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The Wife and Other Stories

By: Anton Tchekhov

...ity The Pennsylvania State University is an equal opportunity university. Contents THE WIFE............................................................. ...s to do with it? How could it have happened that they had become a bone of contention between us? It was just as though pursu- ing one another we had ... ...operty, and give it away to any one you like. I am at peace, Natalie, I am content.… I am at peace.” My wife, looking intently and with curiosity into... ... she had sullied her- self all over from head to foot in something filthy, sticky, which one could never wash off.… “Oh, how fearfully false I’ve been... of general hypnotism. There ought to be behind the door of every happy, contented man some one standing with a hammer continually reminding him wit... ...ree — and all goes well. “That night I realized that I, too, was happy and contented,” Ivan Ivanovitch went on, getting up. “I, too, at dinner and at ...

...Contents THE WIFE........................................................................................................................................ 4 DIFFICULT PEOPLE........................................................

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The Georgics

By: Virgil

...ersity The Pennsylvania State University is an equal opportunity University. Contents THE GEORGICS....................................................... ...nfines of their home Plant firm the comb’s first layer, Narcissus’ tear, And sticky gum oozed from the bark of trees, Then set the clinging wax to han... ... not fear Daphnis to challenge, though yourself were judge. Ah! were you but content with me to dwell. Some lowly cot in the rough fields our home, Sh...

...Contents THE GEORGICS............................................................................3 GEORGIC I.....................................................................................3 GEORGIC II.......................

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The Divine Comedy Volume 1 Hell

By: Dante Aligheri

...ity The Pennsylvania State University is an equal opportunity university. Contents Contents Contents Contents Contents INTR INTR INTR INTR INTRODUCTI... ... who each proclaim the second death. And then thou shalt see those who are contented in the fire, because they hope to come, whenever it may be, to th... ... reason why such great discord has assailed it.” And he to me, “After long contention they will come to blood, and the savage party will chase out the... ...ith both feet. I believe, forsooth, that it had pleased my Leader, with so contented look be listened ever to the sound of the true words uttered. The... it wonderfully dark. As in the Arsenal of the Venetians, in winter, the sticky pitch for smearing their unsound vessels is boiling, because they ca...

...Contents INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................7 AIDS TO THE STUDY OF THE DIVINE COMEDY ....................................................

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The Enormous Room

By: E. E. Cummings

...which contemplates me. A glaze of greenish grease seals the mystery of its content, I induce two fingers to penetrate the seal. They bring me up a fla... ...oughtful, solemn, uncooked bean. T o pour the water off (it is warmish and sticky) without com- mitting a nuisance is to lift the cover off Ça Pue. I ... I now regarded with com- plete friendliness; the new moon was unclosing sticky wings in dusk, a far noise from near things. I sang a song the “dirt... ... shoulders followed by a whis- per in the ear of the city thug. The latter contented himself with “Ha-aaa”—plus a look at me which was meant to wipe m... ...embling with this chaos, my hand sought the cup. The cup was not warm; the contents, which I hastily gulped, were not even tepid. The taste was dull, ... ...s was of a dark colour, obviously owing to the continual overflow of their contents. The right-hand long wall contained something like ten large windo... ...e crying “Wie gehts!” and cracking him on his huge back. Such an animal! A contented animal, a bulbous animal; the only living hip- popotamus in capti...

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At the End of the Winter, In the Shtcherbatskys House

By: Leo Tolstoy, Graf

...mption, with so little to show for it, but, in spite of that, the form and contents of the speech before him shaped itself as clearly and distinctly i... this was ever so much simpler, and that now both of them were happy and contented. But this dream weighed on her like a nightmare, and she awoke fr... ...p its tiny blades; the buds of the guelder-rose and of the currant and the sticky birch-buds were swollen with sap, and an exploring bee was humming a... ...e and dazzled his eyes, and tread- ing one minute on ice and the next into sticky mud. Spring is the time of plans and projects. And, as he came out i... ...all have half a rouble for every acre.” “Humbly thankful. We are very well content, sir, as it is.” Levin got on his horse and rode towards the field ...

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Princess Shtcherbatskaya Considered That It Was Out of the Question for the Wedding to Take Place before Lent

By: Leo Tolstoy, Graf

... which he had known nothing before, and of freedom in his love,—and he was content, but not for long. He was soon aware that there was springing up in... ...d at his approach, only to catch the faint movement of the mouth under the sticky mus- tache, to realize the terrible truth that this death-like body ... .... Anna” Everything in this letter exasperated Countess Lidia Ivanovna: its contents and the allusion to magnanimity, and especially its free and easy—...

