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Bhagvad-Gita : Treatise of Self-Help

By Murthy, B.S.

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Book Id: WPLBN0002097652
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Reproduction Date: 9/16/2011

Title: Bhagvad-Gita : Treatise of Self-Help  
Author: Murthy, B.S.
Language: English
Subject: Religion, Spirituality, Sociology, Philosophy, Immortality, Epic , Hinduism today,War,, Self Help, Psychology, Nature, Spirit, Death, Fear, Life,
Collections: Authors Community, Philosophy
Publication Date:
Publisher: Self Imprint
Member Page: BS Murthy


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Murthy, B. B. (2003). Bhagvad-Gita. Retrieved from

Bhagavad-Gita is the most beautiful, perhaps the only true philosophical song existing in any known tongue’ – so opined William von Humboldt. Though it is a matter of consensus that Bhagvad-Gita in the present length of seven hundred verses has many an interpolation to it, but no meaningful attempt has ever been made to delve into the nature and extent, not to speak of the effect of these on the Hindu society at large. The moot point that has missed the attention of all, all along, is that if the Sudras were to be so lowly in the Lord’s creation, how come then the Gita’s architect Krishna, His avatar, and Vyāsa, its chronicler, happen to be from the same lowly Hindu caste fold. Moreover, is it not absurd to suggest that either or both of them had deprecated the station of their own varna (caste) on their own in their very own Gita? The methodical codification of interpolations carried out here, for the first time ever, puts the true character of Gita in proper perspective. Identified here are hundred and ten slokas of deviant nature and or of partisan character, the source of so much misunderstanding about this book extraordinary, in certain sections of the Hindu fold. Thus, in the long run, exposing and expunging these mischievous insertions is bound to bring in new readers from these quarters to this over two millennia old classic besides altering the misconceptions of the existing adherents. In this modern rendition, the beauty of the Sanskrit slokas is reflected in the rhythmic flow of the English verses of poetic proportions even as the attendant philosophy of the song that is the Gita is captured in contemporary idiom for easy comprehension.

The spiritual ethos and the philosophical outlook that the Bhagvad - Gita postulates paves the way for the liberation of man, who, as Rousseau said, ‘being born free, is everywhere in chains’. But equally it is a mirror of human psychology, which enables man to discern his debilities for appropriate redressal. All the same, the boon of an oral tradition that kept it alive for over two millennia became its bane with the proliferation of interpolations therein. Besides muddying its pristine philosophy, these insertions affect the sequential conformity and structural economy of the grand discourse. What is worse, to the chagrin of the majority of the Hindus, some of these legitimize the inimical caste system while upholding the priestly perks and prejudices. This rendition seeks to restore to the Gita, its original character by ridding it of hundred and ten interpolations, which tend to keep the skeptics away from it. And ironically these muddle the understanding as well. In the theatre of man as nothing surpasses the drama of war, the stage for unveiling the Gita’s unrivalled philosophy was set on the battleground of Kurukshetra at the threshold of the battle of Mahabharata.

