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Fuzzy and Neutrosophic Analysis of Women with Hiv/Aids

By: W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy and Florentin Smarandache

... check the blood sample for HIV/AIDS. She further adds with so much of Hindu philosophy that so far people have not discovered the god, which could... ...IV/AIDS. She says “live till we can live and die when we have to die” is her philosophy. She suffers only from loose motion, she says she does no... ...gpicking. Her talks were still worse but certainly it has a mission, a higher philosophy and a better reason so we felt it very essential to record ... ...NL(absolute truth)=1 + while NL(relative truth)=1. This has application in philosophy (see the neutrosophy). That’s why the unitary standard int... ...ment)=1 + while NS(relative membership element)=1. This has application in philosophy (see the neutrosophy). That’s why the unitary standard int... ...isempowered Despite Wage Work: Women Workers in Beedi Industry. Economic and Political Weekly, April 17-24. 80. Meredith K et al. (1997) A Surv... ...tion of Women Workers – Leather Tanning Industry in Tamil Nadu. Economic and Political Weekly, April 17-24. 82. Minkoff, H., J.A.Dehovitz and A.... ...), Female Autonomy in Tamil Nadu: Unravelling the Complexities. Economic and Political Weekly, April 17-24. 122. Sur, A.K., (1993) Sex and Marri...

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From Chaos to Harmony

By: Rav Michael Laitman

... ABOUT THE AUTHOR Kabbalist Rav Michael Laitman, PhD, has a doctorate in philosophy and Kabbalah from the High Institute of Philosophy at the R... ...ace to learn about the overall systems of reality. Consequently, I turned to philosophy, then to religion, but found an- swers in neither. Only afte... ... lating suicide rates, violence, terror, eco-tragedies, social, economic, and political instability. We are at a crossroads. We are beginning to sobe... ... will occur, as it did on Yom Kippur, 1973, and 70% do not trust the present political and military leaderships.” Moreover, we are not only failing ...

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Corpus of a Siam Mosquito

By: Steven David Justin Sills

...s of the trees. Everything changes. Good men are distorted into Gods, and philosophy is made into a sordid religion. Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, H... ...nt and said that he was now equal to Buddha and could dictate doctrine and political laws. The people said that he was insane and his military execut..., as well as the well-paid top tier, didn't need to be cloistered in the political issues that mired the day but yearned for sports columns in their... ...nt homes and efficient factories (although more and more of them), matched political ideas to whatever brought benefits to their wallets, and with the... ...s were the wrong choices. The enemy of my enemy is my friend was the wrong philosophy. Those were bad foreign affairs blunders. They continually int... ...ted to zoology she couldn't say unless the administration was privy to the philosophy of mice and men. All she knew was that the anthropology teacher ...

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Kabbalah for the Student

By: Rav Michael Laitman

... 6 9 Peace in the World (Rav Yehuda Ashlag) 8 3 The Wisdom of Kabbalah and Philosophy (Rav Yehuda Ashlag) 9 9 Introduction to The Book of Zohar (Rav Y... in, “then without my flesh shall I see God,” and some were assisted by philosophy. Latterly, there is extensive use of the wisdom of psychology. ... assisted by interpretations according to the science of anatomy, or by philosophy. For this reason, I said that I am the first interpreter by roo... ...nterpreted according to the wisdom of Kabbalah no less than the wisdom of philosophy. This is so because all the teachings are included in it and we... how… in The Book of Creation, he interpreted the Kabbalah according to philosophy. I have already proven that such a style of commentaries is a w... ...ot received. After all, we have no economic independence, and there is no political independence without economic independence. Moreover, there is n... ...none else besides Him.” It is clear to the members of Bnei Baruch that the political, economic, and global situation depends solely upon teaching thi... ...many have already said that even the intelligence in craftsmanship and in political conducts is present, with great wisdom, in many elements in the ... ...i Baruch is not supported, funded, or otherwise tied to any government or political organization. Since the bulk of its activity is provided free of...

