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...e tutius progrediamur ubi ad corpora ca3Ieitia, longifime a &- I dibw &bus nobis remote, perventum herit. Convcnit jam inter 0mneS philoibphos,, ... ...a ill ipfas demiffa. Cod. 2. Si ar- cuum duorum ae- qualibus tempori- bus in fpatiis non reiiften ti b u s a b eo _ dem corpore fuc- cefive de... ...ipeta in B & E, ideoque funt his impulfi portionales. coroz. 4. vi .’ bus corpora qwlibet in fpatiis non reGffentL bus a motibus eis retrahuntu... ...t motus. Urgeri powit corpus a vi centripeta compofita ex pluribus viri- bus. In hoc cafu fenfus propofitionis eit, quod vis iha quz ex om- nihus c... ...qad TCxGu x CDq x CRq, five ut 2 T C ad G v. Sed punRis z&z fp coeunti-. bus zquantur 2 23 C & G v. Ergo I% his proportion&a L x 2~ & g,T gwad. zqu... ...xr~r.) re- fiangulo 4 T Sx T v, feu 4 T 5’ x ZR ; & punAis T & gcoeunti- bus, ratio %V ad 2~ (per coral. 2. lem. VII.) fit ratio zqualitatis. Ergo ... ...TPS ad ‘DG, si vicifflm TPA ad TS ut ZIF ad B G ; & conjurktis rationi- bus fit rektangulum T$,x TR ad rei”iangulum T SX T T ut retiangulutn 53 E... ... phfqyam folida ad Solida Lopor hit de curvis potefiw irw i rre&xibili bus. Nam fi zquatio, per quam curva definitur, ad in. LIB I: n feriorem po... ...lipfi. Sit angulus ifte N. Turn capiatur & angulus Dad a1~gulLm B, ut dk bus iite anguli A0 $& ad radium, 8~ angulus E ad anguium N --iq~ 2, + D,u... software is not like fighting over who owns the scented candles or the VW bus. Does the person who wrote the “kernel” of the operating system resen...
...’ home in Germany, Walter has an epiphany: “People he knew or heard of had gone to the East…and seemed different when they returned.” So he and Hilde bus through Budapest, Athens, Turkey and the Middle East to India, where Walter marvels over “how people survived their daily struggle in apparent chaos under harsh conditions.” Later, on a depressive whim, he also visits th...
...was just in the vicinity of two years, when her parents died in the accident that resulted in the death of 32 persons, travelling in the over-crowded bus, carrying some teachers and their families, mostly residents of Nimri Colony in North Delhi. This group of 46 persons was on an All-India tour, organized by someone amongst themselves, to avail the benefit from their depa...
...) N Available at stores throughout Hawaii. MAU-214-11 Healthy Nut_FP Ad HI Bus APEC:000115 Hon Mag Vert.ky3 9/20/11 4:36 PM Page 1 10-11 Mauna Loa ...
................................................................35 Full view snooping...............................................................35 Bus driver’s question.............................................................35 One who likes details............................................................35 Open.....................................................
...reafter they turned to attend to the feast of `Paneer Pakodas`, `Samosas prepared at this very café. Destiny Opens Itself … At this very moment, a bus happens to gain speed while following her; she indicates this vehicle onto her left to overtake. But the bus driver loses controls over his steering as he abruptly happens to mark the action of videography. … By this ...
..._______ 52 JAZZ (III) ___________ 53 DISTURBANCE _____ 53 AFTER COSMETIC SURGERY ___________ 53 OBITUARY _________ 53 PLAGIARIST _______ 53 THE BUS CONDUCTRESS _______________ 53 THE PASSENGERS __ 53 PUG DOG __________ 53 MAYOR ____________ 54 RIVALRY __________ 54 ARRANGEMENT ____ 54 COUNCIL __________ 54 PRUDENCE _________ 54 EXOTIC ____________ 54 SMATTER...