Search Results (2 titles)

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Zeus (X) English (X) Astronomy (X) Science Fiction Collection (X)

Records: 1 - 2 of 2 - Pages: 
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And Gulliver Returns Book IV : A Look at Our Human Values

By: Lemuel Gulliver XVI

...onotheists and polytheists think and write about what their gods are like. Zeus or Jupiter were the heads of the gods. Aphrodite and Venus were the g... ...o gods in volcanoes. Then there were pictures of gods like Thor, Jupiter, Zeus and the rest of the primitive pantheon. Of course they all knew that ...

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The Path of Splitness

By: Indrek Pringi

...f insane mental detachment: their myths of the King of the Ancient Greek Gods Zeus: was born out of the head of Titan. He was not born out of a fem... ‘Jesus’ is merely a Semitic misspelling of the Greco-Persian slang word: ‘Zeus’: used in the Mid-east. He is a cross between the Semitic prophe... ...emitic prophet Jehovah, and the Greek sun God: Apollo. Apollo was the son of Zeus. Jesus was the sun of Apollo. He was brighter than his father. ...; and re- creating a new cultural center where none existed before. Jehovah-Zeus-Jesus. The word Jesus is a mixture of Jehovah and Zeus: right do... ...rd Jesus is a mixture of Jehovah and Zeus: right down to the pronunciation of Zeus as ZooZ And Jesus as JeZUZ…. Je-hova and Je-sus. These semantic... better than any other race on Earth. A Greek-Semitic mixture of meanings: Zeus- Jews-Jeus-Jesus- JeSus-JeSEEus-JeHOva: 1st of Gods-1 st of babie...

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Records: 1 - 2 of 2 - Pages: 

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