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Criminal Law Act 1967 (X) Sam Vaknin (X) Most Popular Books in Bratislava (X) Education (X)

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Cyclopedia of Economics

By: Sam Vaknin

... Cyclopedia Of Philosophy 4th EDITION Sam Vaknin, Ph.D. Editing and Design: Lidija Rangelovsk... ... In some countries, the obligation to save life is legally codified. But while the law of the land may create a LEGAL right and corresponding LEGAL... ...d, if so (b) in which circumstances – can be easily settled using modern contract law. Yes, a contract can be annulled and voided if signed under ... ...fied as illegal) – but that does not turn it into moral. Still, not every immoral act involving the termination of life can be classified as murde... ...iminated. Naturally, this becomes less and less so (the severity of the terminating act increases) as the process of creation advances. Classifying... ...ercise self-defense by organizing voluntarily to suppress malfeasance and put away criminals. Yet, is this not the very quiddity of the oppressive ... ...archists believe in changing society through violence. Are these anarcho-terrorists criminals or freedom fighters? If they are opposed by voluntary ... ...d its attendant bureaucratic apparatus. All this changed after the Six Days War in 1967 and, even more so, after the Yom Kippur War. Militant Messi... their ancestral territories, now firmly within the Jewish State, even in its pre-1967 borders. With regards to the hijacking of the national agen...

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Facts and Fictions in the Securities Industry

By: Sam Vaknin

... Facts and Fictions in The Securities Industry 1 st EDITION Sam Vaknin, Ph.D. Editing and Design: Lidija Rangelovsk... ...dija Rangelovska – write to: Visit the Author Archive of Dr. Sam Vaknin in "Central Europe Review": ... of such arrears and overdue payments. 5. To collaborate with legal institutions, law enforcement agencies and private collection firms in assuri... ...e fruits of illicit pursuits. The laundering of tax-evaded money or the proceeds of criminal activities, mainly drugs, is effected through regular b... ...e to the authorities - the tax administration, bank supervision, deposit insurance, law enforcement agencies, and securities and exchange commissio... ...7 and Russia in 1998 - financial institutions still bow to fads and fashions. They act herd-like in conformity with "lending trends". They shift as... ...rely a mortgage bank. The Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980 forced S&L's to achieve interest parity with commer... ...he Varieties of Corruption Corruption and Transparency Straf - Corruption in CEE The Criminality of Transition The Kleptocracies of the East The Enron... ... outside the solution should be dominated. Some games are without solution (Lucas, 1967). Auman and Maschler tried to establish what is the right ...

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Capitalistic Musings

By: Sam Vaknin

... Capitalistic Musings 1 st EDITION Sam Vaknin, Ph.D. Editing and Design: Lidija Rangelovsk... or to Visit the Author Archive of Dr. Sam Vaknin in "Central Europe Review": ...nce XXXVII. The Lessons of Transition XXXVIII. The Morality of Child Labor XXXIX. Law and Technology XL. The Author Economics - Psychology's Neg... ...dministered by some supreme, transcendental principle is restored. This sense of "law and order" is further enhanced when the theory yields predic... ... The more I have, for both are infinite. (William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, Act 2, Scene 2) Are we confronted merely with a bear market in s... ...adox: mergers provoke the competitors of the merging firms to complain. Why do they act this way? Mergers and acquisitions enhance market concentra... ...munications to implement its own technology, the DSL broadband phone line. Barring criminal behavior, there is little that oligopolies can do to de... ...ities. A succession of societies and cultures discriminated against the ignorant, criminals, atheists, females, homosexuals, members of ethnic, re... ... outside the solution should be dominated. Some games are without solution (Lucas, 1967). Auman and Maschler tried to establish what is the right...

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