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The First Part of Henry the Sixth. Edited by Louise Pound

By Shakespeare, William

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Book Id: WPLBN0000700586
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 0.3 MB
Reproduction Date: 2005

Title: The First Part of Henry the Sixth. Edited by Louise Pound  
Author: Shakespeare, William
Language: English
Subject: Literature, Literature & thought, Literature & drama
Collections: Classic Literature Collection, DjVu Editions Classic Literature
Publication Date:
Publisher: Djvu Editions Classic Literature


APA MLA Chicago

Shakespeare, B. W. (n.d.). The First Part of Henry the Sixth. Edited by Louise Pound. Retrieved from

Excerpt: The First Part of Henry the Sixth; Actus Primus -- Scoena Prima -- Dead March. Enter the Funerall of King Henry the Fifth, attended on by the Duke of Bedford, Regent of France; the Duke of Gloster, Protector; the Duke of Exeter Warwicke, the Bishop of Winchester, and the Duke of Somerset. Bedford. Hung be y heavens with black, yield day to night; Comets importing change of Times and States, Brandish your crystall Tresses in the Skie, And with them scourge the bad revolting Stars, That have consented unto Henries death: King Henry the Fift, too famous to live long, England ne?re lost a King of so much worth. Glost. England ne?re had a King untill his time: Vertue he had, deserving to command, His brandisht Sword did blinde men with his beames, His Armes spred wider then a Dragons Wings: His sparkling Eyes, repleat with wrathfull fire, More dazled and drove back his Enemies, Then mid- day Sunne, fierce bent against their faces. What should I say? his Deeds exceed all speech: He ne?re lift up his Hand, but conquered. Exe. We mourne in black, why mourn we not in blood? Henry is dead, and never shall revive: Upon a Woodden Coffin we attend; And Deaths dishonourable Victorie, We with our stately presence glorifie, Like Captives bound to a Triumphant Carre. What? shall we curse the Planets of Mishap, That plotted thus our Glories overthrow? Or shall we thinke the subtile- witted French, Conjurers and Sorcerers, that afraid of him, By Magick Verses have contriv?d his end. Winch. He was a King, blest of the King of Kings. Unto the French, the dreadfull Judgement- Day So dreadfull will not be, as was his sight. The Battailes of the Lord of Hosts he fought ...

Table of Contents
Table of Contents: The first Part of Henry the Sixt, 1 -- Actus Primus. Scoena Prima., 1 -- Actus Secundus. Scena Prima., 15 -- Actus Tertius. Scena Prima., 27 -- Scoena Secunda., 32 -- Scaena Tertia., 35 -- Scoena Quarta., 38 -- Actus Quartus. Scena Prima., 39 -- Scena secunda., 52 -- Scoena Tertia., 53 -- Actus Quintus., 63


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