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...Albert Savarus by Honoré de Balzac, trans. Ellen Marriage is a publication of the Pennsylva- nia State University. This Portable Document file is furn... ...ert Savarus by Honoré de Balzac, trans. Ellen Marriage is a publication of the Pennsylva- nia State University. This Portable Document file is furnish... ...sity. This Portable Document file is furnished free and without any charge of any kind. Any person using this document file, for any purpose, and in a... ...e, for any purpose, and in any way does so at his or her own risk. Neither the Pennsylvania State University nor Jim Manis, Faculty Editor, nor anyone... ...ery combination that the most exacting fancy can de- mand of mountains and rivers, lakes and rocks, brooks and pastures, trees and torrents. Here are ... ...anite cliffs, like plumes, de- serted but verdant reaches opening out, and valleys whose beauty seems the lovelier in the dreamy distance. As they pas... ...d their antagonism had no doubt had the result of tightening the bond that united them. Rodolphe was the natural son of a man of rank, who was carried... ...tance from Besancon. The town stands in a horseshoe cir- cumscribed by the river Doubs. Thus, to restore an aqueduct in order to drink the same water ... ...ills joined by a strong wall, to protect from inunda- tion the two lateral valleys opening into the valley of Rouxey, to the right and left at the foo...
...Excerpt: One of the few drawing-rooms where, under the Restoration, the Archbishop of Besancon was sometimes to be seen, was that of the Baronne de Watteville, to whom he was particularly attached on account of her religious sentiments. A...
...The Marble Faun or The Romance of Monte Beni by Nathaniel Hawthorne Complete Two Volumes in One A Penn Sta... ...te Two Volumes in One A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication The Marble Faun, or The Romance of Monte Beni by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a p... ...te Electronic Classics Series Publication The Marble Faun, or The Romance of Monte Beni by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a publication of the Pennsylvania S... ...n, or The Romance of Monte Beni by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Portable Document file is furnished... ... so resonant; and Hilda with her slender scream, piercing farther than the united uproar of the rest—began to shriek, halloo, and bel- low, with the u... ...houses, midway towards the hilly line, and showed the course of the unseen river. Far away on the right, the moon gleamed on the dome of St. Peter’s a... he listened to such tales as these, Kenyon could have imagined that the valleys and hillsides about him were a veritable Arcadia; and that Donatell... ...mented walls and towered gateway, were scattered upon this spacious map; a river gleamed across it; and lakes opened their blue eyes in its face, refl... persuade Donatello to be my companion in a ramble among these hills and valleys. The little adventures and vicissitudes of travel will do him infin...
...Excerpt: Chapter 1. Miriam, Hilda, Kenyon, Donatello Four individuals, in whose fortunes we should be glad to interest the reader, happened to be standing in one of the saloons of the sculpture-gallery in the Capitol at Rome. It was that room (the first, after ascending the staircase) in the centre of which reclines the noble and most patheti...
...n by John Florio (1553-1625) Book I. | Book II. | Book III. Note on the e-text: this Renascence Editions text was provided by Professor Emeritu... ...essor Emeritus Ben R. Schneider, Lawrence University, Wisconsin. It is in the public domain. "Florio's Translation of Montaigne's Essays was first p... ...e University, Wisconsin. It is in the public domain. "Florio's Translation of Montaigne's Essays was first published in 1603. In 'The World's Classic... material was supplied by R.S. Bear from the Everyman's Library edition of 1910. Content unique to this presentation is copyright © 1999 The Univer... ... other, who should best entertaine, cherish and foster mee: And as if this river of benignitie did runne in a blood, your worthie Sonne in-law, and v... ...rus for many daies together ammused his whole armie to be revenged of the river Gyndus, for the feare be tooke passing over the same: And Caligula c... ...uld presently linde the spring and motion of it. Our mindes have jumped so unitedly together, they have with so fervent an affection consideredof eac... ...have, that he will once more adventure to charge these re-enforced und re-united forces, and new armed wit h despite and vengeance, that durst not, ... ...faults and deceits they use towards us. And the echoing or reporting of a valleys the sound of a trumpet seemeth to sound before us, which cometh a m...
...(Author to reader)--Reader, loe here a well-meaning Booke. It doth at the first entrance forewarne thee, that in contriving the same I have proposed unto my selfe no other than a familiar and private end: I have no respect or consideration at all, either to thy service, or to my glory: my force...
...They have a secret, unperceived and delicate beauty; he had neede of a cleere, farreseeing and true-discerning sight that should rightly discover this secret light. Is not ingenuity (according to us) cosin germaine unto sottishnesse, and a quality of reproach? Socrates maketh his soule ...
