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Entzug : Chronologie einer Sucht

By: Sr. Maris Sven Harster

Lebensweg eines Multi-Narkomanen, der funktionell abhängig die Stufen der Destruktivität der Drogenabhängigkeit durchlebt, während er die Fassade zu wahren sucht...

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Life with an Amazing God!!

By: Timothy Gopagani

This book speaks about some important miracles performed by Jesus Christ in the life of Bro. Timothy Gopagani

Why only few good things in your life..? Why not everything be fine?

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Clare of Assisi : A Living Flame of Love

By: John Desmond O'Brien

I used the image of Paul Simon's "Dangling Conversation". This expresses the way we so often fail to meet each other or God. Clare, by her openness, came to know God and in her spiritual friendship brought others into that space where they could find God and themselves. A new conversation was opened up between God and the broken....

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Valmiki Ramayana : Sundara Kanda

By: K M K Murthy; Kishore Vasudeva Kopalle

The famous Sundara Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana, an epic from India.

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5000 Praises to our God : I Will Praise Thee O Lord

By: Jacob G George

Hi Friends, A book of 5000 Praises to GOD. I have been blessed by reading this book and I want you to recive same blessing. Please read and forward to your friends and family members so that they also may recive the same blessings from GOD. May God Bless You, Please Pray for me and My family, Jacob George...

Our Web : For Copies Please contact : G Jacob George, S/O Rev G Dayanand # 1-9-69/A/1, Ramnagar, Hyderabad, Telangana(AP), India – 500020. Mobile # 91-09985117937 , 91-09177389232 E Mail ID –, ...

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The Treasure I : Internet and WWW or the Society of King Salome

By: Junior Parfait Ngouoto Moukolo

The Treasure: Internet or the Society of the King Salome. Don’t you know that Internet and WWW are the fruit of the Quantum Revolution? At the beginning are great inventors like Thomas Alva......

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My Philosophical Ideas

By: Antonio Pinto Renedo

This book represents a journey through the world through meditation.

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Online Company Formation in India : Pvt Ltd Company Registration,

By: Sir. Swarit Adviser, Performer

Get your company registration done in the shortest possible time. Contact us today. Our business services include – Pvt Ltd company registration, one person company registration, Limited Liability Partnership registration and more. Start your business today and let us handle the registration process for you. At easy prices and fast services, we are highly recommended for company registration in India. More info visit

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Prophecy Mongering: Prophecy Shall Cease

By: Ms. Rochelle A Laura

Commentary on everyone over-using 'Apocalypse' is a beginning...

This is in response to recent accusations of my beliefs. When I encountered opposition concerning a social media Pastor’s interpretation of prophetic events I was barred from commenting. There was no rudeness or profane laden rhetoric, but suggested with strong intent a new perspective and alas, was restricted. Many Pastors are not the best teachers. The author has come to the realization that some current Pastors and Bible teachers may not even be aware of what the word apokálypsis refers to the 1 “unveiling,”and that of the new nature of Jesus the Christ being a ‘star’ or the One that took on the form of a supernova burst to atone for the discovery of E=MC 2 of (Jewish scientists) 1940-48. ...

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Journey Thru America : My Quest For Peace

By: Gary L Beer

Travelling the back roads across America in a seven month, eighteen thousand mile journey brought out survival instincts and a perception of life in Gary that we all possess and rarely experience in this modern world that we live. The result is clearly written in Journey Thru America, My Quest for Peace, in which Gary describes his incredible journey in such a way that the reader experiences the excitement and travelling as if they are experiencing it themselves. Gary speaks his mind of America and American people that is controversial at times and thought provoking. ...

My journey really begins in Virginia, in the ‘Bible Belt’ of America in September 2002 living with a witch of the Wicca cult called Tigerlilly. Tigerlilly had no appearance of being a witch, being blonde and dressing in middle class American clothes. Tigerlilly drove a new metallic silver coloured Dodge car and lived in a trailer on a large trailer park a few miles from the city. By all outward appearances all appeared normal from the outside of her trailer home; with flowers and shrubs surrounding the 60 foot long white trailer. Wooden steps led up to the front door where a large black and white plastic owl stood guard from the top of a railing post. The inside of the trailer also appeared to be middle class American; the lounge was nicely decorated in wheat coloured wallpaper with patterns of dried grass. Pictures of a bearded Jesus were on every wall, tending his flock of white sheep and generally looking holy. The trailer also had 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen diner and a room that was dedicated to the worship of her gods. Fierce upright blood coloured dragons about a foot tall stood upon large shiny black columns that f...