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Unlocking the Zohar

By: Rav Michael Laitman

...alists. In his essay, “The 40 uNloCkiNg the Zohar Wisdom of Kabbalah and Philosophy,” Baal HaSulam explains that philosophy originated in contact b... ...t theories out of them. Johannes Reuchlin (1455-1522), a german humanist, political counselor to the chancellor, and an expert in ancient languages ... ...e process we just mentioned: “My teacher, Pythagoras, who is the father of philosophy, did not receive those teachings from the greeks. Rather he re... ...convert the name ‘Kabbalah,’ unknown to the greeks, into the greek name ‘philosophy.’” “Pythagoras’ philosophy emanated from the infinite sea of th... ...reality is a topic that clearly distinguishes the wisdom of Kabbalah from philosophy, religion, and science. Kabbalah is a practical study method th... ...e monitored, hence The Zohar does not deal with them at all. c onversely, philosophy does discuss abstract form, and religion deals with the essence... ...i Baruch is not supported, funded, or otherwise tied to any government or political organization. About Bnei Baruch 431 Since the bulk of its activ...

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The Coming of Messiah in Glory and Majesty

By: Juan Josafat Ben Ezra

... kingdom, till the Spirit shall have convinced the world in all its forms of policy and philosophy and refinement of utter worthlessness, and reduced... ...d’s supper are regarded as mere signs by the spiritual, and the church as nothing but a political establishment. Yes, I would rather, if I had no ot... ...ur author says concerning the oneness of the Babylonian and Persian kingdom may be true politically considered but is not so prophetically considered... ..., but a destroying conquest; not a captivity, but a death; not an ecclesiastical, but a political event, we have it set forth under the two trumpets;... ...ronger pleading to his mind, and to his heart, and to his social affections, and to his political well-being, than any other system of truth; in whic... ...g that he had created and made. This hunting after the knowledge of natural science and political economy, I hold to be nothing else than the instin... ...ledge, or giveth forth any lessons of these divine things; —science being apostate, and philosophy vain, and all the world besides lost in the pitch... ... entered instead; and no longer to be discovered therein, by any methods of science and philosophy, as the unlovely lives and characters of our men ... ...l and then of the body, as if the body were any thing without the soul. Truly admirable philosophy! Oh to what shifts a bad cause will reduce one! ...

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Kabbalah for Beginners

By: Rav Michael Laitman

...chael Laitman, Professor of o ntology and the Theory of Knowledge, PhD in Philosophy and Kabbalah, and MSc in Medical Bio-Cybernetics, established a... ... Baruch is not supported, funded, or otherwise tied to any government or political organization. Since the bulk of its activity is provided free of ...

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Secret of the Sands

By: Aren, Rai and E., Tavius

...fluence only to the Royal Family itself. For generations, the Draxens had exerted strong political influence over Kierani affairs and had been invol... ...mself, that he does not need or want our help, and in effect he will have severed certain political ties with us. Then, the next thing we know, the ... ...trigue, you know. I do a little reading from time to time on certain areas of science and philosophy.” He turned back to Mitch and Alex. “You know ...

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The Zohar: Annotations to the Ashlag Commentary

By: Rav Michael Laitman people, it seems like a collection of narratives, stories, and ancient philosophy. Only those who do not comprehend this book argue over it; but ... ...e worthless creatures 3 4 6 THE ZOHAR (reason, logic, philosophy, and common sense), which inhabit the earth, witness deliveranc... ...ichael Laitman, Professor of Ontology and the Theory of Knowledge, PhD in Philosophy and Kabbalah, and MSc in Medical Bio-Cybernetics, established a... ...i Baruch is not supported, funded, or otherwise tied to any government or political organization. Since the bulk of its activity is provided free of...

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By: Rav Michael Laitman

...chael Laitman, Professor of Ontology and the Theory of Knowledge, PhD in Philosophy and Kabbalah, and MSc in Medical Bio-Cybernetics, established a... ...i Baruch is not supported, funded, or otherwise tied to any government or political organization. Since the bulk of its activity is provided free of ...

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Light : Philosophy

By: Ankur Mutreja

...What is Philosophy? Is it the exclusive domain of those who dream in abstract? Or is it the manifestation of the struggle of those who practice in material? Does it originate in the minds of professors like a Ganges flowing out from ...

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Political Interpretation of Islam

By: Maulana Wahiduddin Khan

...In the political interpretation of Islam, politics assumes the central place. Every aspect of religion acquires a political hue. The true believer’s mission in life, according to this interpretation, is to ensure that just as God’s ...