... Across the Plains by Robert Louis Stevenson is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Portable Document file is furn... ... Across the Plains by Robert Louis Stevenson is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Portable Document file is furnish... ...ersity. This Portable Document file is furnished free and without any charge of any kind. Any person using this document file, for any purpose, and in... ...ile, for any purpose, and in any way does so at his or her own risk. Neither the Pennsylvania State University nor Jim Manis, Faculty Editor, nor anyo... ...ers, and in the bag of my railway rug the whole of Bancroft’s History of the United States, in six fat volumes. It was as much as I could carry with c... ...lowed the porters into a long shed reaching downhill from West Street to the river. It was dark, the wind blew clean through it from end to end; and h... ... and threw a sudden flare over the shed. We were being filtered out into the river boat for Jersey City. You may imagine how slowly this filtering pro... ... day. There was not a cloud; the sunshine was baking; yet in the woody river valleys among which we wound our way, the atmosphere preserved a sparklin... ... where nomenclature is so rich, poetical, hu- morous, and picturesque as the United States of America. All times, races, and languages have brought th...
Excerpt: Across the Plains by Robert Louis Stevenson.
...Contents CHAPTER I - ACROSS THE PLAIN........................3 CHAPTER II - THE OLD PACIFIC CAPITAL........38 CHAPTER III - FONTAINEBLEAU VILLAGE COMMUNITIES OF PAINTERS...............................52 CHAPTER IV - EPILOGUE TO ?AN INLAND VOYAGE?.......... Cotton Edited by William Carew Hazilitt 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 ESSAYS OF MICHEL DE MONTAIGNE Book the Third T ranslated by Charles Cotton Edited ... ...Carew Hazilitt 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 ESSAYS OF MICHEL DE MONTAIGNE Book the Third T ranslated by Charles Cotton Edited by William Carew Hazilitt 18... P P P P Publication ublication ublication ublication ublication Essays of Michel De Montaigne, trans. Charles Cotton, Ed. William Carew Hazilitt i... ...gne, trans. Charles Cotton, Ed. William Carew Hazilitt is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Portable Document file is furnished... ...n form, according to the country; living and mortal; without birth, as the river Nile; genealogical and common; of succession and simili- tude; drawn ... ...untains, they cut them through, and made them even, and filled up pits and valleys with lime and stone to make them level. At the end of every day’s j... ... ought others to do? In fine, we must live amongst the living, and let the river run under the bridge without our care, or, at least, without our inte... ...d, they still close and stick to- gether, both moving and in heaps; as ill united bodies, that, shuffled together without order, find of themselves a ... ...- ments of the world. May God drive our divisions far from her. Entire and united, I think her sufficiently defended from all other violences. I give ...
Excerpt: Essays of Michel De Montaigne, translated by Charles Cotton, Ed. William Carew Hazilitt.
...Contents CHAPTER I OF PROFIT AND HONESTY................................................................................... 4 CHAPTER II OF REPENTANCE ................................................................................................
...omer’s Odyssey 2 Published by The SOLARIS INSTITUTE of The SOPHIA UNIVERSITY OF ROME. (S.U.R.) Cr... ... 2 Published by The SOLARIS INSTITUTE of The SOPHIA UNIVERSITY OF ROME. (S.U.R.) Creative Commons Licence -... ...y-nc-nd/3.0/ You are free: to Share — to copy, distribute and transmit the work. Under the following conditions: Attribution — You must attribut... ...censor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work). Noncommercial — You may not use this work for commercial pu... ...d by Sophia University of Rome 1995). This awareness and this wisdom, united with the art of self-transformation (Sophia-Art and Cosmo-Art), he... ...ake a first step beyond his hatred and his wounded pride by praying to the river god, who answers his prayer and saves him from sure death. During h... ...needs to be able to do so. And while I was walking through the sacred valleys of Circe who knows many potions, I was about to reach her palac... ...hen this occurs it is a work of art made by the man and the woman, who are united in a common goal: the fusion of the masculine and the feminine prin... ...ashed against the rocks several times, Ulysses finally sees the mouth of a river and he prays: .... “ Hear me, Sire, whomever you may be: I beli...