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Sundara Kãnda: Hanuman’s Odyssey

By: BS Murthy

While Mahabharata's Bhagvad-Gita is taken as a philosophical guide, Ramayana's Sundara Kãnda is sought for spiritual solace. What is more, many believe that reading Sundara Kãnda or hearing it recited would remove all hurdles and usher in good tidings! Well miracles apart, it's in the nature of Sundara Kãnda to inculcate fortitude and generate hope in one and all. After all, isn't it a depiction of how Hanuman goes about his errand against all odds! Again, won't it portray how Seetha, on the verge of self-immolation, overcomes despair to see life in a new light? Besides, how Hanuman's Odyssey paves the way for Rama to rescue his kidnapped wife! One is bound to be charmed by the rhythm of the verse and the flow of the narrative in this sloka to sloka transcreation of Valmiki's adi kavya - the foremost poetical composition in the world. After all, it was the saga of Rama that inspired Valmiki the barbarian to spiritualize the same as Ramayana in classical Sanskrit! ...

Canto 20 - Womanizer at Work To fair Seetha he confined Spoke then Ravan in disdain. With thy pair of lovely hands Why block sight of thy bosom Hope it’s not the fear of me Prompts thee squat in like fashion. Is a beauty like thine ever And a lover than me better! What to fear in this Lanka Lost whose Lord his heart to thee. Fair it’s not for thee to blame Granted when it’s to our ilk Force we might all women we fond Never mind ever their state of mind. Crave as I for thine embrace Wait I though for thy consent. Fill thy heart with love for me Let not fear ever grip thy mind. Having known my love for thee Don’t thou know that it’s not fair That thee should fail thy upkeep And thus make me sad for thee. From heaven I fetch garments such To make thee best dressed dame on earth. For thy wear I get jewels Not even by angels worn. Thou being the crown jewel Of the feminine world at large How come then thou shun jewels! Knowing as well youth is like River that courses to the seas Why not grant me thy favour And thus make the best of life. Since there none to rival t...

This audio rendition of the encounter between Ravan and Seetha, whom he kidnapped to Lanka. as depicted in Cantos 20 thru 22 of Sundara Kãnda: Hanuman’s Odyssey. ...

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Living Without Regrets

By: Sopuruchukwu Chukwudi Okafor; Sopuruchukwu Chukwudi Okafor

This book is a guide for anyone who wishes to live a happy life which will be free of regrets.And If you are the person, do not hesitate to download this book because it will reveal to you the practical steps you are to take in order to live a happy life. Remember that this life is too short and for that reason it's not worth living in regrets...

This book will help you a lot to live a life free of regrets

Proper planning Utilizing one's opportunity Avoid making wrong choices Manage your time properly

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Absolute Evil : and other Paradoxes of Objective Ethics

By: Илья Свободин

Popular introduction to objective ethics.

Гомо-сапиенс — рациональное животное озабоченное выживанием. Ему нужны здоровье и счастье. Он читает книги о том, как быстро добиться успеха и разбогатеть. Или вообще не читает. Человек — творец, он стремится стать лучше и сделать лучше окружающий мир. Ему нужны идеалы, он ищет ответы на вечные вопросы. Эта книга для людей, а точнее для подрастающего поколения. Ее автор — создатель «обьективной этики», моральной системы предлагающей наиболее правдоподобное обьяснение мира и помогающей найти упомянутые ответы. Книга повторяет структуру авторского видеоблога — она состоит из 36 бесед, которые могут послужить чтением на досуге или, предпочтительнее, быть использованы в качестве пособия по саморазвитию. Текст каждой беседы желательно внимательно прочесть, обдумать доводы за и против, а также по возможности обсудить с кем-нибудь дабы сформировать собственное обоснованное мнение....