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Sextus Empiricus and Greek Scepticism

By: Mary Mills Patrick

...RICUS AND GREEK SCEPTICISM A Thesis accepted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the University of Bern Switzerland, November 1897 BY ... to supply a need much felt in the English language by students of Greek philosophy. For while other schools of Greek philosophy have been exhaus... ...r, Philosophie der Griechen, III. Auf., Leipzig, 1879—89. Lewes, History of Philosophy, Vol. I., London, 1866. Ueberweg, History of Philosophy, IV. ... ...1869. My grateful acknowledgments are due to Dr. Ludwig Stein, Professor of Philosophy in the University of Bern, for valuable assistance in relatio... ...Tropes of Aenesidemus against Aetiology. CHAPTER IV. AENESIDEMUS AND THE PHILOSOPHY OF HERACLITUS 63 Statement of the problem.—The t... ... relate to the customs of Libya, showing a minute knowledge in regard to the political and religious customs of this land that he displays in regard ... ...ce. This basis of action was itself a death-blow to all reform in social or political life. It was a selfish, negative way of seeking what was, after...

...following treatise on Sextus Empiricus and Greek Scepticism has been prepared to supply a need much felt in the English language by students of Greek philosophy. For while other schools of Greek philosophy have been exhaustively and critically discussed by English scholars, there are few sources of information available to the student who wishes to make himself familiar wi...

...ent times, especially, one may say, since the date of Herbart. There is much in the writings of Sextus that finds a parallel in the methods of modern philosophy. There is a common starting-point in the study of the power and limitations of human thought. There is a common desire to investigate the phenomena of sense-perception, and the genetic relations of man to the lower...

...The Ninth Trope.—The Tenth Trope.—The five Tropes of Agrippa.—The two Tropes.—The Tropes of Aenesidemus against Aetiology.. 31 -- Aenesidemus And The Philosophy Of Heraclitus-Statement of the problem.—The theory of Pappenheim.—The theory of Brochard.—Zeller's theory.—The theory of Ritter and Saisset.—The theory of Hirzel and Natorp.—Critical examination of the subject.. 63...

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A Unifying Field in Logics : Neutrosophic Logic. Neutrosophy, Neutrosophic Set, Neutrosophic Probability

By: Florentin Smarandache

... by Charles T. Le: 3 0. Introduction: 9 1. Neutrosophy - a new branch of philosophy: 13 2. Neutrosophic Logic - a unifying field in logics: 87 3.... ...nter Florentin Smarandache, especially because the treated subject was of philosophy - revealing paradoxes - and logics. He had generalized the fu... ...osophic statistics” and thus opening new ways of research in four fields: philosophy, logics, set theory, and probability/statistics. It was known t... ...t was an inspired connection he made between literature/arts and science, philosophy. We started a long correspondence with questions and answers. ... ... lived in that society a double life: an official one - propagated by the political system, and another one real. In mass-media it was promulgated t... ... today it will be raining or not. Because any attempt to change the political power ends up in embarking another power, "the revolution is imp... ...account they transform the church into a business and the religion into a political propaganda. "The contradictiousness is a component of indiv... ...s-media partially does this. Social disease, created by mass media's political manipulation: Give citizens the impression/disillusion they are ... ...ine a country or group of people or class to remain neuter in a military, political, ideological, cultural, artistic, scientific, economical, etc. in...

...order to review them for the German journal “Zentralblatt fár Mathematik”. It was an inspired connection he made between literature/arts and science, philosophy....

...Paradoxism is an avant-garde movement in literature, art, philosophy, science, based on excessive used of antitheses, antinomies, contradictions, parables, odds, paradoxes in creations....

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Speculations and Physics

By: Sam Vaknin, Ph. D.

...d: Natural Selection IS the vital power itself. Modern Physics is converging with Philosophy (possibly with the philosophical side of Religion as ... ...ent view of the scientific endeavor competes with a more modest, semantic school of philosophy of science. Many theories - especially ones with bre... ...stitions are less concerned with the physical Universe and more with human affairs. Political falsities - such as anti-Semitism - supplanted magic ... ...dvantage, to tackle questions that once were the exclusive preserve of religion or philosophy. The scientific method is ill-built to cope with such... ...erology, or other esoteric "systems". The emergence of "relative", New Age, and politically correct philosophies rendered science merely one opt... ...ts it applies to, the term's universe of applicability). As the Oxford Companion to Philosophy puts it (p. 411): " A context of a form of words is ... ...ew theory is invented. Incorporation is the sworn enemy of parsimony because it is politically motivated. It keeps everyone happy by not giving up ... ...rate with the powers that be: with the industrial base, the military complex, the political elite, the intellectual cliques in vogue. Institutiona... ...elds of finance and economics, and numerous articles dealing with geopolitical and political economic issues published in both print and Web period...

