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River Valleys of the United States (X) English (X) Literature (X) Drama and Literature (X)

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Words to Wright By

By: Robin Bayne

...ign Copyright © 2008 Lee Emory Edited by Lee Emory Printed and published in the U.S.A. by MountainView Publishing A division of Treble Heart Books Si... ...ry Printed and published in the U.S.A. by MountainView Publishing A division of Treble Heart Books Sierra Vista, AZ Th... This is a non-fiction work. All rights reserved. No part of this book or any other copyrighted materials contained herein, used by... ...nal storage and retrieval system, without express permission in writing from the publishers. ISBN: 978-1-932695-79-3 “Scripture taken from the New Ce... ... in another state. But because the magazine goes to subscribers all over the United States and even into foreign countries, my words are reaching peop... ...o do not know the Lord will be influenced by something I have written, to be united with Him. So my advice to you fellow writers is don’t be discourag... ...r. The valley has shadows that can turn ominous at times. On the other hand, valleys do have meadows, with wild flowers and streams. Still waters run ... When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire ... ...o play cards, roller blade together, walk along the levee of the Mississippi River and especially visit anything that has to do with science, includin...

...Join a variety of well-known authors as they share the Scripture or quotations they find inspiring to their writing. The devotionals they?ve contributed reflect all aspects of the writing life: basic motivation, rejection, publishing and su...

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The Unfettered Life of Kenyon of New Orleans

By: Steven David Justin Sills

...The Unfettered Life of Kenyon of New Orleans By Steven David Justin Sills "My work is not a piece of writ... ...ven David Justin Sills "My work is not a piece of writing designed to meet the taste of an immediate public, but was done to last forever" --Thucydide... ...Justin Sills "My work is not a piece of writing designed to meet the taste of an immediate public, but was done to last forever" --Thucydides Part I K... had in a long morphine induced sleep where dreams were as uneventful as the idealized restfulness of death; but though privileged enough to be imp... ...And diffused feeling she had throughout her body and inordinately so, like river water diffused with the silt of lamentation. Chapter Three Somethi... ...f a girl with bright auburn tresses whom she often saw at a park along the river front – a ten year old who was sometimes seen eating $3.00 double d... ...bug traversed on her body most intimately. She was their mountains, their valleys, their rivers, their sinkholes. And there, on her, she heard one s... ... such, she had been the inheritor of a large portion of the coffers of the United States government. Only from being such an heiress had she been abl... ...she had been the inheritor of a large portion of the coffers of the United States government. Only from being such an heiress had she been able to ge...

...This experimental literary novel seeks to probe the mind of Kenyon, an isolated invalid in her home, as she goes through morphine induced sleep and lucid wakefulness, and in both seeking meaning for her life and to be reconciled to her estranged marriage...

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Tokyo to Tijuana: Gabriele Departing America

By: Steven David Justin Sills

...ter and imitate any object, and should propose to make a public display of his talents and his productions, we shall pay him reverence as a ... ...owning him with woolen fillets; but for ourselves, we shall employ, for the sake of our real good, that more austere and less fascinating ... ... with woolen fillets; but for ourselves, we shall employ, for the sake of our real good, that more austere and less fascinating poet and le... and less fascinating poet and legend-writer, who will imitate for us the style of the virtuous man." Plato (Republic) Chapter One At Tok... ...ka?," (where you go?) asked the taxi driver sharply. The word, "kang," meant river and "mul" meant water. What, he thought to himself, was the word fo... ... resented him some for quaking and thwarting the direction of his passionate river that most men felt, rode, and defined themselves from. Still, he k... ...some of unknown Antarctica, a dreamy non-asthmatic land of ice mountains and valleys. In such a place dreamed about and sketched from her asthmatic yo..., which was becoming less odd annually, concerned her especially after the United Nations report that the world temperature would rise two degrees o... ...t contracts would have taken place in the 19th century when the deceased was united in the ultimate act of consummation: the decay into that plot of l...

...rean culture and that his own life is an outlier to this conservative society. As he lives there, making his living as an English teacher, he writes of Gabriele, a single parent in Ithaca New York who manifests a more open and less asphyxiating rebellion against society...

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By: Michel Eyquem de Montaigne

...n by John Florio (1553-1625) Book I. | Book II. | Book III. Note on the e-text: this Renascence Editions text was provided by Professor Emeritu... ...essor Emeritus Ben R. Schneider, Lawrence University, Wisconsin. It is in the public domain. "Florio's Translation of Montaigne's Essays was first p... ...e University, Wisconsin. It is in the public domain. "Florio's Translation of Montaigne's Essays was first published in 1603. In 'The World's Classic... material was supplied by R.S. Bear from the Everyman's Library edition of 1910. Content unique to this presentation is copyright © 1999 The Univer... ... other, who should best entertaine, cherish and foster mee: And as if this river of benignitie did runne in a blood, your worthie Sonne in-law, and v... ...rus for many daies together ammused his whole armie to be revenged of the river Gyndus, for the feare be tooke passing over the same: And Caligula c... ...uld presently linde the spring and motion of it. Our mindes have jumped so unitedly together, they have with so fervent an affection consideredof eac... ...have, that he will once more adventure to charge these re-enforced und re-united forces, and new armed wit h despite and vengeance, that durst not, ... ...faults and deceits they use towards us. And the echoing or reporting of a valleys the sound of a trumpet seemeth to sound before us, which cometh a m...

...(Author to reader)--Reader, loe here a well-meaning Booke. It doth at the first entrance forewarne thee, that in contriving the same I have proposed unto my selfe no other than a familiar and private end: I have no respect or consideration at all, either to thy service, or to my glory: my force...

...They have a secret, unperceived and delicate beauty; he had neede of a cleere, farreseeing and true-discerning sight that should rightly discover this secret light. Is not ingenuity (according to us) cosin germaine unto sottishnesse, and a quality of reproach? Socrates maketh his soule ...

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