...“The Odyssey is not an adventure story. It is, rather, a book of wisdom that explains the art of humanity’s journey toward becoming artists of life and of the life of the universe. It tells the tale of a love story that is bas... Publication Miscellaneous Essays by Thomas de Quincey is a publication of the Pennsylvania State Univer- sity. This Portable Document file is furn... ...Publication Miscellaneous Essays by Thomas de Quincey is a publication of the Pennsylvania State Univer- sity. This Portable Document file is furnish... ...sity. This Portable Document file is furnished free and without any charge of any kind. Any person using this document file, for any purpose, and in a... ...e, for any purpose, and in any way does so at his or her own risk. Neither the Pennsylvania State University nor Jim Manis, Faculty Editor, nor anyone... ...ther, warm already, became warmer; culinary and meta- physical irritations united to derange his liver: he took to his bed, and died. Such is the comm... ...ner. In fact, it was one of its sentimental incidents. Being as old as the valleys at the dinner of 1812, naturally he was as old as the hills at the ... ...r fron- tiers, produced a mixed race representing the cis and the trans. A river (it is true) formed the boundary line at this point— the river Meuse;... ...ffing smile on their features—how should she throw her line into so deep a river to angle for a king, where many a gay creature was sporting that masq... ... the demur, asked them if they fancied God, who clothed the flowers of the valleys, unable to find raiment for his servants. The answer of Joanna move...
...Excerpt: From my boyish days I had always felt a great perplexity on one point in Macbeth. It was this: the knocking at the gate, which succeeds to the murder of Duncan, produced to my feelings an effect for which I never could account. The effect was, that it reflected back upon the murder a peculiar awfulness and a depth of s...
...Contents On the Knocking at the Gate, in Macbeth....................................................4 On Murder, Considered as One of the Fine Arts .........................................9 LECTURE.......................................... Philosophical Essays and Musings: The Silver Lining – Ethical Dilemmas in Modern Films http://samv... ... Created by: LIDIJA RANGELOVSKA REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA C O N T E N T S I. A II. B III. C IV. D V... ... M XIII. N XIV. O XV. P-Q XVI. R XVII. S XVIII. T XIX. U-V-W XX. X-Y-Z XXI. The Author A Abortion I. The Right to Life It is a fundament... ... XXI. The Author A Abortion I. The Right to Life It is a fundamental principle of most moral theories that all human beings have a right to lif... ...ys been the most fervent anti-Semites. Jews are not so much a race as a community, united in age-old traditions and beliefs, lore and myths, histor... ... man will have thrown off all of his superstitions and irrational taboos." (Diego Rivera) "One calls 'barbarism' whatever he is not accustomed to... of technology and know-how - the firm prevents its competitors from crossing the river into its protected turf. Let little firms "develop" an i... ...ragment into urban islands: gated communities, slums, strips, technology parks and "valleys", belts, and so on. The various parts will maintain a te... ...settlement Tel-Hai ("Mount of Life"), Israel's Alamo. There, among the picturesque valleys of the Galilee, a one-armed hero named Joseph Trumpeldor...
...Cyclopedia of issues in modern philosophy: The philosophy of science and religion, the cognitive sciences, cultural studies, aesthetics, art and literature, the philosophy of economics, the philosophy of psychology, and ethics....
...ace by Charles T. Le: 3 0. Introduction: 9 1. Neutrosophy - a new branch of philosophy: 13 2. Neutrosophic Logic - a unifying field in logics: 87 ... ...nifying field in sets: 112 4. Neutrosophic Probability - a generalization of classical and imprecise probabilities - and Neutrosophic Statistics: 11... ...ction. It was a surprise for me when in 1995 I received a manuscript from the mathematician, experimental writer and innovative painter Florentin Sm... writer and innovative painter Florentin Smarandache, especially because the treated subject was of philosophy - revealing paradoxes - and logics. ... ...Manifesto of the PARADOXISM is especially a revolt of the emigrant to the United States who doesn't speak English, against the language - an anti- la... of the PARADOXISM is especially a revolt of the emigrant to the United States who doesn't speak English, against the language - an anti- language ... ...oems; - poems in Pirissanorench (language spoken in the South-West of the United States by a single person!); - super-poems; 6 - graphic poems; ... ...ic character of mathematical assertions, it can become itself a knowledge river of future mathematics." (Al. Froda, <Eroare şi paradox în matematic ... Way: "Via Negativa" of St. Thomas Aquinas). The development has valleys and hills. Entities are tight by their differences too. Paradox i...
...It was known to me his setting up in 1980’s of a new literary and artistic avant-garde movement that he called “paradoxism”, because I received some books and papers dealing with it in order to review them for the German journal “Zentralblatt fár Mathematik”. It was an...
...Paradoxism is an avant-garde movement in literature, art, philosophy, science, based on excessive used of antitheses, antinomies, contradictions, parables, odds, paradoxes in creations....
