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...The Argonautica The Argonautica By Apollonius Rhodius (fl. 3rd Century B.C.) Originally written in Ancient Gre... ...The Argonautica The Argonautica By Apollonius Rhodius (fl. 3rd Century B.C.) Originally written in Ancient Greek sometime... ... in Ancient Greek sometime in the 3rd Century B.C. by the Alexandrian poet Apollonius Rhodius (“Apollonius the Rhodian”). Translation by R.C. Seaton, ... ... Greek sometime in the 3rd Century B.C. by the Alexandrian poet Apollonius Rhodius (“Apollonius the Rhodian”). Translation by R.C. Seaton, 1912. The ... ...onius the Rhodian”). Translation by R.C. Seaton, 1912. The Argonautica by Apollonius Rhodius, translation by R. C. Seaton, 1912 is a publication of ... ...hodian”). Translation by R.C. Seaton, 1912. The Argonautica by Apollonius Rhodius, translation by R. C. Seaton, 1912 is a publication of the Pennsyl... ... died there upon the sea beach. And for a time they went no fur ther, for Persephone herself sent forth the spirit of Actor’s son which craved with m...
...andrian literature and the famous Library, founded by Ptolemy Soter, but the dates of the chief writers are still matters of conjecture. The birth of Apollonius Rhodius is placed by scholars at various times between 296 and 260 B.C., while the year of his death is equally uncertain. In fact, we have very little information on the subject....