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...row my arms around his neck, trying to weigh his forequarters down by sheer force. The stallion continued his wild dance, and yet no one came in re... ...norting impatiently. My rescuer wrapped his gloved hands around my waist and lifted me tidily from the horse; I noted that he smelled of sandalwood. ... ...lifted me tidily from the horse; I noted that he smelled of sandalwood. He lifted the saddle flaps, undid the girth, and started in anger. There wa... ...ul evening gown in sapphire moire bengaline with a deep bertha neckline. I lifted its hem and examined the stitching, wishing I had use for such a ... ...noon, when I returned from my errands, Giraud was in this room. He tried to force himself on me, Francois. I will not be riding tonight.” “But what... ...akened something inside me today and Giraud tried to take that something by force. I curled up into a small ball on my bed and let the tears and sobs... ...g harsh as he plundered my mouth. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he lifted me easily. I locked my legs around his waist, and then broke the... ...mass fell freely to my shoulder blades. “Now,” he whispered from behind me, “lift your hair away from your neck.” Around my neck he placed an exquisit... gut rope that he pulled from a pocket. “Nor am I unwilling to resort to force again.” “God in heaven, Erik,” I sighed. “Haven’t there been enoug...
...This paper investigates the DOD’s tactical logistical challenges and each service’s tactical lift requirements, especially with respect to the movement of supplies from forward supply hubs to forward forces. To address these challenges and requirements, the author suggests the use of remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) a... days. Instead, they had captured tiny creatures called Eleckytrons and forced them to make light. The antics of the Hoomans who lived in the Story... ...clasped deep in his hands. ‘Master!’ Bozo cried. The Storyteller wearily lifted his head to meet Bozo’s gaze. ‘Yes, Bozo?’ he responded, in his lon... as she approached and laid a pile of letters on the bedside table. She lifted his head carefully and slid out the pillow so that she could give i... ...cautiously. Then tiny cracks of light streamed into his head as the dream lifted up his eyelid to make its getaway. But Theo swung his attention aro... ...r the moon and stars. But the Hoomans trapped them inside glass cages and forced them to dance each time they threw a switch, when the sides of the ... ...cloth. An explosion of blinding white light f lled the room and they were forced to shield their eyes. Gradually, the intensity of the light faded a... ...ts of fear, anger and cruelty. ‘As the Hoomans began to embody these dark forces, the seed of evil in the Storyteller’s mind grew in strength until ... ...ll, we can make some pretty good guesses and prepare as best we can.’ She lifted an old, dusty carpet that was rolled up in the corner, and pulled b... ... the side of the road and everyone jumped out to see what was wrong. They lifted the bonnet to clouds of dense smoke. The three Bedouin shook their ...
... boy called Theo to accompany him. Traveling the planet in search of a Cure, they seek the counsel of the Awakened Ones and are pursued by a terrible force they only know as the Enemy. All hope for the Storyteller lies in their hands. And if he should die then our world might just disappear along with him...
...ter our Death XIX. That to Philosophise is to learn how to die XX. On the force of Imagination XXI. The profit of one man is the dammage of another X... ...ot seeke-for-further. Yet did your honoured name r'ally to my succour the forces of two deare friends, both devoted to your service, both obliged to... ...ether, to such I will say little, for they deserve but little; but if they lift, else let them chuse, I send them to the ninth chapter of the third b... ...adowed in leaves, may be the witnesses Rather of our defects, then of our force. And this proud frame of our presumption, This Babel of our skill, ... ...spect or consideration at all, either to thy service, or to my glory: my forces are not capable of any such desseigne. I have vowed the same to the... ... of bakon, he found some ease. But in good earnest even as the arme being lifted up to strike, if the stroke hit not, but fall void, wee feele some ... ...d suddennesse thereof wee deeme it inevitable: and there are some, who by lifting up of a hand, or stooping their head have sometimes given their fe... ...nicall countenance unto us; against which we have no more the libertie to lift so much as our eies; wee may plainly see her upon every occasion to f... ...ere they salute one another laying the forefinger on the ground, and then lifting it up toward (...
...proposed unto my selfe no other than a familiar and private end: I have no respect or consideration at all, either to thy service, or to my glory: my forces are not capable of any such desseigne. I have vowed the same to the particular commodity of my kinsfolk and friends: to the end, that losing me (which they are likely to do ere long), they may therein find some lineam...
