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Terrorists and Freedom Fighters

By: Sam Vaknin

... write to: palma@unet.com.mk or to vaknin@link.com.mk Visit the Author Archive of Dr. Sam Vaknin in "Central Europe Review": http://www.ce-revi... ...tml http://samvak.tripod.com/after.html Created by: LIDIJA RANGELOVSKA REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA C O N T E N T S I. Terrorists and Freed... ...ase their claims on history - real or hastily concocted, on a common heritage, on a language shared by the members of the group and, most important... ...gated to the fringes by the inexorable march of common sense, the freedom fighters naturally gravitate towards like minded non-conformists and outc... ... to a Christian administration of the region and by permitting education in foreign languages, by foreign powers in foreign-run and owned schools. ... ...rian) were atavistic, pagan, primal and romanticist - as was the Croat. These were natural - though nefarious - reactions to dislocation, globaliza... ...tablished rural credit unions and provided credit lines to small farmers and rural processing plants. To no avail. The insecurity of this hastily f... ... Plight of the Kosovar"). The article was written in April 1998 - by which time the outline of things to come was plain. All along, the KLA prepar... ...their narcissistic "infrastructure" (their False Self) – they decompensate. I have outlined the possible psychodynamic reactions here: http://w...

...The history of four terrorist organizations in the Balkans and a general introduction to terrorism and freedom fighting. Also includes essays about religious co-existence in the Balkans and about pathological narcissism as a precursor to...

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