All about Life - Chapter 2 This character defining chapter of the Gita comprising 72 slokas, known as saankhya yoga, Realization through Knowledge, is regarded by many, as the peerless part of the great epic. Arjuna’s dilemma, meanwhile, turns into grief, as the horrific prospect of slaying Bhishma, his revered granduncle, and Drona, his venerated guru, sinks into his consciousness. Bogged down by sentiment, Arjuna appeals to Lord Krishna for guidance. The Lord’s response starting with the epoch making eleventh sloka, ‘Averring as knowing Worried over trivia! Reckon never wise Dead and alive both.’ is indeed the curtain raiser to the grand discourse. It is apparent that the sentiment of causing death and destruction plagues Arjuna. Thus, Lord Krishna brings the very issue to the fore to dispel the unwarranted fear of death by stressing upon the trans-migratory nature of the indwelling spirit of all beings. Then the Lord proceeds to enlighten Arjuna about his duty to fight as a warrior besides touching upon the infamy of surrender. To enable Arjuna overcome the predicament of attachment, Lord Krishna elaborates upon the precepts and practices of detached action, besides its spiritual and philosophical connotations. As a way of caution, the Lord finally explains to Arjuna how his sensual nature hinders man to act in true detachment. This chapter, indeed, is the spectrum supreme of the kaleidoscope of wisdom that Bhagavad Gita is. 1 Thus spoke Sanjaya: In pity Krishna Addressed Arjuna, Bogged in sorrow With tears profuse. 2 Thus spoke the Lord: Oh, what affliction At this juncture! Wholly un-Aryan Unholy as well!! 3 Mind-set impotent that unnerves Strengthen thou for fight on hand. 4 Thus spoke Arjuna: Adore as I, how dare I Make Bhishma ’n Dron target? 5 Better I go with begging bowl Than earn disgrace slaying them, Would the scepter ever glitter In the bloodstained hands of mine? 6 Those us oppose We hate hurting, What use war Who victors are? 7 About my duty I’m in doubt Tell me kindly what is right. 8 Beset by doubts, Saddled by grief Would I be joyous Were I the king? 9 Thus spoke Sanjaya: Bent to rescind Arjun had no more to speak. 10 Make I privy O my Lord Speaks as Krishna to Arjun Stood who there in confusion. 11 Thus spoke the Lord: Averring as knowing Worried over trivia! Reckon never wise Dead and alive both. 12 You and Me As well these, Have had past Future as well. 13 Wise all realize Embodies selfsame spirit in one From birth to death, in every birth. 14 Sensual feelings, grief ’n joy Transient are like, heat and cold. 15 Weigh who pain ’n pleasure equal Such are those on path freedom. 16 What’s not real, it’s never been And that’s true, it’s ever there That’s how wise all came to see. 17 Spirit in lay us All-Pervading Given that not to destruction, What sense doth it make to think That’s immutable gets destroyed! 18 Perish all bodies, Spirit not therein Know this truth, and take up arms. 19 With no slayer, nor one slain Whoso feels that he might kill It's in delusion that he harps. 20 Unbound being ever unborn Ageless since it’s endless too Goes on Spirit, beyond life-span. 21 Spirit as entity hath no birth How can thou kill what’s not born! 22 Change as men fade if clothes So doth Spirit as frames are worn. 23 Hurts no weapon the Spirit in thee Nor scathe elements, wind, water ’n fire. 24 Unalterable ’n Eternal Immovable but pervades all Permanent ’n so Everlasting Spirit thus none can ever destruct. 25 Can sans form Spirit get bound? Get right answer thou won’t burn. 26 Prima facie if thou feel Subject Spirit is to rebirths Why grieve over end of frame? 27 Dies as one For like rebirth, Why feel sad Of what’s cyclic. 28 Isn’t thy lament over that Un-manifested to start with Gets manifested just as guest And bids adieu in due course. 29 Seen in wonder, spoken in awe Spirit none knows that lies in him. 30 Dies not Spirit as die beings What for man then tends to grieve! 31 Being a warrior dharma thine That thee fight with all thy might. 32 For martyrs of unsought wars Ever open are heavenly gates. 33 If thee back out from duty Imperil thou thy own dharma And that earns thee infamy. 34 What for lead a dishonored life Why leave legend dubious behind! 35 Amiss be taken thine intent Treat thee coward thy friends ’n foes. 36 Count on thou thy detractors Besmirch they thy character, Damned be thine obituary By their campaign of slander. 37 If slain, heaven; alive, it’s reign Resolve to fight with right intent. 38 Shed thy sentiment, guilt unhinge Eye not gain as wage thou war. 39 It's this knowledge that liberates And helps thee act, with no restraint. 40 Goes not waste Effort thine ever, Zeal for action Frees from fear. 41 In their resolve Succeed firm, Mind as wavers Lose infirm. 42 Unwise use all enticing Flowery language to further Rituals Vedic in their scores Not the knowledge of Vedas. 43 Eyeing heaven with mind mundane Go for ceremonies such in hope Of having best of both the worlds. 44 Pursue if thou wants with zeal Instincts then would spin thy mind. 45 Aspects three of life, reveal Vedas four Transcend thou dualities, in them as inherent. 46 Well-waters draw Veda-dependent Banks on reservoir dwell all realized. 47 Hold as patent on thy work Reckon thou not on royalty With no way to ceasing work Never mind outcome but go on. 48 It’s but yoga If thou strive Wants without Emotions bereft. 49 Work well greedy with motive Work wise not with result in mind. 50 Wise not sentiment bring to work That's hallmark of art of work. 51 Freed from bonds with mind even Act wise regardless ever composed. 52 Clears if reason one’s illusion Bothers he not to what's over Or for what might lie in store. 53 Stands as firm mind thy clear Steer thou clear of path rituals. 54 Thus spoke Arjuna: How to spot the yogi true Were he there ever in the crowd? 55 Thus spoke the Lord: Blessed are strong with blissful self Helps them that slight all that tempts. 56 Oblivious of misfortune Not the one to crave for fun Sways not ever by his feelings Stays thus yogi ever even. 57 Unfettered by attachment Compliments to indifferent Adversity by unshaken Wisdom thus is personified. 58 Stimuli those of organs sensory Tortoise like wise draw into shell. 59 Senses reined Who so abstains, Sans he longing Turns he godly. 60 Senses as may tend them rash Wise as well stray, from right path. 61 Rein in senses, hone thine effort Rely on Supreme, that’s true wisdom. 62 Leans man on Lends what charm, Brings that want And that’s fault. 63 Despair is what clouds reason Brings that ruin through deeds mindless. 64 Yield to senses sans craving Cap as thou thy wants dubious. 65 Calm that offsets woes of life And that equable makes thy mind. 66 Lacks mind focus as it strays Robs that peace ’n joy thereby. 67 As in seas sans boat rudder So course sensual man loses. 68 With tight leash on their senses Wise with ease lead poised lives. 69 Ignoring all ignorant crave Wise take note what folks not note. 70 Subdues as sea, rivers it holds Wise keep cool while wants taming. 71 Freed of ego ’n wants as well Blessed are wise who lack longing. 72 State it’s that of true being With no tenseness of being, Life ever in that mode being Makes what one with All-being. Ends thus: All about Life, The Second Chapter Of Bhagavad-Gita Treatise of self-help.

Table of Contents
Copyright page, Dedication Introduction Awe Unfounded All About Interpolations Chapters - 1. Arjuna’s Dilemma 2. All about Life 3. Theory of Action 4. Practical Wisdom 5. Art of Renunciation 6. Practice of Restraint 7. Know the Spirit 8. Cycle of Creation 9. The Sacred Secret 10. Discern the Divine 11. Nature of Omnipresence 12. Doctrine of Faith 13. Field and Farmer 14. Proclivities to Know 15. Art of Liberation 16. Frailty of Thought 17. Science of Devotion 18. Thy Looking-glass


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