... find an entrance into Disneyland to which there where no security guards to force a departure. He searched though his billfold for a calling card. He... ...aduate school. But he could not take the stagnation that scholarly pursuits forced him to endure and became the animated billiard ball being shot fro... ...m sick to think that he had caused a woman to conceive and then had not been forceful enough with his will to ensure that the child would be born--no,... ...concept of God. She had been rolled on by a tank a second time and had been forced to reassess earlier conclusions. Motherhood was beginning to make... ... on sweetly as her grandson, abandoning all of the packages surrounding him, lifts her skirt curiously. But then for the non-pornographic version she ... ...actions from the age of ten and as she chuckled inwardly to herself she then lifted the plug in the sink and lodged the cigarette down the drain untra... ...hen his face grimaced. "You're pregnant with a guy that gives you this!" He lifted her lowered face in his palm. "What's the name of this guy?" he d... ...was staring into the face of Osama Bin Laden. "Where am I?" she asked as she lifted her head and wiped the pallid dirt from hair and face. A translat... ...he isnチOt a girl but a woman who last week, after recuperating from her face lift, emailed a photograph of her new face. She is just Hispanic Betty bu...
...uld have watered. If it had today, she told no one. She dressed alone. She lifted her rifle off iron hooks hammered into dark-grained wood. Convers... ...ay our Covenant preserve you. The last line was written in Masari. The Yata lifted his belt and placed it on the parchment edge to anchor paper to s... ...come, summoning him. He was not afraid. TripStone dropped to her knees and lifted her rifle, seeing only Ulik. As he moved in mid-stride, she fired... like dough. Invisible hands held her back. Her legs bucked until she was lifted off the floor, until her shrieks threatened to burst from the top... ...posite end of the hut, held his arms out for balance as he swayed under the force of his heartbeat. They beheld each other, disheveled and exhausted... ...sari feet. The winds howled about him as he dug into snow-filled crevasses, lifting himself to the summit. After days and nights of clinging to ice... ...from a swiftly-running stream near the cabin. "Otherwise, her parents could force her to eat Yata, at her age." TripStone stared at him, then at the... ... stick tightly with both hands but felt no wood, only itch and tingling. He forced himself to straighten. Plain strips of cloth hung near his head, ... ...loved food, doorway between life and death. Deliverer from the abyss. Ghost forced himself to think clinically. "Ecstatic tendencies." He shook his ...
...ts, curious onlookers and a couple of toy cops—part of the campus security force, gunless but with trusty walkie-talkies at their sides and an abundan... ... His boys? New Life Incognita by Gracie C. McKeever 5 One of the toy cops lifted each of his eyelids in turn, touched four fingers to Kelly's neck th..., staring at Kelly's lifeless body under the sheet as the two EMS guys lifted it onto the back of an ambulance. The paramedics led Ben and Amire t... ...o." He felt the Pull again. No pleasure, no pain. Just pressure to move. A force pulling. Evil? Good? Heaven? Hell? What was the destination, Major To... ...was in it. * * * * It had been a dream. It had to have been a dream. Kelly lifted his left arm. It was weightless and free. The I.V. must have been in... .... I'm obviously a kleptomaniac?" "I busted you once in Bloomingdale's. You lifted some ugly marcasite and silver broach." "There's no accounting for t... ...ew Life Incognita by Gracie C. McKeever 48 Tyler watched as Dagny gingerly lifted each outfit out of the bag, frowning as she fingered the delicate ma... sensations were worlds apart, though. He was immediately struck by the force of emotion—before, after—the picture had been taken. Something ... so... ...s coiled and tight as if Edge were ready to defend himself against hostile forces and wasn't now sitting in the room of a woman to whom he regularly e...
