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Maui Hikina, Volume Ii

By Kepa Maly

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Book Id: WPLBN0002097007
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 2.44 MB
Reproduction Date: 2001

Title: Maui Hikina, Volume Ii  
Author: Kepa Maly
Language: Hawaiian
Subject: Non Fiction, Education, Hawaiian Culture
Collections: Authors Community, Education
Publication Date:
Publisher: Kumu Pono Associates
Member Page: Hale Kuamoʻo Hawaiian Language Center


APA MLA Chicago

Maly, B. K. (2001). Maui Hikina, Volume Ii. Retrieved from

At the request of Garret Hew, Manager of East Maui Irrigation Company (EMI), Kumu Pono Associates conducted a two phased study of cultural-historical resources in the lands of Hamakua Poko, Hamakua Loa, and Ko?olau, in the region of Maui Hikina (East Maui), Island of Maui. The study included—conducting detailed research of historical records in public and private collections (Volume I); and conducting oral history interviews with individuals known to be familiar with the cultural and natural landscape, and history of land use in the Maui Hikina study area (Volume II). This study was conducted in conjunction with the Water License Application of the East Maui Irrigation Company, and land use planning processes of the Board of Land and Natural Resources of the State of Hawai?i. The study area includes 72 ahupua?a (native land divisions extending from fisheries to the mountain region) which make up the moku o loko (districts) of Hamakua Poko, Hamakua Loa, and Ko?olau, Maui. Situated on the eastern slopes of Haleakala, the lands are a part of the region generally known as Maui Hikina (East Maui). These lands comprise a large portion of the rich water producing forest of the East Maui Watershed, which collects rains from the ko?olau or windward weather systems that prevail upon the Hawaiian Islands. From ancient times, the abundant rains, supported the development of rich forests which are now threatened by invasive species (including both plants and animals). The rains and forests have in turn led to the formation of hundreds of streams (kahawai) and thousands of small feeder tributaries (e.g., waikahe and kahawai li?ili?i), that have molded the landscape of Maui Hikina into one with many large valleys (awawa) and smaller gulches (kahawai). These watered valleys and gulches, and their associated flat lands (kula), have been home to and sustained Native Hawaiian families for centuries. The specific scope of this study sought to understand the wide range of issues related to Native Hawaiian and historic practices associated with water (wai), and its usage. In order to understand the cultural-historical context of water resources — including uses which have been handed down from antiquity, and those which were both protected and permitted in 1876 by King David Kalakaua, and subsequently licensed by the Republic, Territory and State of Hawai?i — this study looks at the larger cultural-historical landscape of Maui Hikina. Wai (water) is integral to all aspects of Hawaiian culture and life. As noted during the interview with Kupuna Joe Rosa of Honopou, “Wai o ke ola! Wai, waiwai nui! Wai, na mea a pau, ka wai, waiwai no kela!” (Water is life! Water is of great value! Water, the water is that which is of value for all things!) (oral history interview of November 8, 2001). Thus, in discussing water and life upon the land, one will naturally find that like water which flows from the mountains to the sea, so run the beliefs, traditions, customs and practices of the Hawaiian people upon the land. The oral history interviews cited in this volume, connect the life and well being of the people and the land to the flow of water.

In general, it will be seen that the few differences of history and recollections in the cited interviews are minor. If anything, the differences help direct us to questions which may be answered through additional research, or in some cases, pose questions which may never be answered. Diversity in the stories told, should be seen as something that will enhance interpretation, preservation, and long-term management of the land and water resources of Maui Hikina.


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