1 Зачем нужна мораль? 2 Что значит "хороший человек"? 3 Откуда взялась мораль? 4 "Жертвенная" мораль 5 "Героическая" мораль 6 Личный успех или общее благо? 7 Обьективная этика 8 Закономерен ли прогресс? 9а Гомо-сапиенс против человека 9б Абсолютное добро 10 Цели и время 11 Общественный договор 12 Достоинство, честь, презрение 13 В чем смысл правил? 14 Зачем живет человек? 15 Существует ли свобода (воли)? 16 Сущее и должное 17 Зачем познавать мир? 18 Истина и правда 19 Куда идет эволюция? 20 От пользы к красоте 21а Каждому свое? 21б Справедливость 22 Власть, управление, эффективность 23 Универсальные ценности 24 Надо ли любить людей? 25 Как улучшить человека? 26 Моральные сферы общества 27 Границы и люди 28 Где начало (и конец) подвига? 29 Что такое зло? 30 Причины зла 31 Личность и стадо 32 Страх 33а Борьба со злом 33б Соразмерность, ложь, компромисс 34 Этика и личное счастье 35 В поисках морального закона 36 Итоги Приложение 1. Социальный проект Приложение 2. Манифест...

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Exploration des possibilités d’émergence d’une langue maternelle unique et globale

By: Fritz Dufour, Linguiste, MBA, DESS

Ce livre est un regard sur les possibilités d'émergence d'une langue maternelle unique et universelle en prenant en compte le dénominateur commun qui caractérise toutes les langues parlées: les sons. Ce livre décrit l'acquisition du langage en termes de parole, son utilisation, et son développement ou évolution. L'hypothèse d'un monde monolingue est soutenue par de solides arguments, faits et théories. C'est une approche à la fois descriptive et prescriptive en ce sens non seulement M. Dufour dépeint le statu quo linguistique actuel, mais aussi, il prescrit un moyen de faire de notre planète une planète monolingue à travers un plan de campagne de sensibilisation détaillé et des points de vue pratiques susceptibles de nous aider à atteindre cet objectif si ces derniers sont suivis correctement. Son approche est nouvelle et est louable. C'est un ouvrage de référence, définitivement à lire, que vous soyez linguiste ou non....

Le langage est une belle chose. Il nous unit dans nos différences. C'est l'une des caractéristiques les plus incroyables des êtres humains. Il nous permet de communiquer nos pensées, nos émotions et des intentions complexes. Cette aptitude est inscrite dans notre ADN. Les humains sont dotés d'une prédisposition innée à apprendre les langues. Malgré cette prédisposition biologique, le langage a dû d'abord évoluer. Il a pris notre espèce au dépourvu. C'était comme si le premier Homo Sapiens qui a découvert sa capacité de communiquer grâce à ses cordes vocales avait crié « Eurêka ! » … Aujourd'hui, avec la mondialisation, la nécessité de communiquer rapidement et efficacement n'a jamais été aussi grande. Les nations sont encore fières de leurs langues, mais certaines gens souhaitent, ouvertement ou en leur for intérieur, qu'il puisse y avoir une langue universelle ou globale parlée par tous les êtres humains, de sorte qu'aucune partie importante de leurs messages ne soit perdue en raison d'une mauvaise communication ou la « traduction » elle-même…Compte tenu de la diversité des cultures, des différences entre les économies industrialis...

TABLE DES MATIÈRES i- Remerciements ……………………………………………………………………………4 ii- À mes chers lecteurs et amis francophones ………………………………………………5 I- INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………….6 II- MÉCHANISME ET DYNAMISME DU LANGAGE………………………………11 a. Acquisition du langage…………………………………………………………..11 i. Définition du langage et ses propriétés fondamentales…………………..12 ii. Aspect mécanique ou physique de l’acquisition du langage…………….14 iii. Aspect psychologique ou cognitif de l’acquisition du langage ou psycholinguistique……………………………………………………24 • Contribution d’Alexander Luria à la psycholinguistique………...25 • Contribution de Noam Chomsky à la psycholinguistique……….28 • Test d’aptitude en raisonnement verbal………………………….31 b. Utilisation du langage……………………………………………………………44 i. Caractéristiques de l’utilisation du langage sur le plan géolinguistique…45 • Utilisation phonétique et morphologique du langage ou typologie linguistique……………………………………………………….46 • Distribution géolinguistique des langues ou géographie des langues……………………………………………………….57 c. Évolution des langues……………………………………………………………65 i- Vues spécifiques sur l’évolution des la...