...e, and Peter’s weakness from overuse of the Power, works against them. Regan forces her will on Zara, the golden dragon. A harrowing and painful ride ... ...eased her hand. She did not drop her arm, but held it before her until Talix forced it to her side. Dirkk inserted the dagger up to its hilt in the bl... ...l, but warmed as it absorbed the heat from her body. A dark weight seemed to lift from her soul and she laughed. Why had she waited so long to wear it... ...s and mouth. No, not water, blood - bitter and coppery-tasting. She tried to lift her hand to wipe it away, but it just hung there, unmoving. Pounding... ... but not now. More strands separated and wove upward toward her arm. No. She forced them back down. Only one. The baby kicked in Regan’s womb, and the... ...fought to fuse the power. “No,” she screamed. Her fingers whitened with the force of Peter’s grip. With a strangled cry, she lifted their intertwined... ...r fingers whitened with the force of Peter’s grip. With a strangled cry, she lifted their intertwined hands and sank her teeth into his wrist. The cop... ...amining her critically. “You are too skinny and pale. I doubt you could even lift a blade, let alone parry with it.” He unsheathed the sword upon his ... some of the dwarven liquor along the blade. With trembling hands, Kelsey lifted the sword that was twice as long as her new niece. “Stretch it.” D...
... he whispered. When he was certain we were alone he grasped his chain and forced it open, first one link and then an- other. Though he had been a wre... ...Lord make His face to shine upon thee and be gracious unto thee; the Lord lift up His countenance and give thee peace.” Peace inside stone walls. ... ...roubled me: it was everywhere. The exultant friends, the overjoyed crowd, forced me to retreat. As I closed the door of the house I ob- served Roman ... ...elp them; we must help them; we must help them as we must help God. Heal. Lift up our eyes. Nazareth—home Kislev 20 When I picked corn in a fiel... ...ther at his home. “We have to think, not memorize and then force memories to evolve into patterns of original thought. Yes, memory an... ...sted me, its aroma still evident, its chased lid yet untar- nished. Mother lifted the clasp. The clasp was set with green stones. She called my atten... ...of riches. Tonight, living in this composure, I write freely. Time, as a force, has dropped away. Pressures are comprehensible such as the stress a... ...d out my home, its doors, its windows, the grass growing in the street. I forced myself to visualize my mother and father. Though I was in pain I re...
... the test and edged forward, grinning with expectation. “Would you like a lift Sunshine? I promise to drive carefully.” “The only time I’d drive with... class.” “It’s tough work Mitchell… And your mum does a good job.” Rick forced the words out. “Yeah, she’s pretty cool for a mum, but I really hate... ...r down. Now clear on what happened, Sandy apologised for always trying to force the issue and was glad she knew the truth. Optimistic, she added. “On... are we?” The man looked up from his beer. “You could say that.” Rick forced a smile. “Do you mind if we join you?” 43 “Take a seat.” Rick made ... ...ed. He himself had called on her many times; except for babysitting and a lift here and there, she would not accept cash payments. Mentioning that i... ...k casually down the steps and towards them. Paul greeted the woman with a forced smile, holding his wife’s hand tightly. “So what’s this, the three M... ...ince Paul was drunk. He’ll be sorry in the morning.” “Well thanks for the lift Sandy,” Rick said, as he opened the car door. “You better pray for me... ...ced up at the sky and thought; revenge is sweet and I didn’t even have to lift a finger. You really are on my side today, amen! 90 “Well lad…” Bill... ...she’d revealed to Rick There was a sense like some heavy burden was being lifted from her shoulders. “I thought it would be easier being the bad guy....
...ut I can’t get it on back on.” I walked over to the wagon and saw that he’d lifted it with a single branch that’d come off the oak. He levered off... ...ted it with a single branch that’d come off the oak. He levered off a rock to lift the wagon, but the branch broke in two pieces in the process and ... ... “Jesse, if this is gonna work, I’ll shout for Spirit to pull. I’ll help by lifting the wagon as hard as I can. When it comes up enough, you get t... ...Just like I hoped, Spirit moved out and the wagon creaked. I yelled again and lifted as hard as I could. “NOW, NOW JESSE. SEE IF THAT’S HIGH ENOU... ...could. “NOW, NOW JESSE. SEE IF THAT’S HIGH ENOUGH.” Without a word, Jesse lifted and positioned the wheel on the axel and pushed it in. “Not ... .... I could see this job gettin’ messier. I looked all around for something to force either the desk or the cabinet open. There wasn’t much that look... there is no reality at all, but something called “His Essence,” the “Upper Force.” This Force operates in such a way that one sees Him as an imag... ...countering us. The closer one’s properties are to the properties of the Upper Force, the closer the image of “my world” comes to the actual reality, ... ...tributes. Since the property T H E PAT H O F K A B B A L A H 10 of the Upper Force is altruism, when one attains that quality and bonds with the Up... ...led, feeling. Everything exists inside us. Outside us there is only the Upper Force, the Creator. We cannot feel Him in any other way than by how He... ...: an “Awakening From Above.” That happens when the Creator Himself chooses to lift a person up. The difference between those paths is that the “Awake... ...earts and become able to carry it out by choosing it. But none of us can ever lift a finger without a motivating force, or without having a prelimin... ...have no powers of our own to rise above it. Only the Light of the Creator can lift us. The higher one’s place is in the spiritual world, the greater ... ...ited period, until the end of 1490, but from then on the prohibition has been lifted and permission was granted to study the Zohar. Since 1540 it ha... ...ince that year, T H E PAT H O F K A B B A L A H 310 the concealment has been lifted and it is permitted for everyone to study the Zohar.” It also s...
