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...August with the Gillows at Newport … and the only alternative was to go to California with the Bockheimers, whom she had hitherto refused even to dine... ... to spend next summer with her at Newport …. If I don’t, I’ve got to go to California with the Bockheimers- so good-bye.” Suddenly in tears, she was o... ...rite to him?” She recoiled slightly. It had never occurred to her that the lawyers would not “manage it” without her intervention. “Write to him … but... “Lansing versus Lansing!” She burst out laughing at the idea. What were lawyers made of, she wondered? Didn’t the man guess, by the mere look in he... ... … carry out your wishes … arriving in Paris … fix an appointment with his lawyers ….” Nick—it was Nick the words were talking of! It was the fact of ... ...ce that she tried to make indifferent: “The ‘proceedings,’ or whatever the lawyers call them, have begun. While they’re going on I like to stay quite ... ...ew a gasping breath. “The nec- essary steps: what are they? Everything the lawyers tell one is so confusing …. I don’t yet understand—how it’s done.” ...
...hortly disappear. The sons of these opulent citizens are become merchants, lawyers, or physicians. Most of them have lapsed into obscu- rity. The last... ...xico in 1846, and ended in the conquest of an immense territory, including California. 196 Democracy in America Chapter XI: Why the People May Strict... ...s whose names present no associations to the mind: they are mostly village lawyers, men in trade, or even persons belonging to the lower classes of so... ...rominent part in future society -In what manner the pecu- liar pursuits of lawyers give an aristocratic turn to their ideas -Accidental causes which m... ...ndency – Ease with which the aristocracy coalesces with legal men – Use of lawyers to a despot – The profession of the law constitutes the only aristo... tend to give an aristocratic turn of mind to the English and Ameri- can lawyers – The aristocracy of America is on the bench and at the bar – Influ... ...ndian population of the United States is only 25,731, of whom 7,241 are in California. *I brought back with me to France one or two copies of this sin... ...hole territory of the Union, and of these by far the largest part exist in California, Michi- gan, Wisconsin, Dakota, and New Mexico and Nevada. In Ne... only sur- *[This was speedily accomplished, and ere long both Texas and California formed part of the United States. The Rus- sian settlements were...
...with clean, upright, unornamented lines. It was filled with the offices of lawyers, doctors, agents for ma- chinery, for emery wheels, for wire fencin... ...u— some genuine bargains that came in to-day: SILVER GROVE.—Cute four-room California bungalow, a.m.i., garage, dandy shade tree, swell neighborhood, ... ...or. He was a ner- vous speculator. Before he gambled he consulted bankers, lawyers, architects, contracting builders, and all of their clerks and sten... ...abbitt every inch was individual and stirring. As always he noted that the California Building across the way was three stories lower, therefore three... ...-story hut which beside the granite and red-brick ponderousness of the old California Building resembled a bath-house un- der a cliff, he commented, “... ... dinges don’t want to be porters or cotton-pickers. Oh, no! They got to be lawyers and professors and Lord knows what all! I tell you, it’s becoming a... ... seriously, in “interviews” plastered with pictures of riding-breeches and California bungalows, the views on sculpture and international politics of ... ...ce we saw you in Zenith.” 213 Sinclair Lewis “Quite. British Columbia and California and all over the place,” he said doubtfully, looking at Babbitt ... ... through with it, Babbitt had Ted a United States Senator. Among the great lawyers whom he mentioned was Secena Doane. “But, gee whiz,” Ted marveled, ...
...her of us could understand a syllable. There were several of his priests and lawyers present (as I conjec tured by their habits), who were commanded ... ... Europe are in a great error, by supposing nothing but sea between Japan and California; for it was ever my opinion, that there must be a balance of e... ...reason to believe, east ward, to that unknown tract of America west ward of California; and north, to the Pacific Ocean, which is not above a hundred... ...s well as for the trial of criminals, and picked out from the most dexterous lawyers, who are grown old or lazy; and having been biassed all their liv... ...ny thing unbecoming their nature or their office. “It is a maxim among these lawyers that whatever has been done before, may legally be done again: an... ...ity, that creatures endowed with such prodigious abilities of mind, as these lawyers, by the description I gave of Gulliver’ s Travels – Swift 221 t... ...s yet wholly at a loss to under stand what motives could incite this race of lawyers to perplex, disquiet, and weary them selves, and engage in a con...