... BY CHARLOTTE M.YONGE A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication The Chaplet of Pearls by Charlotte M. Yonge is a publication of the Pennsyl... ...E M.YONGE A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication The Chaplet of Pearls by Charlotte M. Yonge is a publication of the Pennsylvania State ... ...sity. This Portable Document file is furnished free and without any charge of any kind. Any person using this document file, for any purpose, and in a... ...e, for any purpose, and in any way does so at his or her own risk. Neither the Pennsylvania State University nor Jim Manis, Faculty Editor, nor anyone... ...idst of the masque; there is a market-boat from Leurre to meet them on the river; his servants will be in it.’ ‘On Wednesday!’ Father and son looked a... ...or worse, of ridicule, balanced himself, pole in hand, in the midst of the river. To the right of the river was Elysium—a circular island revolving on... ...ot but draw such a fate on himself. Now all is smooth, the estates will be united in their true head, and you—you too, my child, will be provided for ... ...ds, orchards, and thickets, and gently undulating in low hills and shallow valleys, interspersed with tall wasp-waisted windmills airily waving their ... with her sighs and plaints, and had wandered through the hills and valleys, gathering simples wherewith she had com- pounded a balsam that mig...
...Preface: It is the fashion to call every story controversial that deals with times when controversy or a war of religion was raging; but it should be remembered that there are some which only attempt to portray human feelings as affected by...
...E VOLUMES Volume Five A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication The Works of Edgar Allan Poe in Five Volumes: Volume Five is a publication ... ...Volume Five A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication The Works of Edgar Allan Poe in Five Volumes: Volume Five is a publication of the Pen... ... Works of Edgar Allan Poe in Five Volumes: Volume Five is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Portable Document file is furnishe... ...ity. This Portable Document file is furnished free and without any charge of any kind. Any person using this document file, for any purpose, and in a... ...fensive to the eye of an artist than the interior of what is termed in the United States— that is to say, in Appallachia—a well-furnished apartment. I... ... to the eye of an artist than the interior of what is termed in the United States— that is to say, in Appallachia—a well-furnished apartment. Its most... ..., book in hand, at an open window, commanding, through a long vista of the river banks, a view of a distant hill, the face of which nearest my positio... ...e populous avenue, then, with a heavy sigh, turned in the direction of the river, and, plunging through a great variety of devious ways, came out, at ... ... glory.” 1833. 161 V olume Five THE HAUNTED PALACE In the greenest of our valleys By good angels tenanted, Once a fair and stately palace — Radia...
Excerpt: The Works of Edgar Allan Poe in Five Volumes: Volume Five.
...Contents PHILOSOPHY OF FURNITURE .................................................................................................................................. 6 A TALE OF JERUSALEM ..............................................................
... SARTOR RESARTUS The Life and Opinions of Herr Teufelsdr¨ ockh THOMAS CARLYLE 1831 DjVu Editions Copyright c ... ...HAPTER IV — CHARACTERISTICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 CHAPTER V — THE WORLD IN CLOTHES . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 CHAPTER VI — APRONS . .... ...9 CHAPTER VII — MISCELLANEOUS HISTORICAL . . . . . . . . . 31 CHAPTER VIII — THE WORLD OUT OF CLOTHES . . . . . . . . . 34 CHAPTER IX — ADAMITISM . . ... ...— MISCELLANEOUS HISTORICAL . . . . . . . . . 31 CHAPTER VIII — THE WORLD OUT OF CLOTHES . . . . . . . . . 34 CHAPTER IX — ADAMITISM . . . . . . . . . ... ...nd rock bound from the distance, will unfold itself, when visited, into rare valleys. Nay, in any case, would Criticism erect not only finger posts and... ... 5 to. For not this man and that man, but all men make up mankind, and their united tasks the task of mankind. How often have we seen some such advent... ...sure to hear something noteworthy. Nay, perhaps to hear a whole se ries and river of the most memorable utterances; such as, when once thawed, he wou... ...y his own boot maker, jeweller, and man milliner; he bounds free through the valleys, with a perennial rain proof court suit on his body; wherein warm... ... from below; the little Kuhbach gushing kindly by, among beech rows, through river after river, into the Donau, into the Black Sea, into the Atmospher...
...Excerpt: CHAPTER I; PRELIMINARY -- CONSIDERING our present advanced state of culture, and how the Torch of Science has now been brandished and borne about, with more or less effect, for five thousand years and upwards; how, in these times especially, not only the Torch still burns, and perhaps more...