...Kabbalists state that there is no reality at all, but something called His Essence, the Upper Force, and this is what we perceive as our world. As uncanny as it sounds, this notion hides in its wings the very prospect of freedom, for every person, for every nation, and for the entire world. The structure and the perc...
...dge about the spiritual spheres, the upper worlds, and the revelation of higher forces. These worlds are called upper worlds, since they are higher ... dictionary directly indicating the spiritual tools for spiritual objects and forces, and the correlation between them. It is therefore the most... ... Of Kabbalists: Branches.”] If there were a direct connection between spiritual forces and our physical bodies, it would have been possible to teach... ... their suffering. The desire to leave their suffering behind was the motivating force behind the development of the generations. That era continued ... ...his teacher? The answer is very simple. It is only possible when we spiritually lift ourselves up above this world. Only if we rid ourselves of all ... ... Light to every non-corrected part, separating out its Galgalta ve Eynaim, then lifts it and sets aside the AHP, the Kelim. Therefore the AHPs will ... ...Screen). If the request coming from AHP is authentic, the Partzuf located above lifts it out of the Worlds of BYA and into the World of Atzilut. The... ... Zeir Anpin and Malchut, located in the Worlds of BYA. If these Sefirot can be lifted and attached to the corresponding Sefirot of the World of Atz... ...with the spiritual understanding that the Creator is in Jerusalem. The souls are lifted to the World of Atzilut to show them what inherent limits exi...
...Fathers states, "Against your will do you live." Nature created us, and we are forced to exist with the qualities that were imposed upon us. It is as ... ...ccept a comparison of ourselves with primitive beasts. If, however, the Divine Force that created us does exist, then why do we not perceive it, why d... ...inding at least a drop of spiritual perception and understanding of the Higher Force, and for the sake of uniting with the Creator to become His serva... ...h an extent that we must make an effort not to act mechanically, through sheer force of habit. In order to make the transition from following the laws... ...tion, it becomes obvious that we are still immersed in petty egoism and cannot lift a finger for the sake of others or the Creator. InnerMotionandDeve... ...then the Upper Part partially re- -128- ATTAININGTHEWORLDSBEYOND vealsHimself(liftsHisAHaP)anddisplaysHistruequalities, which prior to this moment, w... ...sof theindividual, Hethuselevatedthe individual to the middle of His State (He lifted GE of the lower together with His own AHaP). This spiritual stat... ...dallofthemwent with him to the desert. The name Ptachia derives from the verb "liftoach" (to open)—a person who opens people’s eyes. He gathered all t... ...ies out for You, God." ThedesiretoperceivetheCreatoriscalled"theaspiration to ’lift’ the Creator’s Presence from the dust," that is, from the lowest s...
...r and independent vision that evolved in all of them after studying the Upper Forces through the wis- dom of Kabbalah. The path each of them took is ... ...eans that aid man, why is it said that the desire to suffer comes from impure forces? A: I don’t understand the term, “means that aid man.” It is an ... Pain is an undesirable feeling to the Creator, and its purpose is only to force us to connect to the path of correction. The sensation of pain d... ..., we operate by the law of maximum pleasure for minimum effort. But when pain forces us to wake up and remember the goal, by searching for the sourc... ...easure and serenity. T H E M E A N I N G O F AG O N Y Q: Why does the Creator force His creatures to suffer if He really wants to endow them with “e... ... T H E S T U DY O F K A B B A L A H 91 Teachers should also explain how we can lift ourselves to a higher spiritual degree and how to control that sp... ...e study of Kabbalah, set up by the Kabbalists themselves, has been completely lifted in our time. However, people who are completely ignorant of Kabb... ..., he himself T H E S T U DY O F K A B B A L A H 99 and other Kabbalists have lifted the ban that they had set up. It was done because souls have re... ...ure or a goal, you cannot T H E K A B B A L A H E X P E R I E N C E 188 even lift a finger. Your mood, your goals and your view on life can be chan...
