Sometimes, Life Sucks! is a book that starts by telling my own story of how I was raised in a loving Christian family but I hated religion and most church meetings. Then at age 23 I saw things differently and became a committed Christian. The book examines two issues - sex before marriage and alcohol, that were taboo for Christians and why it made me see initially see religion as boring rules dominated lifestyle. Then the book discusses the meaning of life and outlines t...
Circumstances dictate whether money, careers, sex, love, friends etc, are a source of pain or joy. One man may rejoice at his new found fortune, while another weeps as his disappears. A young lady delights in finding the man of her dreams. But another weeps bitterly as her man leaves for better company. A family rejoices at the birth of a child while another grieves the passing of a loved one. Some things are a source of great joy but may end up tearing you apart. Yes – Sometimes, Life Sucks!