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An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations

By: Adam Smith

...h the medium of other countries, goods to it of their own produce, such as Austrian Flanders, and some provinces of Germany, which, through the medium... ...ere those which, in later times, the Swiss militia gained over that of the Austrians and Burgundians. The military force of the German and Scythian na... ...ks greatly to overbalance our imports, to the unspeakable comfort of those politicians, who mea- sure the national prosperity by what they call the ba... ...ed in many other countries, particularly in the 746 The Wealth of Nations Austrian and Prussian dominions, and in the greater part of the states of I... ... trade to the West Indies would, by a certain spe- 781 Adam Smith cies of politicians, be considered as extremely disadvantageous. But it so happens,...

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