Search Results (13 titles)

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2013 (X) English (X) Fantasy (X) Fiction (X)

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Pigs Don't Wear Diamonds

By: Margaret Medici

Hahn reflects on the world as it existed in 2076, before the war, and how the devastation unleashed by the war shaped the lives of the survivors. Hahn is keen that the school boy, Eugene, grasps that, while there were huge changes in technology before and after the war, the most important change was in people, and their attitude towards each other and the planet on which they lived....

Eugene’s brow furrowed. ‘You mean you could choose who died?’ ‘Oh yes.’ Hahn’s tone was matter of fact. ‘But now I venture onto the territory of state secrets! Not only were we implanted with health chips, those of us who thought we were important were implanted with tags that identified our status. This was updated in real time. So if my car was in an accident with another, and there was a possibility that one car would be so badly damaged its passengers would die, one of the decisions taken by the cars’ on-board computers would be which passenger was higher status and should have the higher chance of survival.’ Eugene looked astonished, ‘But how could that happen?’ ‘You have to remember that our computers worked at a phenomenal speed and there was plenty of time for them to check which car carried the higher status individual and redirect that car to minimize impact on them. That might involve a far worse collision for the other car and its passengers.’ Eugene shook his head. ‘Weren’t people outraged at this?’ ‘That’s where the state secret came in. No one knew this happened, apart from the agency that monitored status, and t...

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The Bound

By: JM Douglas

A low-tech fantasy novel. Follows both a group of transgender idealists planning a revolution, and the guards of the government they are working to overthrow....

“Ah, the wood Bound,” Sileas said, with a nod to the painting Corliss stood in front of. She spun, startled by the noise. “I saw it once when I was much younger,” Sileas continued. “I've never seen anything so beautiful or odd again. I had it drawn from my description.” The painting was delicately done in layers of richly pigmented oils. Not a brushstroke could be seen, and it glowed from within. A figure with emerald green skin slipped its way between trees. Its eyes were wide and dark as plums, its stomach round and swollen, its arms long and thin. ...

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The Destiny Quest Chronicles

By: Varun Vashist

Two People, Two Worlds: One Common Thread Eliska was assigned the task of protecting the last hope of her race. A warrior Princess par excellence, she never expected the Dark Forces to be so strong. In the end, she had to do the unthinkable. The world does not come to know about it, but the destiny of Eric, a normal human gets intertwined with hers. Strange things start happening around him. He starts seeing things and meeting people he had never known to exist. He has no one to help, but he has to find the answers. Will he find the reason behind the happenings? What happened to Eliska? and What the dark forces want?...

Two People, Two Worlds: One Common Thread

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Odd's Door

By: W. S. Lacey

When a woman vanished in Adelard Odd’s room, the resultant scandal closed the asylum at Quartersoake permanently. In 1925, nearly twenty years after Odd’s death, Lewis Spender and Roger North are willing to brave the room’s evil reputation in order to discover the truth. In this novel by W.S. Lacey, appalling things happen to wonderful people and at least one person goes in want of an umbrella. ...

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Harry Plotter and The Chamber of Serpents, A Potter Secret Parody : An American Muggle in Slytherin House

By: MJ Ware

A parody that mirrors the time-line of JK Rowling's Book: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Harry Potter Book 2). Though this book is a parody of book 2, it is the first book of this series....

Chapter 1 – The Sorting Hat High above, on the side of a cliff, stood the largest castle I'd ever seen—ever imagined. The windows glowed with candlelight, as the last desperate rays of light silhouetted the castle against a gray sky. I knew Britain was famous for old crumbly buildings, but this place was ridiculous. One of the teachers announced, "First years, wait here. In a moment, we'll enter the Great Hall where you'll be sorted into houses." As we waited to enter, all the talk seemed to be about was how much they didn't want to be in a house called Slipperen. "What house are you hoping to be sorted into, Austin?" Colin asked me. "Ummm." I looked at the age and general condition of the place. "One that doesn't leak." "I'm going to be in Gryffinbore. I hope." Gryffinbore, Slipperen, who thought up these names? Inside, the hall was huge, and the ceiling looked as if it was open to the sky. Candles floated above the table. I swear I could almost see invisible strings holding them up. Though quite impressive, the effect screamed fire hazard. We waited for our names to be called, then sat down on a stool in front of the e...

