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...ter time, or else there would have been no one now to help him out of the ‘bus by the Green Park railings, where that spectre took its constitutional ... ...vie, you must look well after me at the crossings, and get first into the `bus, like a good brother.” This appeal to manly protection was received by ... ...d and threw out his chest. “Don’t be nervous, Winnie. Mustn’t be nervous! `Bus all right,” he answered in a brusque, slurring stammer partaking of the... ...p liking the boy. She cried out suddenly: “Quick, Stevie. Stop that green `bus.” And Stevie, tremulous and important with his sister Winnie on his arm... ...e on his arm, flung up the other high above his head at the ap- proaching ‘bus, with complete success. An hour afterwards Mr V erloc raised his eyes f... ... was a pure accident; as much an accident as if he had been run over by a `bus while crossing the street.” His generosity was not infinite, because he... ...d! No Master,” said the Professor sententiously as he rose to get off the `bus. Ossipon followed. “Wait till you are lying flat on your back at the en...
...about, young man? It ain’t an orb; it’s a country; it’s a continent. Colum bus discovered it; I reckon likely you’ve heard of him, any way. Americ...
...Commonly he clutched a big rattle, and sometimes he went along hailing the bus-drivers and policemen along the road outside the railings as “Dadda!” a... ...sociable, democratic way. “There goes that there great Boomfood baby,” the bus- driver used to say. “Looks ‘ealthy,” the forward passenger would remar... ...ay. “Looks ‘ealthy,” the forward passenger would remark. “Bottle fed,” the bus-driver would explain. “They say it ‘olds a gallon and ‘ad to be special...
...op in a book, and it came down in the Fulham Road within three yards of a ‘bus horse. It stood for a second per- haps, astonishing and in its attitude... ... its attitude astonished, then it crumpled, shivered into pieces, and the ‘bus horse was inci- dentally killed. Filmer lost the end of the archiepisco... ...e, and glanced at something that went throbbing by the window, “as a motor-bus. As a matter of fact—” He paused and smiled at me deeply, and tapped sl... he at last descends To like with less seraphic ends; Or to compound the bus’ness, whether They temper love and books together; Must never to mankin...
...razzle.” Philip was too restless to work that afternoon, so he jumped on a bus and crossed the river to see whether there were any pictures on view at... ...her to the shop. He shaved quickly, scrambled into his clothes, and took a bus to the station. He was there by twenty to eight and watched the incomin... ...rds he jumped in a cab and followed her. He guessed that she would take a ‘bus to Victoria, so that they would arrive about the same time. He saw her ... ...hen the summer comes along,” he said, as they drove along on the top of a ‘bus to Soho—she had herself sug- gested that they should not be so extravag... ...e cab.” He nodded to her and forced a smile on his lips, then jumped on a ‘bus and made his way home. 391 W. Somerset Maugham He smoked a pipe before... ... Athelnys’ Philip walked down Chancery Lane and along the Strand to get a ‘bus at the top of Parliament Street. One Sunday , when he had known them ab... ...n them about six weeks, he did this as usual, but he found the Kennington ‘bus full. It was June, but it had rained during the day and the night was r... ...w and cold. He walked up to Piccadilly Circus in order to get a seat; the ‘bus waited at the fountain, and when it arrived there seldom had more than ...
...een a carriage and a van, duck under the head of a cab-horse, and board a ‘bus going westward somewhere— but anyhow, going in exactly the reverse dire... .... So surely it must be— The policeman drops his hand. “Come up,” says the ‘bus driver, and the horses strain; “Clitter, clatter, cluck, clak,” the lin...
...ll go to sleep. They return and M. compounds a four-finger peg. CAPT. G. O bus! bus! It’ll make me as drunk as an owl. CAPT . M. Curious thing, ‘twon’...
...’s con- fidences. “I mean no woman has thought about him. When that comes; bus-hogya-all up’ I know. There are millions of women here. Housemaids, for...
... It is the chief mate, the only figure of the ship’s afterguard, who comes bus- tling forward at the cry of “All hands on deck!” He is the satrap of t...
...holy march was con- tinually disturbed by the messengers, and sometimes by bus- tling batteries that came swing-ing and thumping down upon them, the o...