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The Fifth Commandment: A Biography of Shapurji Saklatvala and Memoir by his Daughter

By Sehri Saklatvala

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Book Id: WPLBN0002170194
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 12.28 MB
Reproduction Date: 7/1/2012

Title: The Fifth Commandment: A Biography of Shapurji Saklatvala and Memoir by his Daughter  
Author: Sehri Saklatvala
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, World History and History of Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, etc., Reference
Collections: Authors Community, Biographies
Publication Date:
Publisher: Sak Books
Member Page: Pete F


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Saklatvala, B. S. (2012). The Fifth Commandment: A Biography of Shapurji Saklatvala and Memoir by his Daughter. Retrieved from

Shapurji Saklatvala was a Parsi from India who was elected twice to the British parliament in the 1920s. A communist and an internationalist, he campaigned vigorously inside and outside parliament on behalf of working people everywhere and especially for the cause of an independent India. A celebrated public speaker, Sak was imprisoned for sedition during the General Strike of 1926, after urging the army not to act against protesting workers. He was also banned from entering the USA and ultimately from returning to India. He married a working class woman from Derbyshire and they had five children


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