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Persephone (X) PDF (eBook) (X) Science (X) Literature (X)

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The Odyssey of Homer

By: Pope, Alexander, 1688-1744

... 156 The Odyssey of Homer Within, irradiate with prophetic light; To whom Persephone, entire and whole, Gave to retain the unseparated soul: The rest...

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Hesiod the Homeric Hymns and Homerica

By: Hugh G. Evelyn White in the MS. discov- ered by Matthiae at Moscow, describes the seizure of Persephone by Hades, the grief of Demeter, her stay at Eleusis, and her ven... ...ance on gods and men by causing famine. In the end Zeus is forced to bring Persephone back from the lower world; but the goddess, by the contriving of... ...he echoing halls of the god of the lower-world, strong Hades, and of awful Persephone. A fearful hound guards the house in front, piti- less, and he h... ...urs whomsoever he catches going out of the gates of strong Hades and awful Persephone. 85 Hesiod, The Homeric Hymns, and Homerica (ll. 775-806) And t... ...lso he came to the bed of all-nourishing Demeter, and she bare white-armed Persephone whom Aidoneus carried off from her mother; but wise Zeus gave he... ...7). (21) The crocus was to attract Europa, as in the very similar story of Persephone: cp. “Homeric Hymns” ii. lines 8 ff. (22) Apollodorus of Athens ... ...d giver of good gifts, what god of heaven or what mortal man has rapt away Persephone and pierced with sorrow your dear heart? For I heard her voice, ... ... so that having won over Hades with soft words, he might lead forth chaste Persephone to the light from the misty gloom to join the gods, and that her... ...ark-haired Hades, ruler over the departed, father Zeus bids me bring noble Persephone forth from Erebus unto the gods, that her mother may see her wit...

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