...arkled crisply on the surface of the water. I turned to the east, where I knew California must lie, but could see nothing save low lying fog banks — t... ...ves to the low lying fog Chapter III 23 banks that hid San Francisco and the California coast. Rain squalls were driving in between, and I could sca... ...ying on of sail. I overheard Henderson and another of the hunters, Standish, a Californian, talking about it. 36 The Sea Wolf Two years ago he dismas... ...eshness in the air. It was sultry and oppressive, reminding me of what the old Californians term “earthquake weather.” There was something ominous abo... ... for fiction.” Chapter XX 131 “Tell me, why have you always buried yourself in California?” she next asked. “It has not been kind of you. We of the Ea... ...g to me. Wolf Larsen had been quite right. I had stood on my father’s legs. My lawyers and agents had taken care of my money for me. I had had no resp... sea to afford pro- tection to the commercial marine, and especially the California treasure ships then on their way to this coast. I also directed ... ... Mr. V allandigham, in the very case in question, under the advice of able lawyers, saw not where else to go but to the habeas corpus. But by the Cons... .... HON. L SWETT, San Francisco, Cal.: Many persons are telegraphing me from California, begging me for the peace of the State to suspend the military e... ...general-in-chief. The writ was suspended, upon urgent representations from California, simply to keep the peace. It never had any direct or indirect r...
...d like bites. The suggestion of witchcraft was revived, and the op- posing lawyers hurled tomes of necromancy at each other. At last Anne de Cornault ..., and his death had left her alone, for her only daughter had married in California, and could not afford the long journey to New York to see her mo...
...her had been a veterinary surgeon who had kept a livery stable near by, on California Street, and Marcus’s knowledge of the dis- eases of domestic ani... ...p. They walked for upwards of five hours that afternoon, out the length of California Street, and across the Presidio Reservation to the Golden Gate. ... ... the City Hall and was stamped in one corner with the seal of the State of California, very official; the form and file numbers superscribed. McT eagu... ...his advice to her. “No, no, don’t go near the law courts. I know them. The lawyers take all your money, and you lose your case. We’re bad off as it is... ...ate, small, and homelike, like a good-natured housewife. In Placer County, California, she is a vast, unconquered brute of the Pliocene epoch, savage,... ... dining-room was of the invari- able type of the smaller interior towns of California. There was but one table, covered with oilcloth; rows of benches...
...ngs they have already decided, except that there is a little quibble among lawyers between the words “dicta” and “decision.” They have 56 The Writing... ...that court. Now, as to this indirect mode by “unfriendly legislation,” all lawyers here will readily understand that such a proposition cannot be tole... ...h virtually excluded it,— and that upon a very well known principle to all lawyers, that what a Legislature cannot directly do, it cannot do by indire... ...ere disposed to do so, and we could take up some one of the issues, as the lawyers call them, and I were called upon to make an argument about it to t... ...ges, while, in fact, Wiscon- sin, Minnesota, Iowa, Kansas, Florida, Texas, California, and Oregon have never had any such courts. Nor can this well be...
...nteenth and eighteenth centuries, took wives out of the bourgoisie—married lawyers’ daughters.” “A lawyer’s daughter; that’s very bad, is it?” asked N... ...ou were, she would have taken you for a duke—an American duke, the Duke of California. I said that I could warrant you grateful for the smallest favor... ...on in a newspaper? Don’t they al- ways set a lot of people at the prisoner—lawyers, report- ers, priests—to make him talk? But it’s not Mr. Newman’s f... ...he club. “I suppose a man who has been for six months in 342 The American California wants a little intellectual conversation. I’ll let my wife have ...
...TER XV JAN 31ST, ’92. MY DEAR COLVIN,—No letter at all from you, and this scratch from me!Here is a year that opens ill. Lloyd is off to ‘the coast’ s... ...r, and I suppose it was twelve before I got to bed. Tuesday raining, my mother rode down, and we went to the Consulate to sign a Factory and Commissio...
...ond all he ever imagined.” “Had he never seen it before?” said Henrietta. “Lawyers seem made to travel in their vacations.” “Uncle Geoffrey could not ... ...k what capabilities there are in Midas. We will decidedly make him King of California, and I’ll be the priestess of Apollo; there is an old three-legg...
...d cyphering, acting as clerks, merchants, and secretaries, having among us lawyers, doctors, ministers, poets, authors, editors, orators, and teach- e... ...e engaged in all manner of enterprises common to other men—digging gold in California, captur- ing the whale in the Pacific, feeding sheep and cattle ...
...She might marry at once in every reasonable person’s opinion, whatever the lawyers may say to the contrary.’ ‘Have you been to ask them?’ said Liddy, ... ...u going to do that for?’ ‘Well, I’ve thought it best,’ Oak stammered out. ‘California is the spot I’ve had in my mind to try.’ ‘But it is understood e...
...King of Sulaco, and the head of the silver and steel interests far away in California, the conviction was growing that any attempt made by men of educ... ...was generally the speciality of half-educated negroes and wholly penniless lawyers. Then, confronting with a sort of urbane effrontery Mrs. Gould’s ga... he always carries everywhere. He had been away trad- ing in the Gulf of California, he said, looking straight past us at the wall, as his manner is...
