding up. It was just when t...

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Mosses from an Old Manse

By: Nathaniel Hawthorne

...inders, crucibles, and other apparatus of chemical research. An electrical machine stood ready for immediate use. The atmosphere felt oppressively clo... ...Georgiana’s encouragement! “Carefully now, Aminadab; carefully, thou human machine; 15 Hawthorne carefully, thou man of clay!” muttered Aylmer, more ... open ear of the community. These ingenious methods constitute a sort of machinery, by which thought and study are done to every person’s hand witho... ... to the slightest inconvenience in the matter. There is another species of machine for the wholesale manufacture of individual moral ity. This excell... ..., the squalid chamber of the almshouse, the manufactory where the demon of machinery annihilates the human soul, and the cotton field where God’s imag... ... were unaccompanied with the faculty of expression, or any of that earthly machinery by which ethereal endowments 95 Hawthorne must be manifested to ... ...160 Mosses from an Old Manse what he is now so busy with is no part of the machinery of a watch.” “Perhaps, father,” said Annie, without showing much ... ...ed with singular dis taste at the stiff and regular processes of ordinary machinery. Being once carried to see a steam engine, in the expectation 16... ...f his most rational projects was to connect a musical opera tion with the machinery of his watches, so that all the harsh dissonances of life might b...

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Dynevor Terrace

By: Charlotte Mary Yonge

...y, if you like to finish the wreck, it will not interrupt me. This is mere machine-work.’ ‘Thank you,’ said Mary; ‘I should like it better afterwards.... ...n cheeks as well as the bread, or pinching their fingers in her gauffreing machine. Yet, poor little Charlotte Arnold learnt that the kitchen could be... ...e by exclaiming, ‘Well done, Strasburg system! A high-power Greek-imbibing machine, he may be, but as to comprehend- ing Fitzjocelyn—’ ‘Nay,’ said Isa...

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By: Henry Fielding sion, this appears to me to be no less an absurdity than to say of any machine that it is excellently made, though incapable of performing its fun...

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Neutrosophic Dialogues

By: Florentin Smarandache

...genius, living easily and comfortably without the need of so many external machines and tools. A layman would regard them as primitive, lagging behin... ... it themselves.) Neutrosophic Existentialism: Life is now mechanized. Machines are now humanized by science's sensorial improvements. This is a ... ...ared. Every person's physical body will contain the capabilities of these machines. Nobody will have to bother dialing a telephone. A person will on...

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Time Travel, Marilyn Monroe, Dinosaurs, and Aliens

By: Alexander Dimitroff Popoff

...“If I had a time machine I'd visit Marilyn Monroe in her prime,” wrote Professor Hawking in his article “STEPHEN HAWKING: How to build a time machine,” in Daily Mail. I liked very much his idea and prepared to go back in time. I started with...

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Twelve Stories and a Dream

By: H. G. Wells

...ified ways the completion of the divergent inquiries which made his flying machine possible. The first definite state- ment to that effect appeared in... ...ting helplessly before any breeze that took them; and on the other, flying machines that flew only in theory—vast flat structures heavier than air, pr... ...evitable final collapse rendered them impossible, the weight of the flying machines gave them this theoretical advantage, that they could go through t... ... contrasted and hitherto incom- patible merits of balloon and heavy flying machine might be combined in one apparatus, which should be at choice ei- t... ... so long as the aeronaut desired. There were no wings or propellers to his machine, such as there had been to all previous aeroplanes, and the only en... ...ption, which is still the structural con- ception of all successful flying machines, needed, however, a vast amount of toil upon its details before it... ...s to control its flight. The first flight of this first practicable flying machine took place over some fields near Burford Bridge, near Hythe, in Ken... ...o- lent completion—Banghurst fashion—of the life-size prac- ticable flying machine. Meanwhile, in the sight of privileged multitudes in the walled-gar... ...ew Paper is in sufficient harmony with the description. In one picture the machine swings down towards the river, and the tower of Fulham church appea...

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Bunner Sisters

By: Edith Wharton

... of Ages; and against the unshaded windows two rocking-chairs and a sewing-machine were silhouetted on the dusk. Ann Eliza, her small and habitually a... ... And I paid for it out of a little extra work I did the other night on the machine for Mrs. Hawkins.” “The baby-waists?” “Yes.” “There, I knew it! Y o... ...t studied from every angle of the room, Evelina languidly put her pinking- machine on the table, and sat down to the monotonous work of pinking a heap... ... the familiar quiet of the little shop, and the click of Evelina’s pinking-machine, certain sights and sounds would detach themselves from the torrent... ...again to the shop. It was empty, as usual, and Evelina sat at her pinking- machine in the back room. Ann Eliza was still agitated by her efforts to re... ...nter- change of words to the weary accompaniment of the sewing and pinking machines. It was perhaps with the idea of relieving the tension of their mo... ...with Mr. Ramy, while the elder sister sat down in her place at the pinking-machine. It seemed to Ann Eliza that she was alone for hours, and she was s... ...ou can have ‘em,” he announced. Ann Eliza rose from her seat at the sewing-machine and tried to take the flowers from him. “They ain’t for you; they’r... ...y and looked at them without speaking. Ann Eliza, who had gone back to the machine, bent her head over the seam she was stitching; the click, click, c...

