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The science of the eternal elements and the effects of subatomic particles (English Dadavani February-2013)

By Bhagwan, Dada

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Book Id: WPLBN0100000624
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File Size: 0.9 MB
Reproduction Date: 15/02/2013

Title: The science of the eternal elements and the effects of subatomic particles (English Dadavani February-2013)  
Author: Bhagwan, Dada
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Religion
Collections: Authors Community, Religion
Publication Date:
Publisher: Mahavideh Foundation
Member Page: Dada Bhagwan


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Bhagwan, B. D. (2013). The science of the eternal elements and the effects of subatomic particles (English Dadavani February-2013). Retrieved from

On coming together of the two elements jada (matter) and chetan (Self), vishesha parinam (extra result) arises. And due to its effect, wrong belief arises. Due to the effect of the pressure of the pudgal (non-Self complex) extraneous property (vyatirek guna – when two elements come together, a third new component of completely new property arises), ‘I am the doer’ arises. And through that, this cycle of worldly life after life (sansar) continues. Atma (Soul) is eternally pure only; it is Gnan swaroop (Knowledge form), it is Vignan swaroop (absolute Self state). But it is affected due to the pressure of the circumstances and that is why Darshan (vision) becomes vibhavik (unnatural). Upon attaining the Self (swaroop), the state of the prakruti is a saiyog (circumstance), with such awareness one becomes free from the effects of the prakruti. And when even discharge ego dissolves completely, one becomes pure (shuddha), as original pure Self.


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