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The Cornerstone

By Withy, Whick

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Book Id: WPLBN0100302086
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 0.7 MB
Reproduction Date: 10/2/2019

Title: The Cornerstone  
Author: Withy, Whick
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, General Works (Periodicals, Series, idexes, Almanacs, etc.)
Collections: Authors Community, Sociology
Publication Date:
Publisher: Whickwithy
Member Page: George Whickwithy


APA MLA Chicago

Withy, B. W. (2019). The Cornerstone. Retrieved from

I've always had a lot of questions. Like, why does everyone say, "We're just human"? Like it is some sort of verbal stain remover. Or, "Things change"? As if it were an absolution and a reprieve rather than a self-defeating proposal. The Golden Rule, as far as I can see, is, "Don't get caught" - to the bitter end. Or, "That's just life"? Like it is some sort of all purpose cleaner. Of course, the central question was always why is mankind so very screwed up? Then it hit me....

This is a speculative non-fiction account of humanity.

This stunning difference between human and animal completely befuddled our primitive ancestors and still takes modern humans by surprise, disabling our ability to don the mantle of our sentience. It leaves us baffled and deceived. A sentient endeavor is required that will transform all of mankind like a butterfly leaving its cocoon.

Table of Contents
Proof The stunning panorama Decades Perspective blindness and the obfuscation of sentience Discipline A desert island The dichotomy of love Woman affected Grievances, just an expression of my annoyance Paranoia Existentialism is for suckers It's complicated Civilized The state of humanity Really? Love Not falling in love We are no longer just an animal The source The other difficulty The little things Egalitarianism Unbroken Hypocrisy Every day Soul Knee-jerk reactions The accomplishment that counts The sentient potential The great detractor Kinda funny, kinda sad Insanity The sexual situation Face to face A dichotomy of thought The change Mundanity The subtlety of change Virus Not good enough Universe A feminine belief The rolling stone of humanity Keeping it all in The trap Learnings Spectacle No longer an animal Breaking the cycles Two-face Mad control Readings The bullshit we endure Evidence The evidence is all around Substitutes Staggered and content Childhood's end Reset History Unraveling End notes The book of perpetual motion Appendices


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