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Fourth International Anthology on Paradoxism

By: Florentin Smarandache

...NAL CONFERENCES pARadOXisM is an avant-garde movement in literature, art, philosophy, science, based on excessive use of antitheses, antinomies, ... ... we lived in that society a double life: an official one – propagated by the political system, and another one real. In mass-media it was promulgate... ... be set right on its own 64 IGNORANCE Bliss If the gods bless PHILOSOPHY Aerial view Of any subject SERVICE Comfort created By ... ... out that the artistic/literary ground is at least as important as the socio-political source of the movement. 186 DAN T ĂRCHIL Ă (România) P... ..., Peter Brown Hoffmeister. P.S. I am very interested in your thoughts and philosophy. Please write any time. 245 PETER JAMISON (USA) [LE...

...Paradoxism is an avant-garde movement in literature, art, philosophy, science, based on excessive use of antitheses, antinomies, contradictions, parables, odds, paradoxes in creations. It was set up by the editor since 1980’s and promulgates a counter-time/ counter-sense creation. P...

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Sappho's Journal

By: Paul Alexander Bartlett

... xiii PREFACE Steven James Bartlett Senior Research Professor of Philosophy, Oregon State University and Visiting Scholar in Psychology & ... in his library. He has taken heart, at last, and is pouring out words, political invective. I sit, amazed. Even his dead eyes have gathered light...

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Voices from the Past

By: Paul Alexander Bartlett

... xiii PREFACE Steven James Bartlett Senior Research Professor of Philosophy, Oregon State University and Visiting Scholar in Psychology & ... in his library. He has taken heart, at last, and is pouring out words, political invective. I sit, amazed. Even his dead eyes have gathered light... ...ings,” Father said. “Rome is the great insti- gator of crimes. The Kittim! Political schemes are hatched in the Forum with the wild beasts. Rome appo... ... PAZZIA BESTIALISSIMA! That is man’s disease: he can not refrain from political madness. Again and again he is willing to be duped. The cen... It does not matter. Men will always fight among themselves, sexually, politically, socially. I have realized this for years. Can it be that this... ours. Stay clean! But if I could write like you I would try to destroy political chicanery, though meddling with the Crown may spell my doom. W... ...nt without pressure: I wanted a lively yet serene play, with a mixture of philosophy, humor and fantasy: I wanted a play to fit the new mode, free o... ... This rainy evening I take up my pen again. There are no accidents in my philosophy. Every effect must have its cause. LINCOLN’S JOURNAL 539 ... ...ppened.” At the bottom of the stairs, we shook hands. In keeping with my philosophy I felt certain that I would never return to Springfield. Oct...

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Theory of the Person

By: Antonio Mercurio

...oice”. This phrase refers to those who entrust themselves to those who have political power, placing all their aspirations and dreams in them. What d... ...sonal and Cosmic SELF and not to God, to that God that has been created by philosophy and theology, in other words by other men like you and me. ...

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The Public Domain : Enclosing the Commons of the Mind

By: James Boyle

...formed by colleagues and students in computer science, English, history, and political science. But the work I am describing here is—as the last chapt... define prop- erty in the information age. It is that problem, its history, philosophy, and politics that I try to sketch out in the pages ahead. Ack... ...lder’s rights? These questions may be hard, because the underlying moral and political and economic issues need to be thought through. They may be wei... ...ic. Condorcet began by framing the question of lit- erary property as one of political liberty. “Does a man have the right to forbid another man to wr... ... of his ideas. The law of 1793 accomplished this task of synthe- sis through political negotiation rather than philosophical reasoning—that is, by ref... ...negotiation rather than philosophical reasoning—that is, by refashioning the political identity of the author in the first few years of the Revolu- tio... ...efferson and Macaulay focused do not disappear merely because one embraces a philosophy of moral rights—if anything, they become more pressing, partic... ... ___ 37278_u01.qxd 8/28/08 11:04 AM Page 36 als had been nurtured on the philosophy of the Scottish Enlightenment and the history of the struggle ... ...Gates, General Partner, Micro-Soft.” The hyphen would disappear in time. The philosophy stuck around. Though there are quibbles about the facts in Gat...

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