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In the South Seas

By: Robert Louis Stevenson

...lmost elegant in its bareness, the sleeping space divided off by an endlong coaming, some bright rai- ment perhaps hanging from a nail, and a lamp and... ...dered, the roar and wash of them still humming in the chambers of the house. This itself was of one story, verandahed front and back. It contained thr... ... in his own island, he labours himself like a slave, and makes his people labour like a slave-driver. He takes an interest in ideas. George the trader... ...George the trader told him about flying-machines. ‘Is that true, George?’ he asked. ‘It is in the papers,’ replied George. ‘Well,’ said Karaiti, ‘if t... ...ady crammed with clocks, musi- cal boxes, blue spectacles, umbrellas, knitted waistcoats, bolts of stuff, tools, rifles, fowling-pieces, medicines, Eu... ...preservation—the gun cleaned and oiled, the goods duly folded. Without delay or haste, and with the minimum of speech, the whole great establishment t...

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Gulliver's Travels

By: Jonathan Swift while I slept;) that plenty of meat and drink should be sent to me, and a machine prepared to carry me to the capital city. This resolution perhaps... ...f the emperor, who is a renowned patron of learning. This prince has several machines fixed on wheels, for the carriage of trees and other great weigh... ... desolation which I had painted as the com mon effects of those destructive machines; whereof,” he said, “some evil genius, enemy to mankind, must ha... ...een’s joiner had contrived in one of Glumdalclitch’s rooms, a kind of wooden machine five and twenty feet high, formed like a standing ladder; the ste..., that I would do him justice, as the sole inventor of this wonderful machine;” the form and con trivance of which I desired leave to delineat...

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Doctor Grimshawe's Secret a Romance

By: Nathaniel Hawthorne

...y Doctor Grimshawe as a study, and fitted up with bookshelves, and various machines and contrivances, electrical, chemical, and distillatory, wherewit... about which they had heard much, with its spiders’ webs, its strange machines and con 40 Doctor Grimshawe s Secret fusing tools; so, much cont... ...tered constitutions there in hopes that the Doctor would make the worn out machinery as good as new) came to the lonely little household on the corner... ...ere established himself with his pipe, as usual, and his medical books and machines, and his manuscript. But he seemed troubled, irresolute, weak, and... ...adlong drama of life must have such repose or else go mad or die. When the machinery of human life has once been stopped by sickness or other im pedi... ...which now appeared to be merely a matter of curiosity. “This excellent old machine,” said the Warden, “had been lying in a rubbish chamber of the chur...

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Night and Day

By: Virginia Woolf

...d she meant to achieve something remarkable. She meant to use the cumbrous machine to pick out this, that, and the other interesting person from the m... ...glancing hither and thither, at the presses and the cupboards, and all the machinery of the office, as if she included them all in her rather maliciou... ...tee-room. 140 Night and Day CHAPTER XIV Mr. Clacton was in his glory. The machinery which he had perfected and controlled was now about to turn out i... ...s, the win- dows blocked with cages, and the tables stacked with home-made machines for the manufacture of silk dresses. “I wish you could help her to... ...mother might have got herself con- 201 Virginia Woolf cealed among mowing-machines and garden-shears, turned sharply on hearing her voice, and came t... ...ubt. She looked curiously round her at the furniture of the office, at the machinery in which she had taken so much pride, and marveled to think that ... could keep step with the crowd and never be found out for the hol- low machine, lacking the essential thing, that one was conscious of being. She ... ...ll look at my engagements… . 269 Virginia Woolf Hold on.” She dropped the machine, and looked fixedly at the print of the great-uncle who had not cea...

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American Notes for General Circulation

By: Charles Dickens

...ddle of the deck, lest the boat should unexpectedly tip over; and that the machinery, by some surprising process of condensation, worked between it an... ...d the promenade or hurricane deck being a top of that again. A part of the machinery is always above this deck; where the con necting rod, in a stron... ... there seems to be nobody in charge of her; and when another of these dull machines comes splashing by, you feel quite indignant with it, as a sullen ... them, the wheels that move the meanest perversion of virtuous Political Machinery that the worst tools ever wrought. Despicable trickery at electio... ...ull enough. The steamer (not unlike a child’s Noah’s ark in form, with the machinery on the top of the roof) is riding lazily up and down, and bump i... ...en this up per structure and this barge’s deck, are the furnace fires and machinery, open at the sides to every wind that blows, and every storm of r... ...escribed, that rages and roars beneath the frail pile of painted wood: the machinery, not warded off or guarded in any way, but doing its work in the ... ... boat, and drag it under water. Through such a scene as this, the unwieldy machine takes its hoarse, sullen way: venting, at every revolu tion of the...

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Vanity Fair

By: William Makepeace Thackeray

... her figure after the birth of a couple of children, and she became a mere machine in her husband’s house of no more use than the late Lady Crawley’s ... ... with countless dimples, speckled with white sails, with a hundred bathing-machines kissing the skirt of his blue garment—that the Londoner looks enra... ...d seawards, so as to command every pleasure-boat, herring-boat, or bathing-machine that comes to, or quits, the shore, &c., &c. But have we any leisur... ...g, twice or thrice a week, Miss Briggs used to betake herself to a bathing-machine, and disport in the water in a flannel gown and an oilskin cap. Reb... ...scope in their sitting-room, which faced the sea, to bear upon the bathing-machines on the beach; saw Briggs arrive, enter her box; and put out to sea... ... of every known science. The Rev. Mr. V eal had an orrery, an electrifying machine, a turning lathe, a theatre (in the wash-house), a chemical appa- r...

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The Old Curiosity Shop

By: Charles Dickens

... at the other in all the hu mility of the kettle and saucepans, while the machine jogged on and shifted the darkening prospect very slowly. At first ...—as though its precious freight were mere flour or coals! This ill used machine being empty (for it had depos ited its burden at the place of exhi... to one another with hoarse cries—night, when the noise of every strange machine was aggravated by the darkness; when the people near them looked wi... ...ere also present, a couple of water side men, bearing between them certain machines called drags; even these fellows were accommodated with a stiff gl...

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