Search Results (248,988 titles)


Social Register Association (U. S.) (X) Sociology (X) Harrisburg (X) Trade (X)

Records: 248901 - 248920 of 248,988 - Pages: 
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World Health Organization : Year 1998 ; Assessment Document, A78187: Health Sector Emergency Preparedness Guide Making a Difference to Vulnerability

By: Reinaldo Flores, Dr.
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World Health Organization : Year 1998 ; World Health Organization, Analysis, Research, And Assessment, No. 98.4: Tools and Methods for Health System Assessment

By: Katja Janovsky, Dr.
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World Health Organization : Year 1998 ; World Health Organization, International Conference, Macroeconomic Development and the Health Sector.29: Poverty and Health ; Aligning Sectoral Programmes with National Health Policies

By: Debra J. Lipson
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World Health Organization : Year 2001 ; The Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases Ide Rp Rapl 01.1: Rapid Assessment Procedures for Loiasis

By: Samuel Wanji
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World Health Organization : Year 2001 ; World Health Organization, Noncommunicable Disease and Mental Health, Department of Mental Health and Substance Dependance. Mental Health Determinants and Population, No. 01.1: Atlas Mental Health Resources in the World 2001

By: Shekhar Saxena, Dr.
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World Health Organization : Year 2002 ; Communicable Diseases and Emerging Infectious Diseases ; Department of Control, Prevention, And Eradication, Strategy Development and Monitoring for Eradication and Elimination, No. 2002.28: Annual Report on Lymphatic Filariasis

By: Francesco Rio, Dr.
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World Health Organization : Year 2002 ; Communicable Diseases and Emerging Infectious Diseases ; Tuberculosis, No. 2002.296: Strategic Framework to Decrease the Burden of TB/HIV

By: World Health Organization
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World Health Organization : Year 2003 ; Communicable Diseases and Emerging Infectious Diseases ; Tuberculosis, No. 99.272: Tuberculosis a Manual for Medical Students

By: Donald A. Enarson
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World Health Organization : Year 2004 ; The Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases Rcs, Forum for African Medical Editors, No. 04.1 - in French: Fame ; Statuts

By: World Health Organization
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World Health Organization : Year 2004 ; The Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases Rcs, Forum for African Medical Editors, No. 04.1: Fame Constituicao

By: World Health Organization
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World Health Organization : Year 2005 ; The Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases Irm Diag Den, No. 05.1: Dengue Diagnostics ; Proceedings of a Joint TDR/World Health Organization and Pdvi Workshop

By: World Health Organization
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World Health Organization : Year 2006 ; The Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases Sdr Seb Rp, No. 06.1 - in English: Gender and Tuberculosis ; Cross-Site Analysis and Implications of a Multi-Country Study in Bangladesh, India, Malawi, and Colombia

By: Julia Kemp, Ph. D.
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World Health Organization : Report on a European Syposium Convened by the Regional Office for Europe, Veterinary Public Health, No. 73.42, (P1-P66): Guidelines on Prevention and Control of Salmonellosis

By: A. H. Linton, Dr.
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International Classification of Diseases : 2004 : Issue 9241592559: Standards for Quality HIV Care ; A Tool for Quality Assessment, Improvement, and Accreditation

By: World Health Organization
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Pan American Health Organization : Year 2004, Deadbodiesbook: Management of Dead Bodies in Disaster Situations

By: World Health Organization
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Public Health Publication : World Health Organization ; (Php) Public Health Publication, Volume 68: Competency-Based Curriculum Development in Medical Education

By: William C. Mcgaghie
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World Health Organization Publication : Year 1968 ; Issue 924154015X, (Part 2): Part II, Surveillance Operations Am) Vigilance Activities

By: World Health Organization
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World Health Organization Publication : Year 1990 ; Issue 9242561126: Les Medicaments Psychoactifs ; pour Une Meilleure Prescription

By: Hamid Ghodse
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World Health Organization Publication : Year 1991 ; Issue 9241602716: Evaluation of the Strategy for Health for All by the Year 2000

By: World Health Organization
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Records: 248901 - 248920 of 248,988 - Pages: 

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