J.C. Bell was born in 1876 and attended the -- then newly formed -- Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. After a failed chemistry/anatomy experiment, he was infected with the undead plague at the age of 37 and has been physically rotting since then. Some of his hobbies include; lurching around in a daze, stumbling after living people while mumbling about 'brains', and quietly pondering the meaning of life, death and immortality with what limited brain capacity he has left. He also likes pets -- to eat them, of course.
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book cover
Title:   Infinite Limits
Author:   by J.C. Bell
Publisher:   Brother Moons
Language:   English
Collections:   Authors Community, Horror
Book Id:   WPLBN0002827417
Format Type:   PDF (eBook)
Average Rating:   (120)
Subjects:   Non Fiction, Philosophy, Fiction
Records: 1 - 1 of 1 - Pages: 

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