Chapter 1 – The Sorting Hat Chapter 2 – Platform What?! Chapter 3 – Professor Smape Chapter 4 – Lost and Found Chapter 5 – The Boy Who Lived Chapter 6 – Stood Up Chapter 7 – The Darkest Dungeon Chapter 8 – The Wand Chapter 9 – Quitlage or Die! Chapter 10 – The Plotter Posse Chapter 11 – Bubbles and the Unbreakable Vow Chapter 12 – Bubbles of Trouble Chapter 13 – The Swelling Scandal Chapter 14 – Dueling Dilemma Chapter 15 – Secret Favors Chapter 16 – Christmas Streaking Chapter 17 – Tall Tails Chapter 18 – It's the Pipes, Stupid Chapter 19 – Dumblesnore Sours Chapter 20 – Hermione's Danger Chapter 21 –The House Cup ...

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Charlotte the Pup Book 1 : The Secret of The Magical Garden

By: J. Christian

Charlotte is a two year old Shih Tzu, loved and adored by her "parents". As with all doggies, she is terrified of thunderstorms and fireworks. Go on this journey with Charlotte and she will tell you how doggies find refuge in The Magical Garden from their worldly fears. Read about how Charlotte takes her Daddy to The Magical Garden and how he is reunited with all his pups. A truly touching tale of a couple's love for their pups, their tragic experiences and the joy of reunion....

The most classic of his adventures must have been with the bull. Every evening, a cowherd would herd his bulls and cows along the road in front of the house on the way to their grazing pasture. Every time Shadow saw the cattle, he would bark non-stop until they were out of sight. Early one Sunday, Daddy and Mommy took Shadow for a walk. They walked quite a distance until they reached a lonely stretch of road with woods on one side and a pasture on the other. Daddy noticed that the cattle were already there and since he was wearing red, told Mommy that they had to turn back – and then the fun really started! Shadow suddenly noticed his least-loved enemies, the cattle. He started barking non-stop as Daddy tried unsuccessfully to shut him up. There was a bull that was closest to them that suddenly looked up into the distance as if thinking, “I know that bark!” Then, he turned his head slowly towards Daddy, Mommy and Shadow and his eyes grew huge with recognition, as if he was saying, “You! I know you!” Daddy tried to muzzle Shadow with his hands, but Shadow wouldn’t stop barking. The bull, growing angrier by the second, started d...

ONE Home TWO The Magical Garden THREE Shiloh FOUR Shadow FIVE The Cave of Shadows SIX Smokie SEVEN The Everlasting Rainbow EIGHT Brandy NINE Scooby TEN Home...

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Crowning Fantasy, Book 1

By: Mrs. Coral Linn Russell

Enter the world of Varlid, a sprawling fantasy story about power, loyalty, betrayal, and the courage to change. A great power struggle is poised to erupt across Varlid. A meek creature inherits power beyond her comprehension. A giant succumbs to a curse which will either liberate or defeat his kind. Tiny wizards practice the dark arts to save their race. The old order stews in bitterness and vows revenge. The rich sit on their thrones convinced they are invincible. Join the Crowning Fantasy as the inhabitants of Varlid struggle to find refuge and fight to save Varlid from chaos....

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A Warrior's Redemption : Book 1 of the Warrior Kind

By: Mrs. Guy Stewart Stanton III; Mary Elizabeth Stanton, Editor

When Roric was born little did he know that his family would die violently as he watched and that his world would crumble only to later find himself chained into the life of a slave forced to survive in the world of the arena where every match meant death for someone, but he survived and one day he escaped. A Warrior’s Redemption is the beginning of a family saga that starts with a boy named Roric. He lives on a distant world that is full of unrest, where disputes are settled by the sword. Little is known of how they came to this world, only that they came from a place known as Earth, in the distant past. How they came is a mystery that some want to discover again while others would gladly die to keep those secrets from ever seeing the light of day. Roric’s father tired of keeping the secrets of his ancestors, from the people of his nation, forsakes his family’s oath, and leaves to find peace in another land. Little did he know that the wickedness of the land that he settles in would kill him and all his family, except for his oldest son, Roric. Roric, embittered by seeing the death of his family, finds himself sold into slavery...

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Charlotte the Pup Book 3 - The Wannabe Wallaby: Dawgie Tales by J. Christian

By: J. Christian; J. Christian, Editor

Charlotte, the adorable Shih Tzu, has a new grooming experience and makes new friends. They go to The Magical Garden to enjoy The Lollipop Tree, The Sea of Chocolates and The Ice Cream Igloo. A new game is also born, with Wally the Wannabe Wallaby being the inspiration for it. When she is back, Charlotte and her Mommy are saved from marauding canines by her four faithful “buddyguards”, Chandler, Dobby, Chip and Bully. Charlotte’s Mommy then starts caring for them. While Charlotte and her new friends are on a play date at Joe’s, he is attacked by Stinky and The Stench, who are duly dealt with by the buddyguards, too. Truly, this is a magical tale of the magic of doggies....

