• Athos Othonos
    Author's photo GeneralInfo

I was born in Cyprus in 1959. I received my degree in Medicine at the Athens Medical University in 1985.

I was trained in Homeopathy in Greece. I am founding member of the Panhellenic Medical Homeopathic Association and was for several years member of the Board of Directors.

I practice Homeopathic Medicine as a private doctor in Athens the last 28 years, being a member of the Athens Medical Association and a member of the Greek Association of Homeopathic Medicine.

Since many years I conduct homeopathic training programs for doctors, dentists, veterinary doctors and pharmacists.

I've always enjoyed reading and writing books! Up to now I have written 21 books on Holistic Philosophy, 16 Homeopathic Medical books and 8 Litterature books. In my Homeopathic Medical Books one can find a complete course on Homeopathic Medicine and the description of the Method of Miasmatic Idiosyncratic Diagnosis developed by me the last 15 years. 

I live in Athens, I am divorced and I have a daughter 16 years old. I spend my free time writing books, conducting free seminars and enjoying Nature at my farm in Marathon area. 

General Information:

As far as I can remember myself, I’ve been searching for Truth. In the beginning, as every young man does, I was excited and even fanatical each time I got to know a new Ideology or area of Knowledge. I thought that I had found the absolute Truth!

As years passed by making me more mature, I realized the wisdom of the Ancient Greek saying: “Truth was a Mirror in Heaven! It fell on Earth and smashed into a thousand pieces. Since then, anyone who comes across one single piece of Truth believes that he has found the whole Truth!”

I gradually studied various areas of knowledge: Political Ideologies, Psychoanalysis, Medicine, Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Healthy Nutrition, Orgone Theory of Wilhelm Reich, Socrates, Plato, Heraclitus, Diogenes, Buddhism, Christ, Osho, Anthroposophy of Rudolf Steiner, Hermes the Great, Astrophysics, Eco-communities, Natural Farming, etc.

Every time I tried to focus on common Truth and not on minor differences, because I realized that no matter what path you are walking, in the end, if you follow your heart, you will end up touching the same, one and only, Common Truth.

My books either philosophical, novels or medical are the outcome of this theoretical search and also the outcome of many years of medical and personal experience. Their common ground is Holistic Thinking and Holistic Philosophy. My choice to offer all my books for free in my web site homeomed.gr and in other sites for free e-books is in accordance with my holistic beliefs.  

What is theory without practice? Nothing! So, I try to live my life according to Holistic Philosophy, both in my private life and in my profession. 

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