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What is Truth?: Vav Edition

By: Benjamin Lee Cooper

If you have doubts about how authentic the Bible is, or if God really had it written for us, or if you want to know how the Bible came to us, or if you have deeper curiosities about mathematics, languages that influenced the Bible, or the history relating to the Bible, then this book is for you....

What is the measuring device that says what writings get to be part of the Bible? Do individual people get to tell God “These are the writings I think should be in the Bible, and so these writings are the only thing I need to base my spiritual life on.”? Do you think God is going to accept that? Do you think we get to choose whatever instructions we want to obey from God but we can throw out whatever ones we want and say they are not part of the Bible? Do Corporations or Church denominations get to tell people “We decided that this stack of writings here on this table is all you need to obey, everything else doesn't matter for your spiritual life because we said so, and God will follow what we bind up here on earth.”? Do you think God is going to accept that? Who then gets to decide what writings or books are part of the Bible that we should use as an example to live by? Do I get to decide for everyone? No, No I don't. Who then? I believe that only Yehovah God himself gets to decide, and has decided........

Chapter 1 What is Truth? 5 Chapter 2 Parables 11 Chapter 3 Right versus Left 13 Chapter 4 The Pure Language 16 -The important Concepts 16 -Ancient Times 29 -Yehoshua comes in the flesh 55 -More Recent Times 72 -Modern Times 83 Chapter 5 The Impure Languages 87 Chapter 6 The Reformed Language 99 Chapter 7 53V3N 106 -Introduction to the Numbers 106 -The First 22 Numbers 110 -Counting to a Hundred 127 -Counting to a Thousand 130 Chapter 8 The Dark Sentences 134 Chapter 9 The Banished Son 159 Chapter 10 The Mingled Language 164 Chapter 11 The Words of Man 175 Chapter 12 The Bible Checksums 183 Chapter 13 Bible Versions 214 Chapter 14 Biblical Reflection 222 Chapter 15 Slandering the Bible 230 Chapter 16 The Cave of Reasons 236 Chapter 17 The Serpent's Counterfeits 243 Chapter 18 Terrific Doctrines 246 Chapter 19 The Sealing of the Book 258 Chapter 20 The Bible 273 Chapter 21 Earth Focus 282 Chapter 22 Conclusions 292...

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The Stranger

By: Felicity Earnshaw; Jacomien Souverijn, Illustrator

Communication among individuals, between the individual and the world around is hemmed in, and one resists the agent that might open it. Again and again, the means come to a person's attention. Another's hurt, injustice, rejection, responded to in a way different from what would be expected assist in an opening, until the prison dissolves....

A scanty sunlight falls through thin slits into the room. Its floor, walls, ceiling—stone, outside no sight of verdure, the dank earth below isolated, the piece of sky above cold, the air around desolate, the voice within untrusted— as the cry of one insane, the heart’s love disconnected by force diminutive ruling wide to raze the link of hope, poke out vision— for there to be none to lead out from deafening lies, beauty—this not— so deep the chasm, so sharp, so final the cut. ...

1. Obscurity 2. Meeting 3. The Road 4. The Stranger

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The USA, Russia, China Triangle and the Fall of the Soviet Union

By: Iakovos Alhadeff

The second half of the 20th Century was marked by the American-Soviet rivalry. During this period the Americans approached the Chinese, in order to alienate them from the Soviets, while the KGB broke the Soviet Union in order for Russia to approach Western European countries and export the huge Russian oil and natural gas reserves to the big industrial economies of Europe. Today the Europeans are afraid of Russia while the Americans are afraid of China, and the post Cold War geopolitical landscape is changing once more....

