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The Poems

By: George Meredith

...Meredith A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication The Poems of George Meredith by George Meredith is a publication of the Pennsylvania Sta... ...h A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication The Poems of George Meredith by George Meredith is a publication of the Pennsylvania State Univ... ...nt or for the file as an electronic transmission, in any way. The Poems of George Meredith by George Meredith, the Pennsylvania State University, Elec... ...or the file as an electronic transmission, in any way. The Poems of George Meredith by George Meredith, the Pennsylvania State University, Elec- troni... ...dex of First Line ....................................508 14 The Poems of George Meredith CHILLIANWALLAH Chillanwallah, Chillanwallah! Where our brot... ...First Line ....................................508 14 The Poems of George Meredith CHILLIANWALLAH Chillanwallah, Chillanwallah! Where our brothers fo... ...ky splendour, like the Hadean brows, When with Elysian passion they behold Persephone’s complacent hueless cheeks. Soon gathering strength and lustre,... ...ye or loaded bee. Strain we the arms for Memory’s hours, We are the seized Persephone. Responsive never to the soft desire For one prized tune is this...

Excerpt: The Poems of George Meredith by George Meredith.

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