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Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant

By: Ulysses S. Grant

...rtunate could go by Cape Horn or by the Isthmus of Panama; but the mass of pioneers crossed the plains with their ox-teams. This took an entire summer... ... in the “divinity” of hu- man slavery, as there are now people who believe Mormon- ism and Polygamy to be ordained by the Most High. We forgive them f... ...ority for feed- ing them unless they were employed as teamsters, cooks and pioneers with the army; but only able-bodied young men were suitable for su... ...he labor of building the batteries and intrenching was largely done by the pioneers, assisted by negroes who came within our lines and who were paid f... ...rienced railroad builder. He had no tools to work with except those of the pioneers—axes, picks, and spades. With these he was able to intrench his me... ... It was seen that the volunteers of the Mexican war largely com- posed the pioneers to settle up the Pacific coast country. Their numbers, however, we...

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