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La bestia del Baical : La Odisea Rusa (escrito en grafía moderna), Volume 1

By: Valentino

–Señores: bienvenidos. Dejaré a un lado los formalismos i expondré sin tapujos el objetivo de nuestra misión: desvelar el misterio ce rodea las desapariziones de barcos en el lago Baical, situado al sur de la Siberia. Ese será el objeto de nuestra tarea, i estos son los motivos ce nos mueven a realizarla: El Baical, cuya riceza ecolójica es extraordinaria, es, además, una de las mayores fuentes jeneradoras de riceza económica de la rejión. Desgraziadamente, en los últimos dos años, una serie de naufrajios, inexplicables, an azotado a las embarcaziones comerziales ce lo navegan, auyentando a los comerziantes, industriales e inversores, provocando con ello una depresión finanziera local ce tiene aflijido al Gobierno ruso, cien ve con tristeza un declive terrible en la captazión d´impuestos. Estando las cosas así, el Gobierno, por medio de l´Armada, a contratado los servizios de la Soziedad d´Investigaziones Marinas, para ce´l misterio sea desvelado d´una vez por todas. Todos asentimos, en verdad agradezidos por las juiziosas palabras de Xernov. »Se nos ´asignado un fondo estatal para ejecutar dixas investigaziones. I lo primero ce se...

–Bruno, vení, azercáte. Observá el radar uno. ¿Ves esos otros puntos allá, en el fondo, zerca de las formaziones de granito? ¿Los ves? Creo ce son restos de embarcaziones… –¡Eureca, Bruno! ¡Es un zementerio marino! «Bruno», escuxé por el audífono, «Soy Xernov. No entrés a la fisura. Volvéte. El sonar me indica ce una gran masa se azerca a ustedes. Esto no me gusta. ¡Esperá! El SAR me dize c´esa cosa empieza ´azender del fondo abisal. Va´zia a ustedes. ¡Lárgense d´allí en este momento, Bruno! ¡Es una orden!». «Vamos, Xernov», le contesté, «No es más ce una roca. Nosotros ya emos detectado sus movimientos por medio del sonar dos. D´exo, ya la estoi apuntando con los reflectores. No te preocupés, ombre, dejános investigar, ce ací todo marxa bien. Por zierto, dezíles a los de l´Armada ce vayan aflojando la xecera. Emos encontrado un zementerio d´embarcaziones. No tardáremos en localizar al Seejund». Segía apuntando perpendicularmente. ¡No se ve nada, Dimitri! ¡La gran roca se azerca, Bruno! ¡A zien metros! ¡Apuntá, apuntá más abajo! ¡Segí apuntando con los reflectores! Saca aora la cabina autónoma de la nave para captar mejor la imajen....

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The Pendragon : A Short Story in the Sermon of Black

By: Siris Kane; John Saltz O'Huigin

This is a sermon designed to show the true nature of righteousness and how it effects those to whom we label as outcast.

It is said by none other than, Jesus, that we are the sheep. Interestingly, a first born sheep is called a Firstling. With this I call you back to whom it was that Abel killed, it was in fact—the firstlings. So if we are the sheep, and a firstborn sheep is called a firstling, then it only stands to reason that it was, Kane (original Sumerian spelling), who was attacked by Abel....

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Drobeta Turnu Severin - Mehedinti, Romania

By: Nicolae Sfetcu

The modern town of Drobeta Turnu Severin has a relatively new history. It made its appearance on the map of Romania and on that of the world following General Pavel Kiseleff’s decree on the 22nd of April, 1833. The town got its name from the majestic remains of the Severin Fortress which used to look down the Danube and surrounding region at some ancient times. It was erected following a pre-established plan, with wide streets falling perpendicularly onto the Danube or running parallel to it. Drobeta Turnu Severin has warm summers and mild winters, meaning the city is home to magnolia trees, Caucasian nut trees, and gingko biloba as well as the almond trees, figs, lilacs, lindens, and chestnut trees more common throughout Europe. The museum of the Iron Gates Hydropower Station together with the Turbine Hall, the Vodita Monastery, as well as the St. Ann Monastery of Orsova can be easily reached from Turnu Severin. It is from this region that the wonderful area of Cazane becomes accessible both by water and by land. ,,Turnu Severin shows itself in the sunset as in the middle of a decor. Widened, the Danube cuts a curve in the Roma...

The modern town of Drobeta Turnu Severin has a relatively new history.

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