Today was different, though. What had started out as innocent playtime for the bigger dogs had quite alarmingly and even more quickly descended into a cacophonous brouhaha. It turned violent equally quickly, too. Over the obstreperous snarling and barking, we heard the distressed yelping of the victims as the stronger dogs sought trophies in their clangorous battle. As the impuissant victims took flight in all directions, pursued by their assailants, Mommy scooped me up and said, “Let’s go, Charlotte. It’s not safe”. As we turned to go, we found that our path was blocked by several dogs. They were snarling at Mommy and me, probably thinking that they were going to be feasting on Shih Tzu tonight! I felt Mommy’s heart pounding, but I was too scared to turn away from our attackers. Suddenly, there was a hurried rustling in the shrubs across the path from us. My four buddyguards had seen that we were in trouble and were hurtling towards us. Dobby, athletic as always, was the first to arrive and immediately took a chunk off the right side of the neck of the Boxer. Chandler arrived a split second later and crashed into...

ONE Grooming TWO Wally THREE The Lollipop Tree FOUR The Ice Cream Igloo FIVE Basketbone SIX Buddyguards SEVEN Playtime EIGHT Stink Attack NINE Games Doggies Play TEN Home Alone ...

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By: Eliza Wyatt : Christian Leffler

"If you choose to fight, then you must choose to win." Wyrren Jadis had once been heir to a duchy, and for an afternoon she had been queen of Marla. Now she is an exile and a scholar, living on the charity of Sebastian del Torlo: ruler of Hael Malstrom and her unrequited love. Wyrren doesn’t know why anyone would be able to threaten Sebastian in his own palace, but when she sees a guest attack him during a private meeting without recompense, she’s determined to find out why....

When she was very young, Wyrren’s nannies would tell her how lucky she was to be alive. Stupid little girls like her were usually left to freeze on the Marlan ice. Back then she had lived in a set of rooms in the back of the Renideo fortress, and every so often she would be brought out in her best dress and paraded before her father and mother. Wyrren was to be silent unless she was addressed, to speak carefully when she was called to. Her frozen lips often mangled words beyond understanding, and sometimes, when she was alone in her room she would stay up all night practicing speech, trying to get the sounds right. By day she would play with her toys and listen to the adults and the things they’d said to each other, scandals and inner-palace politics, who was hated, who was admired, suppositions when she might get a normal sibling, why Duke Chyril Jadis insisted on keeping her, what things would be like when Wyrren grew older. They weren’t shy about speaking in front of her. Stupid little girls couldn’t understand gossip. Wyrren’s mother died just before she turned six. Her mother had been born a princess, and so nobles fro...

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Doubt : Among Us Trilogy, Volume 1

By: Anne-Rae Vasquez

Doubt is Book 1 of the Among Us Trilogy. Among Us is a book series which delves into the world of the supernatural and how it intersects with the everyday lives of seemingly ordinary young people as catastrophic events on earth lead to the end of times. Among Us weaves the theme of a young man and woman, who while not fully understanding their ‘abilities’, are drawn together in their desire to find out the truth about the world they live in which is similar to themes used in J.J. Abrams’ TV shows Fringe and Lost. ...

MISSION ONE ACCOMPLISHED. The next challenge was bringing in online gamers to join him on his crusade. How was he going to convince online gamers to leave the privacy of their virtual world to work with others in the real world? SERENA BENT OVER TO KISS her father good night. He barely moved, his eyes glued to his iPad, reviewing his notes from his consular meetings that day. "Good night, father.” He mumbled something that resembled ‘good night’, kissed the top of her head and returned to his notes. She straightened herself, turned and walked out of the room. Ever since the riot that devastated downtown Manila and the reports of hundreds of people who went missing a few weeks ago, her father had stayed past office hours at the consulate every night. Her thoughts raced as she walked down the hallway. Suddenly she felt a hand on her left shoulder. Parts of her wanted to start running but instead she froze in her tracks. The spicy scent of ‘Gucci pour Homme’ cologne enveloped her nostrils. She must have sprayed that scent on thousands of male customers last summer at her part time job during the ‘Shangri-la Plaza’s Back to S...

Part One Seeking the Truth Chapter 1 New York, 2008 Chapter 2 Bina Schwartz, Harry’s Mother Chapter 3 Global Nation, 2012 Chapter 4 Serena (alias Lioness) Chapter 5 Cristal (alias Mist) Chapter 6 Joanna Chan (alias Onyx) Chapter 7 Before all hell breaks loose Chapter 8 Questions that need answers Chapter 9 Who to trust Chapter 10 Earthquake or not? Chapter 11 Want some answers Chapter 12 What is this all about? Chapter 13 Kismet Part Two Nothing is what it seems Chapter 14 Land of milk and honey Chapter 15 In my head Chapter 16 Calm before the storm Chapter 17 Joanna makes plans Chapter 18 Agent is watching Chapter 19 What next? Chapter 20 Safe zone Chapter 21 This is not right Part Three If you only knew Chapter 22 In the flesh Chapter 23 Akko Chapter 24 ‘48 Chapter 25 Mind games Chapter 26 The Wall Chapter 27 Not so lucky Chapter 28 Beginning of the end Acknowledgements About the Author ...

