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Crítica da Razão Antimoderna: Tradicionalismo e cultura mnoderna em Hannah Arendt, Leo Strauss e Philip Rieff

By Francisco Rüdiger

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Book Id: WPLBN0002169738
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 2.41 MB
Reproduction Date: 01/12/2008

Title: Crítica da Razão Antimoderna: Tradicionalismo e cultura mnoderna em Hannah Arendt, Leo Strauss e Philip Rieff  
Author: Francisco Rüdiger
Language: Portuguese
Subject: Non Fiction, Political Science, Hannah Arendt |  Leo Strauss |  Philip Rieff | 
Collections: Authors Community, Sociology
Publication Date:
Publisher: Edicon
Member Page: Francisco Rüdiger


APA MLA Chicago

Rüdiger, B. F. (2008). Crítica da Razão Antimoderna: Tradicionalismo e cultura mnoderna em Hannah Arendt, Leo Strauss e Philip Rieff. Retrieved from

Modernity has been target of permanent criticism since its inception by what has become a traditionalist or antimodern way of thinking. This book exhibits three variations of it, focusing on the ideas of Hannah Arendt, Leo Strauss and Philip Rieff. The approach is critical, stressing the prejudices existing inside their commentaries of our age, but at the same time it argues they originally highlight some of its deepest problems.

Table of Contents
Apresentação. 1 Hannah Arendt e o declínio do Ocidente. 2 A modernidade como época de crise: Leo Strauss. 3 Philip Rieff e o triunfo do terapêutico? Conclusão.


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