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Molecular Biology (X) PDF (eBook) (X) Astronomy (X) Most Popular Books in China (X)

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And Gulliver Returns Book V : My Visit to Singaling

By: Lemuel Gulliver XVI

...d won it. Singaling has joined Singapore in its Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology. Researchers from around the world clamor to be... ... Singaling has joined Singapore in its Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology. Researchers from around the world clamor to be allowed to work in...

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The Path of Splitness

By: Indrek Pringi

...g stars. Atoms have the same relative proportional space between them in sub-molecular space as stars do in inter-galactic space. And they avoid e... ...rly all energy does this. Electrons have the same relative distance of inter- molecular space as light waves do in inter-galactic space. Electrons a... in more and more complex, subtle, interrelations of subatomic, atomic, and molecular bonding. Examine the formation of Hydrogen and Helium. Exa... ...ental design of organic cells splitting is nothing new. Anyone who has taken Biology will recognize it. How organic cells split, how Life works is ... ...otality of 12 as its atomic weight: which is the gateway to a higher level of molecular combinations. As a result of this, the Carbon atom can stru... ...exagonal snowflakes again. They second time they froze inside a cloud: their molecular structure would be completely different. This would force we... ...heir facts into unconnected, detached, fields of bullshit called Physics, and Biology, and Organic Chemistry. Then they isolate the facts inside ea... ...quation ever used in mathematics, in technology, in Physics, in Astronomy, in Biology, in Particle Physics is wrong… They will have to admit that al... ...a profound insight like that. You have to go to University and specialize in biology to learn that… huh? Somebody explain this to me… I don’t unde...

...: Basic aspects and dynamics of the Organic Universe and Organic Life. 3: The origins of modern humans going back 25 million years. 4: Human Psycho-biology. 5: The beginnings of civilization. 6: The effect of civilization upon humans. 7: Death, the existence of evil and its effect on humans. Offered as a free E-book at: ...

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Interview with the Future

By: Rav Michael Laitman

...ngs, humanity has developed various sciences such as physics, chemistry, biology etc. They are called Natural Sciences, and they are based on man’s... ...very unrefined. We cannot even feel what happens inside our own body, the molecular collisions, or the birth of new cells. Therefore, there are many... ...of the universe, in space and time. The wisdom of Kabbalah can teach you biology, chemistry, physics, you name it. You can learn psychiatry throug...

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