...egardless of satire, and calmly consuming his five meals per diem. Against lawyers, beadles, bishops and clergy, and authorities, Mr. Punch is still r... ...onnet at the glass, informs that “she has used the whole bottle of Balm of California, but her hair comes off yet.” You can see the bear’s-grease not ... of the Organ.........................................121 Facing West from California’s Shores ....................................................1... ...the Conquer’d Fame..137 We Two Boys Together Clinging.......138 A Promise to California.....................138 Here the Frailest Leaves of Me........... ...savannas, Or a soldier camp’d or carrying my knapsack and gun, or a miner in California, Or rude in my home in Dakota’s woods, my diet meat, my drink ... ...he hills of Vermont or in the woods of Maine, or the Texan ranch, Comrade of Californians, comrade of free North Westerners, (loving their big proport... ...out doors? is he Kanadian? Is he from the Mississippi country? Iowa, Oregon, California? The mountains? prairie life, bush life? or sailor from the se... sins past and to come, Selling all he possesses, traveling on foot to fee lawyers for his brother and sit by him while he is tried for forgery; Wha... ...s! with the love of lovers tie you. (Were you looking to be held together by lawyers? Or by an agreement on a paper? or by arms? Nay, nor the world, n... ...inal that stood in the box, the judge that sat and sentenced him, the fluent lawyers, the jury, the audience, The laugher and weeper, the dancer, the ... ...enevolent face, The face of the singing of music, the grand faces of natural lawyers and judges broad at the back top, The faces of hunters and fisher...
... R. L. Stevenson: V ol. 1 Letter: TO SIDNEY COLVIN [COAST LINE MOUNTAINS, CALIFORNIA, SEPTEMBER 1879.] HERE is another curious start in my life. I am... ... of R. L. Stevenson: V ol. 1 Letter: TO SIDNEY COLVIN MONTEREY, DITTO CO., CALIFORNIA, 21ST OCTOBER [1879]. MY DEAR COL VIN, – Although you have absol... ...The Letters of R. L. Stevenson: V ol. 1 Letter: TO SIDNEY COLVIN MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA, SEPTEMBER 1879. MY DEAR COLVIN, – I received your letter with d... ...e news of all who concern me, near or far, or big or little. Here, sir, in California you have a willing hearer. Monterey is a place where there is no... ...f R. L. Stevenson: V ol. 1 Letter: TO EDMUND GOSSE MONTEREY, MONTEREY CO., CALIFORNIA, 8TH OCTOBER 1879. MY DEAR WEG, – I know I am a rogue and the so... ...difficult to please. I was inexpressibly touched to get a letter from some lawyers as to some money. I have never had any account with my friends; som...
...istration’s Approach 203 7. THE ATTACK LOOMS 215 7.1 First Arrivals in California 215 7.2 The 9/11 Pilots in the United States 223 7.3 Assembl... sec- ular struggles for independence after World War I.Western-educated lawyers, soldiers, and officials led most independence movements, and cleri... ...or Afghanistan’s warring factions in a project by the Union Oil Company of California (UNOCAL) to build a pipeline across the country. While there was... ... the context of a capture operation. CIA senior man- agers, operators, and lawyers confirmed this understanding.“We always talked about how much easie... ...l other col- laborators and for covering a wider set of contingencies, the lawyers returned to the language used in August 1998, which authorized forc... ...e United States, therefore became the primary target. For similar reasons, California also became a target for KSM. 32 KSM claims that the earlier bom... ...and FBI headquarters, nuclear power plants, and the tallest build- ings in California and the state of Washington. KSM himself was to land the tenth p... and informed Washington. 4 One of the 16, Raed Hijazi, had been born in California to Palestinian parents; after spending his childhood in the Mid... ... the government in with statements that might later be obtained by defense lawyers in a future court case.At the time, Clarke was aware of the problem...
...unds to 300 pounds a year; but they are, I believe, allowed to practice as lawyers in any counties except those in which they sit as judges—being guid... ... as they are in England; but it is, as I was told, the opinion of Canadian lawyers that the work may be thrown to- gether. Appeal is allowed in crimin... ...have then to account for the two already admitted States on the Pa- cific, California and Oregon, and also for the unadmitted Territories, Dacotah, Ne... to marshal these huge but thinly-populated re- gions in either rank. Of California and Oregon it may prob- ably be said that it is their ambition t... which is included Washington, the seat of the Federal Government 75,321 California 384,770 Oregon 52,566 The Territories of— Dacotah 4,839 Nebraska... ... he has crossed the Continent of North America from Missouri to Oregon and California, enduring great hardships in the service of advancing civi- liza... ... some States this is as low as 200£. and £300. In Virginia it is £1000. In California, £1200. The Governor can pardon, except in cases of treason. He ... ...ed for such work? And then there arose a clamor of justification among the lawyers; judges and ex-judges flew to Wheaton, Phillimore, and Lord Stowell... ... whether wrong or right, they would not give up Slidell and Mason. But the lawyers soon waxed stronger. The men were mani- festly ambassadors, and as ...