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War and Peace

By: Leo Tolstoy, Graf

... a chance to say quicker in words what he wanted to write, told Rostov the contents of his letter. “Y ou see, my fwiend,” he said, “we sleep when we d... ...en cheeks, and listless tired expressions, and feet that moved through the sticky mud that covered the planks of the bridge. Sometimes through the mon... ...others; but just at the bridge, not looking at the ground, he came on some sticky, trodden mud, stumbled, and fell on his hands. The others out- strip...

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Happy Families Are All Alike; Every Unhappy Family Is Unhappy in Its Own Way

By: Leo Tolstoy, Graf

.... “And how well things were going up till now! how well we got on! She was contented and happy in her children; I never interfered with her in any- th... ...ed his figure that beamed with health and freshness. “Yes, he is happy and content!” she thought; “while I.... And that dis- gusting good nature, whic... ...have deigned to look me up in this den?” said Stepan Arkadyevitch, and not content with shaking hands, he kissed his friend. “Have you been here long?... ...the Shtcherbatskys’?” “Home,” answered Vronsky. “I must own I felt so well content yesterday after the Shtcherbatskys’ that I didn’t care to go anywhe... ...fulness of my position?” Dolly resumed. “Not the slightest! He’s happy and contented.” “Oh, no!” Anna interposed quickly. “He’s to be pitied, he’s wei... ...factory, she opened her mouth a little, smacked her lips, and settling her sticky lips more comfortably about her old teeth, she sank into blissful re...

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Three Soldiers

By: John Dos Passos

...ang as the thumping of wheels over rails grew faster. Fuselli looked about contentedly at the company sprawling over their packs and equipment in the ... ...feet on the floor. A stout girl with red cheeks and plump white arms moved contentedly among them, carrying away empty bottles, bringing back full one... ...ile men about him asked him questions. Gradually he began to feel full and content, and a desire to sleep came over him. But he was given a gun, and h... ...soft and cool. He pressed his cheek on the pillow and felt himself smiling contentedly, he did not know why. The Queen of Sheba carried a parasol with... ...nd drink deep, while Major Peabody keeps his court in Dijon to his heart’s content.” Spurs jingled as the three officers went out. A fierce dis- gust ... ...d as vague dark blurs in the confused dawnlight. His body felt flushed and sticky from a night spent huddled in the warm fetid air of an over- crowded... ...e and swell in his veins as the new life was grumbling and swelling in the sticky buds of the trees, in the tender green quick under their rough bark,... ...n the platform without touching each other. Their fingers were stained and sticky from touching buds and crushing young sappy leaves and grass stalks....

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Madame Bovary

By: Gustave Flaubert

... slippers. And this was the groom in knee-britches with whom she had to be content! His work done, he did not come back again all day , for Charles on... ...they must be economical since they were not rich, adding that she was very contented, very happy , that T ostes pleased her very much, with other spee... ... on the ground between pyramids of eggs and hampers of cheeses, from which sticky straw stuck out. Near the corn-machines clucking hens passed their n...,’ which often of- fended against the laws of decency.” The ecclesiastic contented himself with uttering a groan, and the chemist went on— “It’s lik... ... nights, always full of people, noise, and feeding, whose black tables are sticky with coffee and brandy, the thick windows made yellow by the flies, ...

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The Brothers Karamazov

By: Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

... faith in immortality?” the elder asked Ivan suddenly . “Y es. That was my contention. There is no virtue if there is no immortality.” “Y ou are bless... ...gic. Though I may not believe in the order of the universe, yet I love the sticky little leaves as they open in spring. I love the blue sky, I love so... ...I shall be happy in my tears, I shall steep my soul in emotion. I love the sticky leaves in spring, the blue sky— that’s all it is. It’s not a matter ... ...e on to thirty, and then… dash the cup to the ground!” “But the little sticky leaves, and the precious tombs, and the blue sky, and the woman you ... ...sha,” Ivan began in a resolute voice, “if I am really able to care for the sticky little leaves I shall only love them, remembering you. It’ s enough ... ...s. I will only say that this business took a whole hour, but Ivan was well content with it. His mind wandered and worked incessantly . “If I had n... ... Dostoevsky care, so long as I am all right,’ and he was all right; he was content, he was eager to go on living in the same way for another twenty or... in everything. Oh, give him every possible good in life (he couldn’t be content with less), and put no obstacle in his way, and he will show that h...

