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Into Composition : A Painters Guide: A Painters Guide

By Kay, John, Rowland

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Book Id: WPLBN0100750495
Format Type: PDF (eBook)
File Size: 1.27 MB.
Reproduction Date: 1/7/2025

Title: Into Composition : A Painters Guide: A Painters Guide  
Author: Kay, John, Rowland
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Fine Arts, Graphic Composition
Collections: Authors Community, Art
Publication Date:
Publisher: The Millrind Press
Member Page: John Kay


APA MLA Chicago

Kay, J. R., & Kay, J. R. (2025). Into Composition : A Painters Guide. Retrieved from

A Guide for all Two Dimensional work drawing on classical and contemporary sources with comprehensive illustratration.

A Guide for all Two Dimensional work drawing on classical and comtempory sources with comprehensive Illustration.

I see composition as the basic skeleton of a painting, all the flesh of colour, texture, detail and technique need strong bones to carry the weight. I believe that composition is the secret key to success in painting. To give some meaning to the term composition two aspects need to be considered. First, in a good composition the parts of the painting should link to or have a special relationship to the frame. Second the various parts of the painting should have an internal coherence, the forms, the shapes and the interrelationship of tones should form a cohesive whole, i.e. every part of it should have a reason for being there. Leaving just one part out would detract from the whole. If you have ever, on entering an exhibition hall, had your attention forcibly drawn to one picture in particular, taking your immediate attention as no others do, it is highly likely that that particular painting had a very skilful composition .

Table of Contents
1. Introduction 9 What is a painting? 10 2. Aspects of Composition 13 Golden Section 13 Lines joining significant points 14 Centre of interest and sweet points 14 Rabatment 16 Eye Line 16 Emphasis and contrast 17 Dominance 17 Repetition & variation 19 Tonal balance 19 Linking the mid-tones 20 Strong verticals and horizontals 20 Rhythm of forms 21 Diagonal lines give action & dynamism 22 Compositional faults 25 3. Working Methods 28 Planning 28 Using a viewfinder 28 Sketching 30 Tonal Values - Natural and Stage Set 31 Quick Tonal Sketches 31 Simplification 32 Photography 35 some practical advice: 38 5. The Process 41


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