...t he was content to take a few months ago, and the whole province of Lower California to boot, and to still carry on the war to take all we are fighti... ... of a man; but who was that man? He was one of the ablest and most learned lawyers of his age, or of any age. It is no disparagement to Mr. Polk, nor ... no specific means to prevent the extension of slavery to New Mexico and California, and Gen. Taylor, he confidently believed, would not encourage i... ...ean you shall go off to St. Louis, or the lead mines, or the gold mines in California, but I mean for you to go at it for the best wages you can get c... ... having it all free. In the fall of 1848 the gold-mines were discovered in California. This attracted people to it with unprecedented rapidity, so tha... her 150 The Writings of Abraham Lincoln: V ol Two admission, and there California stood, kept out of the Union because she would not let slavery i... ... negative principle that no law is free law is not much known except among lawyers. We have some experience of this practical difference. In spite of ...
... expended a great deal of familiar ridicule on his project of a journey to California. Then, suddenly getting up and looking at him a moment— “I know ... ...s to-morrow?” 114 Confidence CHAPTER XVIII B ernard left then and went to California; but when he arrived there he asked himself why he had come, and... ...y for some time, and he strove to occupy him- self, to take an interest in Californian problems. Bernard, however, was neither an economist nor a catt... ...believe that there was an ele- ment of the unexpected in his answer. “From California.” “You came straight from California to this place?” “I arrived ... ...rdon answered, gazing back at her with his densely clouded blue eyes. “The lawyers do it for you; and if she goes away with Lovelock, nothing will be ...
...ublication in Brandur Magazine, Oct., 1902. Second magazine publication in The California Review, V ol. 2, No. 6, pp. 376 83, 1904. 118 JACK LONDON B... ...e had undergone. He also babbled incoherently of his mother, of sunny Southern California, and a home among the orange groves and flowers. The days wer... great events in his life. One of these had been when his mother bought some California prunes. Two others had been the two times when she cooked cu... ... die Drummond was a professor in the Sociology Department of the University of California, and it was as a professor of sociology that he first crossed... ... * In the years that followed no more lectures were given in the University of California by one Freddie Drummond, and no more books on economics and ... ... I wanted to be adopted. And Peter Bopp said he’d give me a good home, and the lawyers fixed up the papers. But I soon made up my mind that a ranch was...
...nd him- self identified with the opposition party, – a clique of roar- ing lawyers and half-heretical divines, with wit enough to appreciate the value... ...ds. His satires began to go the round in manuscript; Mr. Aiken, one of the lawyers, “read him into fame;” he himself was soon welcome in many houses o... ...e most cogent purposes of those great in- land states, and for T exas, and California, and Oregon;” – a statement which is among the happiest achievem... ...I, that could make Daniel, a sucking babe, to judge better than the wisest lawyers; a brute beast to reprehend the folly of a prophet; and poor fisher...
...ialists are wont to acknowledge. Let us take an instance. In Australia and California there is an intense dislike and fear toward the yellow races. Th... ...thinkable thing of deep horror. It is not so that marriage is conceived by lawyers who make settle- ments, or by priests who give the name of “sacrame...
...nts were spreading it. Soon after his graduation, Slaughter was ordered to California and took passage by a sailing vessel going around Cape Horn. The... ...e lying at an- chor after reaching his place of destination. On landing in California he found orders which had come by the Isthmus, notifying him of ... ... sick all the way. But when he arrived at the East he was again ordered to California, this time defi- nitely, and at this date was making his third t... deemed safe to start. The disease did not break out again on the way to California, and we reached San Francisco early in September. CHAPTER XV SAN... ...e reached San Francisco early in September. CHAPTER XV SAN FRANCISCO—EARLY CALIFORNIA EXPERIENCES—LIFE ON THE PACIFIC COAST —PROMOTED CAPTAIN—FLUSH TI... ...ion as any in their section of the State. It embraced the sons of farmers, lawyers, physicians, politicians, merchants, bankers and ministers, and som...
... monopoly of the subject, who could not bear all kinds of opinions; doctors, lawyers, uneasy housekeepers who pried into my cupboard and bed when I wa... ... chiefly; but a goose is a goose still, dress it as you will. They tell me of California and Texas, of England and the Indies, of the Hon. Conclusion ...