... know enough about Nature to feel secure; instead, we were afraid of natural forces, which impelled us to relate to Nature as a force superior to o... ...they will still have them tomorrow. But the benefit of this state is that it forces us to reexamine our direction and ask, “Is it pos- sible we’ve b... ..., a well-defined desire for a very specific pleasure. The appearance of a Kli forces our brains to search for a way to fill it with Ohr (Light). Now... ...n misunderstandings about Kabbalah. The will to receive has been the driving force behind every progress and change in the history of humanity. But... ...late positively to someone or something else besides itself. Phase Two, which forces us to give despite our un- derlying desire to receive, is what m... ...te to the next when the pressure becomes intoler- able. Otherwise, we wouldn’t lift a finger. The logic is simple: If I’m fine where I am, why move? ... ...nveil the spiritual structure that surrounds us, almost as if a mist had been lifted. Attaining the Worlds Beyond is a first step toward discovering...
...OVE WHATEVER THE QUESTION, LOVE IS THE ANSWER. Love is the most powerful force in the universe. To live an inspiri11fJ life, .!fou must keep love i... ... yourself. The chief executive officer of a company based in Honolulu was forced to take his company into Chapter 11 bankruptcy and lead thousands ... ...O was asked how he had kept such an optimistic outlook even when so many forces were at work trying to shut the company down. He said that on the v... ... worst enemy and be your own best friend. There's only one person who can lift up your low self-esteem and raise it to the heights of self-love and ... ...on, an ideal, or a way of life isn't easy. It requires effort. Commitment forces you to keep everything in perspective and to keep everything curren... ...that carry positive impulses forward. When I was discharged from the Air Force in 1957, I went back to New York City, not knowing what I would do o... ... your imagination to work for you like a lever that can lighten the heavy lifting of the day. Find ways to make every task more interesting. Imagine...
...n my life. It is truly the inner core of my being. Love is the strongest force in the universe. I have come to realize that the power of love whic... ... learned on the way. The important thing to remem, ber is that love is a force that is generated inside each and everyone of us. Since it's there, ... ...people for what they are. All you have to do is let go and stop trying to force others to behave the way you want~ If you allow life to unfold, thi... ...ot matter. The importance lies in the faith and acceptance placed in that force. Armed with that kind of faith, you will find it impossible not to ... love and support with love and respect, which had been what I tried to force from him. This happened because of forgiveness. Had Shawn not been ... ... zipper. I remem ber as youngsters, my best friend, Walter Carter, and I lifted weights in the hope of getting muscles like Charles Atlas, the mach... ...d he took off his hat, And the first thing we knew he'd begun it. With a lift of his chin and a bit of a grin Without any doubting or quiddit THE...
...f law-of the laws ~ with which Ii oonstant opposition of forces is continually adjusted, or of those in a.ooord ance with which the... ... singing loads him with power for the hunt. Mana is simply the effective force, that which has made the person of the moon,up there in the heavens,... ...of man in earliest days were certainly not tame and pleasant. But rather force exercised on being that is really lived than shadowy solicitude for ... ... will, indeed, have to grasp as an object that which he has seen with the force of presence, he will have to compare it with objects, establish it i... a dream for the meeting with :Ql&n, that for a timeless moment he may lift the ban and clasp the form. Then he comes on his way, and experiences... ...y is felt so forcibly' that its parts seem to fade before it, and in the force of its life, the I and the Thou, between which it is established, ar... ...r, remove each sphere from the present. From our life with nature we can lift out the" physi cal" world, the world of consistency, from our life w...
...n the pain will complete our correction and the time of correction will be forced upon us. On the whole, the Path of Pain is also the punishments of ... ...athsome form, which is the will to receive for himself alone, which is the force that separates us from the infinite so as to correct it and allow us... ... land of the Lord (Isaiah 14, 2)" "Thus says the Lord God, Behold, I will lift up my hand to the nations, and set up my standard to the peoples: and ... ...the Nations of the World in him, which are the needs of the body. And that force will come to the whole of the people of Israel, until the peoples of...