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Jude Law (X) English (X) Sociology (X) Science (X) Literature (X)

Records: 1 - 2 of 2 - Pages: 
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Bride of Lammermoor

By: Sir Walter Scott

...ies. But as he finds an account of the circumstances given in the Notes to Law’s Memorials, by his ingenious friend, Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe, Esq.,... ...pertinacity equal to his own. She particu- larly insisted on the Levitical law, which declares that a woman shall be free of a vow which her parents d... ...r rank; and strange things sometimes took place there, into which even the law did not scrupulously inquire. The credulous Mr. Law says, generally, th... His hypothesis is inconsistent with the account given in the note upon Law’s Memorials, but easily reconcil- able to the family tradition. In all ... ...onest in commerce, Just in his dealings, being much adverse From quirks of law, still ready to refer His cause t’ an honest country arbiter. He was ac... ...ter Scott Stay, let me see my calendar: the twentieth day from this is St. Jude’s, and the day before I must be at Caverton Edge, to see the match bet... ...nce,” as she said, with a keen glance reverting towards Lucy, “against St. Jude’s day, we must all be ready to sign and seal.” “T o sign and seal!” ec... soon to be engulfed. Week crept away after week, and day after day. St. Jude’s day arrived, the last and protracted term to which Lucy had limited ... ...’s appear below, As light and slender as her jessamines grow. —Crabbe. ST. JUDE’S DAY came, the term assigned by Lucy herself as the furthest date of ...

...might possibly be unpleasing to the feelings of the descendants of the parties. But as he finds an account of the circumstances given in the Notes to Law?s Memorials, by his ingenious friend, Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe, Esq., and also indicated in his reprint of the Rev. Mr. Symson?s poems appended to the Large Description of Galloway, as the original of the Bride of Lamme...

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Sartor Resartus the Life and Opinions of Herr Teufelsdr Ockh

By: Thomas Carlyle eye witness of distant transactions and scenes, they called him the Ewige Jude, Everlasting, or as we say, Wandering Jew. REMINISCENCES 13 To the ... ...sopher explain, not why I wear such and such a Garment, obey such and such a Law; but even why I am here, to wear and obey anything!— Much, therefore,..., has become obsolete, and were now a foreigner to his Europe. Thus is the Law of Progress secured; and in Clothes, as in all other external things ... ...t he too a Defender of Property, and Sovereign armed with the terrors of the Law?), to a certain royal Immunity and Inviolability; which, however, mis... ...twagen could be other than some terrestrial Moon, rising and setting by mere Law of Nature, like the heavenly one; that it came on made highways, from... ...though in dreary enough humor, to be addressing himself to the Profession of Law;— whereof, indeed, the world has since seen him a public graduate. Bu... ...usic of Wisdom, succeeded in civilizing Man? Our highest Or pheus walked in Judea, eighteen hundred years ago: his sphere melody, flowing in wild nati...

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Records: 1 - 2 of 2 - Pages: 

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