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By: Mrs. Louis Maude white hands over the embroi- dered collar of his uniform. “He is always contented and merry while I am suffering.” The secretary came in and brough... ...“1. The right lung and the heart (contained in a 6-lb. glass jar). “2. The contents of the stomach (in a 6-lb. glass jar). “3. The stomach itself (in ... ...Nekhludoff. Kolosoff went on in a loud voice and lively manner to give the contents of the article against trial by jury which had aroused his indigna... ... cousin, Michael Sergeivitch, endorsed all his statements, and related the contents of another article in the same paper. Missy was, as usual, very di... ...d very fast, and then sang them turn and turn about with the convicts. The contents of the prayers were chiefly the desire for the welfare of the Empe... ...ll on the spot, but he could hear the heavy boots wading through the deep, sticky slush. After passing the open place in front of the church and the l...

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Thus Spake Zarathustra

By: Friedrich Nietzsche

...rsity The Pennsylvania State University is an equal opportunity university. Contents INTRODUCTION BY MRS FORSTER-NIETZSCHE ............................. ...d—alas! that nothing will now any longer satisfy us!— “How could we still be content with the man of the present day after such outlooks, and with suc... ...presented a copy of it, he pledged to the strict- est secrecy concerning its contents. He often thought of making this fourth part public also, but do... ...pit on the city of compressed souls and slender breasts, of pointed eyes and sticky fingers— —On the city of the obtrusive, the brazen-faced, the pen-... ...gliest man, “what think ye? For the sake of this day—I am for the first time content to have lived mine entire life. And that I testify so much is sti... ...IX., Part III.). Chapter LXXI. The Greeting HERE I THINK I may claim that my contention in regard to the purpose and aim of the whole of Nietzsche’s p...

...Contents INTRODUCTION BY MRS FORSTER-NIETZSCHE .................................................................................................. 7 FIRST PART: ZARATHUSTRA?S DISCOURSES............................................

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War and Peace

By: Leo Tolstoy, Graf

...he forest it was almost hot, no wind could be felt. The birches with their sticky green leaves were motionless, and lilac-colored flowers and the firs... ...was not for him to begin anything anew—but that he must live out his life, content to do no harm, and not disturbing himself or desiring anything. 6 ... ...slim pretty girl did not know, or wish to know, of his exist- ence and was contented and cheerful in her own separate— probably foolish-but bright and... ...r the conversation did not cease for a moment and seemed to consist of the contents of a book of funny anec- dotes. Before Magnitski had finished his ...

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War and Peace

By: Leo Tolstoy, Graf

...e understood that for him the storm had blown over, and that Kutuzov would content himself with that hint. “He’s having a little fun at my expense,” s... ...hanged horses twice and galloped twenty miles in an hour and a half over a sticky, muddy road, Bolkhovitinov reached Litashevka after one o’clock at n...

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War and Peace

By: Leo Tolstoy, Graf

...f the word would effectively prove to Prince V asili the invalidity of his contention. “W ell, really, Catiche! Can’t you understand! Y ou are so inte... ...the portfolio. Anna Mikhaylovna, stooping, quickly caught up the object of contention and ran into the bedroom. The eldest princess and Prince V asili... ...eling except ven- eration could such a man as my father evoke? And I am so contented and happy with him. I only wish you were all as happy as I am.” H... ...en cheeks, and listless tired expressions, and feet that moved through the sticky mud that covered the planks of the bridge. Sometimes through the mon... ...others; but just at the bridge, not looking at the ground, he came on some sticky , trodden mud, stumbled, and fell on his hands. The others outstripp... ...a better husband one would think could hardly be found nowadays—but is she contented with her lot? And who would marry Marie for love? Plain and awkwa... ...quarter of an hour later the old count came in from his Club, cheerful and contented. Nicho- las, hearing him drive up, went to meet him. “W ell—had a... ...he forest it was almost hot, no wind could be felt. The birches with their sticky green leaves were motionless, and lilac-colored flowers and the firs... ...nged horses twice and gal- loped twenty miles in an hour and a half over a sticky, muddy road, Bolkhovitinov reached Litashevka after one o’clock at n...

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Man and Superman a Comedy and a Philosophy

By: George Bernard Shaw

...hat repentance can be postponed until he has amused himself to his heart’s content. But the lesson intended by an author is hardly ever the lesson the... ...ties. He wears the only tall hat visible: it shines in the sunset with the sticky glow of some sixpenny patent hat reviver, often applied and constant... ... controlled by her bodily, and too imaginative and mentally vigorous to be content with mere self-reproduction. He has created civilization without co... ...about getting a brain. Why should it want to understand itself? Why not be content to enjoy itself? DON JUAN. Without a brain, Commander, you would en... ...g it, and so lose all the fun. THE STATUE. True, most true. But I am quite content with brain enough to know that I’m enjoying myself. I don’t want to... ... somehow. You are very foolish about women. OCTAVIUS. [almost coldly] I am content to be what I am in that respect. ANN. Then you must keep away from ...

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