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The Green Lady : Magical Tales from the Forest to Enchant Your Inner-Child

By: Ms. Lisa Picard

A charming and deeply spiritual book charting a journalist's search for stories of transformative encounters with the mysterious Green Lady, guardian of the forest. These heart-centred and soul-connected stories lead him to his own personal transformation, deep within the ancient, mystical forests of South Africa's Garden Route. Read this book... and be transported by magic and wonder....

“Now I would like to guide you in your quest toward better understanding of the forest. I am well aware of the questions that you have been asking yourself in this regard and today I’m going to help you to find a few answers. Firstly, I want you to realise that when you walk in the forest you are actually engaged in a conversation with the forest on many different levels. On the chemical level, you are breathing in oxygen and a multitude of microscopic compounds produced by the plants, animals and micro-organisms that live in the forest and, in return, they are taking up the carbon dioxide that you breathe out, as well as obtaining vital information about you, your diet, your stresses, your attitudes and many, many other bits of information from the molecules that you breathe out. This chemical conversation changes both you and the forest. I think you’ve noticed how you become calmer and more relaxed when walking in the forest?” I nodded my assent and the Deva continued, “Of course you are also communicating on an emotional and spiritual level with the forest. Your feelings of love and gratitude literally feed the forest, as ...

Maps Chapter 1: The Genesis of the Book Chapter 2: The Lady Chapter 3: Expression of the Authentic Self Chapter 4: Listen To Your Heart Chapter 5: The Changeling Chapter 6: The Warning Chapter 7: Peak Experience Chapter 8: Who Are You Really? Chapter 9: Writing Her into the Story Chapter 10: The Water of Life Chapter 11: Forest Fun and Games Chapter 12: The Importance of Roots Chapter 13: The Purpose of Suffering Chapter 14: The Giant Grey Ghosts of Knysna Chapter 15: All Is One Epilogue About The Author Q&A With the Author Excerpt from the Story of the Green Lady ...

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Sister's Heart

By: Martina Achterberg; Martina Achterberg, Illustrator

Sister's Heart follows the treacherous journey of the sisters Nora and Christine as they find themselves surrounded by demonic creatures, warfare, and political upheaval. Worse still, as they are caught in the middle of it all, they are forced to find a way to overthrow the demon usurper king. With next to no allies and even less help, the trials before them are terrifyingly large. But...while there is life, there is hope....

Muddler rushed as fast as he could through the muck that swilled about him. Away he ran into the darkness. The three addressed one another with solemn looks and carried on. When at last Muddler returned to the Cobbler’s Clogs, he popped out like a cork from the sewer, not bothering to shake himself free of the muck. Without pausing for an instant to catch his breath, he seized a large saddle bag and began to stuff it with food, water and other articles of importance. When he finished packing, he ran shouting throughout the tavern. “Angus! Angus where are you?” “I’m afraid he’s indisposed.” Muddler turned around and dropped the bag in shock. Behind him stood a monstrous dog grinning from ear to ear with every tooth in his head revealed. But what filled Muddler with dread was when he saw Angus lying limp at his feet. He lay on the ground so his face was hidden from Muddler, but his deathly pale hands and motionless body was enough for Muddler to realize the truth. “He was nineteen.” Muddler whimpered. “He was a miserable weakling at best, bumbling and pathetic to the end.” “Yet bold enough to serve empty-headed drunkards like ...

Chapter 1 - Once Upon a History Chapter 2 - Visitor in the Night Chapter 3 - Unwanted Guests Chapter 4 - Deadly Changes Chapter 5 - Will-o'-the-Wisp Chapter 6 - Pass of the Phoenix Chapter 7 - In the Presence of Beasts Chapter 8 - Trial and Error Chapter 9 - What Became of that Night Chapter 10 - An Unpleasant Fate Chapter 11 - Key Things Chapter 12 - New Problems Chapter 13 - A Bird's Eye View Chapter 14 - Proceeding through Suden Chapter 15 - A Hellish Welcome Chapter 16 - Entering the Castle Chapter 17 - Chaf Chapter 18 - Methods of Persuasion Chapter 19 - A Farewell to Muddler Chapter 20 - The Secret Destroyed Chapter 21 - The People Decide Chapter 22 - Chaf is Seen Chapter 23 - Endings Met...

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