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The Life and Death of King Richard the Second

By Shakespeare, William

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Book Id: WPLBN0000700604
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 0.3 MB
Reproduction Date: 2005

Title: The Life and Death of King Richard the Second  
Author: Shakespeare, William
Language: English
Subject: Literature, Literature & thought, Literature & drama
Collections: Classic Literature Collection, DjVu Editions Classic Literature
Publication Date:
Publisher: Djvu Editions Classic Literature


APA MLA Chicago

Shakespeare, B. W. (n.d.). The Life and Death of King Richard the Second. Retrieved from

Excerpt: The Life and Death of King Richard the Second; Actus Primus -- Scaena Prima -- Enter King Richard, John of Gaunt, with other Nobles and Attendants. King Richard. Old John of Gaunt, time- honoured Lancaster, Hast thou according to thy oath and band Brought hither Henry Herford thy bold son: Heere to make good y boistrous late appeale, Which then our leysure would not let us heare, Against the Duke of Norfolke, Thomas Mowbray? Gaunt. I have my Liege. King. Tell me moreover, hast thou sounded him, If he appeale the Duke on ancient malice, Or worthily as a good subject should On some knowne ground of treacherie in him. Gaunt. As neere as I could sift him on that argument, On some apparant danger seene in him, Aym?d at your Highnesse, no inveterate malice. Kin. Then call them to our presence face to face, And frowning brow to brow, our selves will heare Th? accuser, and the accused, freely speake; High stomack?d are they both, and full of ire, In rage, deafe as the sea; hastie as fire. Enter Bullingbrooke and Mowbray. Bul. Many yeares of happy dayes befall My gracious Soveraigne, my most loving Liege. Mow. Each day still better others happinesse, Untill the heavens envying earths good hap, Adde an immortall title to your Crowne. King. We thanke you both, yet one but flatters us, As well appeareth by the cause you come, Namely, to appeale each other of high treason. Coosin of Hereford, what dost thou object Against the Duke of Norfolke, Thomas Mowbray? Bul. First, heaven be the record to my speech, In the devotion of a subjects love, Tendering the precious safetie of my Prince, And free from other misbegotten hate, Come I appealant to this Princely presence.

Table of Contents
Table of Contents: The life and death of King Richard the Second, 1 -- Actus Primus, Scaena Prima., 1 -- Scaena Secunda., 5 -- Scena Tertia., 7 -- Scoena Quarta., 13 -- Actus Secundus. Scena Prima., 15 -- Scena Secunda., 22 -- Scaena Tertia., 25 -- Scoena Quarta., 29 -- Actus Tertius. Scena Prima., 30 -- Scena Secunda., 31 -- Scaena Tertia., 36 -- Scena Quarta., 41 -- Actus Quartus. Scoena Prima., 43 -- Actus Quintus. Scena Prima., 51 -- Scoena Secunda., 53 -- Scoena Tertia., 56 -- Scaena Quarta., 60 -- Scoena Quinta., 63


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