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The Williams Record

By: Student Media

...he auxiliary com- mittee, composed of M. Brown, Bradley, Ford, Soutbworth, War- ren and Wight, and the sophomore and freshmen speakers. Follow- ing th... ...for some time his paintings bore a somewhat gloomy aspeot, but af- ter his second marriage, light again brightened his vCosks until a change of circum... ... and St N. H. Sanford's news room. Entered at Willisnistown post-ofiice as second class matter. The Excelsior Printing Company North Adams, Mass. .M.4... ...cas Confectionery J. F. Haifa, Prop. Calerins'tfor All Social Occasions 12 Second Street, Troy, N. Y. BOSTON UNIVERSITY Offers Metropolitan Advantages... ...chet. " Mein- Ixirs of the underclasses, I am now to bury the hatchet of a war which was more of strategy and words than of strife and bloodshed. Cons... ...l at Farmer, N. Y'. and then studied law in Auburn, N. Y. During tho Civil War he was clerk in the otiico of the Provost Marsiial of Ilia district and... ...es had met in battle, and mere brute strength had decided the outcome. The Macedonian general, how- ever, improving the vague rules of Greek warfare, ...

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